Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1199: Wang Mei

Under the black veil, her indifferent voice sounded.

"The statue of the Devil God cannot be left out. If it falls into the hands of someone with a heart, it will be a catastrophe for mankind. Have you forgotten the end of the 13th Acropolis?"

Since mankind entered the Dark Age, traces of demons have appeared.

No one knows why they appeared and when they appeared.

For hundreds of years, human beings have always been indispensable in their difficult survival.

While bringing disasters to mankind, it also brought something called "power" to mankind.

They are powerful, bloodthirsty, have a hideous appearance, and are synonymous with evil.

Humans are afraid of them, and they are also afraid of them, and no one knows their terrible.

Because of her words, the old man was silent.

Although Acropolis No. 13 is an outer capital, the destruction of a capital is extremely distressing.

Regarding the incident, the old man had personally experienced it, and he was unforgettable about the incident.

Because of that change, the reunification of Kyoto has become a luxury.

In order to prevent the thousands of demons in Acropolis No. 13 from rushing out of the cage, Kyoto had to use most of its power to blockade Acropolis No. 13. After so many years, Acropolis No. 13 became the largest in Kyoto. Heart disease, heart disease is not eliminated, Kyoto will never have a future at all.

As if thinking of something, the old man said uncertainly: "The palace lord meant..."

Moving slightly, she got up from the seat, and the words under the black veil immediately sounded.

"Come on, I want to see these two guests too."

The old man nodded clearly, so no matter how to deal with it, the palace owner must decide the matter himself.


who is she?

While waiting, Li Meng finally waited for a result.

In the sound of slight footsteps, two people entered the VIP room.

One is the master appraiser, and the other is a mysterious woman in a gorgeous black dress and a veil.


Li Meng noticed them from the moment they entered the VIP room.

Although Li Meng's mental power has not fully recovered, it does not prevent some simple use.

From that mysterious woman, Li Meng felt an unusual breath.

Although this breath is strong, it carries a trace of silence.

The breath of silence is like an old man who runs out of oil and is about to face death.

Opposite Li Meng, she sat down, her slender legs interlaced, looking very elegant.

Looking at her, Li Meng muttered in his heart.

Although the face of the woman in front of her can't be seen clearly, she should be a very old woman.

Because in her body, Li Meng felt the breath of death, that is to say, her life span was short.

When Li Meng looked at her, she was also looking at Li Meng under the veil.

Ordinary appearance, thin body, everything is ordinary.

The only thing that is unusual is probably his strange eyes.

When she was watched by him, she actually had a feeling of being seen through her whole body, which made her a little weird and a little surprised.

And her, the beautiful woman beside him.

She is very beautiful, with long black hair like hers. Sitting next to him, she looks very quiet, sitting very well, and looking at her curiously.

From her body, she felt a kind of power, a kind of power around the corner.

As a mindful person, she never doubted her keen perception.

After looking at each other for a short time, under the black veil, she first said: "My name is Wang Mei, and I am the manager of the Xuyu Auction House. Regarding the auction of the statue of the Demon God, I will take care of this matter."

The voice was light and soft, which surprised Li Meng very much.

Li Meng originally thought that the woman in front of her should be very old, but she didn't expect her voice to be so young, gentle, light, and mature.

This made Li Meng very curious about her under the veil, much like knowing what kind of face she was under the veil.

Although he was surprised, Li Meng didn't show up on his face.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said casually: "Your auction house probably has no rules for inquiring about the identity of guests."

The meaning of this is already very clear.

"Of course, Your Excellency is the most clear identity here, and the Vanquish Auction House will not do superfluous things."

Under the veil, she answered very clearly, her voice was still so light, without any emotional fluctuations.

This answer made Li Meng very satisfied, at least the person in front of him abide by the biggest rules of the industry.

Looking back, Li Meng gestured to Chen Yan.

In the master's gesture, Chen Yan clearly picked up the box placed aside, opened it on the tea table, and pushed it in front of Wang Mei.

Looking at Wang Mei sitting elegantly on the sofa, Li Meng said clearly: "My purpose is very simple, is to auction these four demon statues. As for other things, I don't want to know or participate. All I want is " Crystal coins"."

Demon statues are not mortal things, the auction will definitely be hindered, and there will be many unexpected things.

Li Meng does not want to participate in these troubles.

Wang Mei did not immediately answer Li Meng's words. She took out a statue from the box and placed it in her hand to examine it carefully.

"So strong mental power, this is..."

Under the veil, Wang Mei stared at the statue in her hand in a daze.

As a mindful person, Wang Mei can sense things that ordinary people cannot see.

That is the AT position of sealing the statue of the devil.

The so-called AT position is a mental shield, which has the characteristics of "nothing" and "all things" and can resist any material.

The mental power can control things, and the fundamental principle lies in mental power.

The stronger the mental power, the heavier objects can be controlled and the greater the perception distance.

The strength of the AT position of the seal of the Demon God statue was never seen before by Wang Mei.

As the first batch of born minders, she has absolute self-confidence in the field of spiritual power.

But now, her self-confidence was completely broken, because she found that in the field of mental power, someone was stronger than her, so powerful that she could not imagine.

is it possible?

Wang Mei couldn't believe it. For many years, she has never stopped exercising her spirit. She has been working hard until now to reach the current height.

But she discovered that before her peak, there was a higher, almost impossible to climb. How could she believe this?

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