Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1185: The weak and the strong

In this way, the age of the chief consul may be more than 300 years old.

Because it was more than three hundred years ago that humans came out of the dark age that lasted for hundreds of years. As people who have experienced the dark age personally, how can they be young?

As a human being, he has a life span of more than three hundred years, which is incredible in the human world with an average of only 70 years old.

However, if you think about it a little bit, it is incredible, but it is a matter of course.

As the founder of the Martial Arts Academy, she herself is the strongest martial artist, and as a martial artist who has reached the top, the increase in physical fitness will greatly increase her life expectancy. Although she will not live forever, she still lives for hundreds of years. There is no problem.

I think too much...

Putting away the distracting thoughts in his heart, Li Meng made a decision in his heart.

Since there is the background of the great consul "Wang Yanmei", the "Void Talk Auction House" is naturally the most ideal choice.

With a faint smile, Li Meng turned his head to Chen Yan and said, "Yan'er! Come with me to the virtual speech auction tomorrow."

Having said that, Chen Qi and his daughter certainly knew that the master had made a choice.

Nodding lightly, facing the master's gaze, Chen Yan softly replied, "Hmm!"

After receiving a response, Li Meng withdrew his gaze from Chen Yan, looked at Chen Qi again, and said, "This time I came to Kyoto as a private person, not a special envoy of the First Army, nor a commander. It’s just a businessman. If you can try to avoid revealing your identity, you don’t need to care about anything. Just do your own thing as you usually do."

Speaking of this, Li Meng glanced at Chen Yan beside him, and said to Chen Qi: "You father and daughter have been separated for so long, so there should be a lot to say, I won't bother."

After speaking, Li Meng stood up.

When leaving, Li Meng didn't say much, but just glanced at Chen Yan and left the reception room.

Chen Qi didn't say much about the master's departure, and quickly stood up and sent the master away.

Just as the owner said, Chen Qi at this moment has a lot to say to his daughter.

Not only private affairs, but also official affairs.

The signal is not connected, and Chen Qi has limited knowledge of things outside of Kyoto.

He must learn from his daughter the development of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce in Nanlin Island and the state of Bentley.

When Li Meng's figure disappeared outside the door, only Chen Qi and his daughter were left in the reception room.

When Li Meng left, Chen Yan was still sitting, but when facing Chen Qi, she appeared a little restrained. She put her hands on her knees and lowered her head, as if she was about to be scolded.

Looking at his daughter, Chen Qi's expression was very calm.

In his mind, Chen Yan is his daughter, but also his descendant. Between daughters and descendants, he prefers the latter. Why?

Because a ghoul is a dead person, although it retains human emotions, it is an illusion. What it retains is not the real emotions, but the exquisite human heart. With this heart, ghouls should laugh like humans. When I laugh, I have a rich expression and seem to be as active as a human being.

But this does not mean that ghouls have real human feelings.

Family affection, love, friendship, these kinds of true affection, Li Meng's family members, including the ghouls, have never had.

Take Chen Qi and Chen Yan for example. Although they are father and daughter, their affection has long since disappeared.

The word father is just a name, and the relationship between the two is more like that of superiors and superiors than father and daughter.

However, although the dead race has no emotion, "love" does exist.

what is love?

Love is a kind of admiration, a kind of caring.

Among Li Meng's family, almost all the dead admire Li Meng.

Because Li Meng is their creator, they will naturally have a sense of intimacy and blindly follow Li Meng's master. It can be said that they live for Li Meng and exist for Li Meng.

This is "love" and it is also an alternative "love". This kind of love may not be recognized by humans, but in Li Meng's view, this kind of love is more pure than any emotion.

Since controlling the power of death, Li Meng has kept the original body as much as possible for the recovery of the dead, that is, more like a human form. Why?

Because the dead are the dead after all. If the devil is the side of the chaos camp and the evil, and the human beings are on the bright side, then the dead are on the dark side.

When there is light, there is darkness, and vice versa. Light and darkness are inseparable, and both coexist.

The dead may not be able to fully represent darkness, but they are indeed attached to and depend on human beings.

Because the dead were born in humans, the two coexist, one is stronger, and the other is stronger.

It is precisely because of this that Li Meng never thought of replacing mankind, but instead he was single-minded to lead mankind to a powerful and prosperous era.

Because Li Meng knew very well that only when humans were strong, could he have an invincible death army.

The endless starry sky is not safe. In the distant ages, human beings have also prospered, with footprints all over the galaxy, the members of the clan are more than billions of trillions, but the threat from the starry sky has never disappeared, and the hearts of non-my races must be different. , Isn’t the endless universe a **** arena where the strong survive, and the weak can only be destroyed.

Nowadays, in the galaxy, human beings are almost facing extinction. To restore the glory of the past, there must be an absolute power.

This kind of power Li Meng has seen in the dead. Li Meng believes and is willing to believe. Believing in the dead is an important opportunity for human rejuvenation.

"You and the master..."

The words were not finished, and Chen Qi's tone changed in the middle.

As if he had figured it out, he sighed and said softly: "That's good, the ghouls are not loved by the master. I think the master likes you very much. If you can stay with the master, you can also Fight for my ghoul family. From now on, you can put aside the business of the Chamber of Commerce. I will choose another person to deal with it. You can serve the master with peace of mind.

"This one……"

Chen Yan raised her head, looked at her father and shook her head, and said: "Father! There is no shortage of waiters around the master. Anyone in the guard is more beautiful and more attractive than me. If I stay with the master, I will only Will become the most ordinary waiter in the guards. The master values ​​me not only because of my charm, but also my ability to manage the chamber of commerce. As long as the chamber of commerce can grow in my hands, the master will be absolutely satisfied. Ghoul A family will not be ignored by the master. In the master's heart, I will always be the most special one. This is not only the master’s family, but also the master’s woman."

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