Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1209: legend

Why does Li Meng say that?

Because among the four evil gods, only Li Meng, a believer of the evil **** Saris, has never seen it, and he doesn't know what form it is.

I haven't seen it, of course, I think it is a weak existence.

The demons on the Southern Continent are followers of the God of War Terrorist, the floating ball demon, even the First Legion is quite tricky to deal with, how can the Expeditionary Army be the opponent.

Chen Yan did not dare to be interested in war, and the value of the existence of the ghouls was not on the battlefield.

With a faint smile, Chen Yan said softly: "They may put their hope on the East Asian countries. If East Asian countries are very interested in regaining the southern continent and are willing to send troops to help, there may be real hope. Unfortunately, all East Asian countries With his own abacus, he will not waste his power on enclaves thousands of miles away."

Speaking of this, Chen Yan paused, and continued: "In the final analysis, it is still due to the issue of "interests" disputes. The Southern Continent has been isolated from the world for hundreds of years. Under the baptism of years, this continent has long become a masterless. As far as human countries are concerned, before this war begins, we must first consider the partition of the fruits. It now appears that although the ecclesiastical empire is the initiator of the war of recovery, its appetite is still a bit bigger, otherwise, The problem of the expeditionary force has long been resolved."

Chen Yan's words made Li Meng thoughtful.

In this way, on the issue of the southern continent, the ecclesiastical empire is acting as its host and guest.

Why is it so?

Li Meng also knows one or two reasons.

More than a hundred years ago, when the Yunan Continent fell, many fugitives fled their hometowns by sea ships, crossed the oceans, and scattered all over the world.

Some people fled to the mainland of Austria, some fled to the American continent, and more fled to Alcatraz Island, which is the closest to the southern continent, where the holy city "Sriellin" is located.

Because this outpost defensive fortress was built by the Expeditionary Army supporting the Southern Continent of the Cultist Empire at that time, the Cultist Empire undoubtedly has a high level of authority in the Sylil Forest.

After more than a hundred years of attrition, although Sri Erlin is nominally part of the cult empire, the real power has been in the hands of the remnants from the southern continent.

With this level of relationship, on the issue of the southern continent, the cult empire will of course regard itself as the host and guest, and the transfer of interests is very eloquent.

The thoughts in his mind paused, Li Meng picked up the tableware on the table again and continued to use the meal.

Although his hands moved slowly, Li Meng was thinking in his heart.

Many things have happened recently, and many things have something to do with the devil.

In the past, Li Meng believed that the threat to the devil was very remote.

But with the rapid development of the First Legion, the territory is getting bigger and bigger, and the devil is a headache, and the First Legion finally encountered it.

Li Meng had a hunch that the fall of Sri Erlin would cause a great turmoil.

Li Meng will not be afraid of the upcoming unrest, nor will he have the emotion of "fear".

Because this turmoil is not necessarily a bad thing for the First Army.

Why do you say that?

Although the current First Army needs a peaceful period of time to develop and digest the fruits of victory, it can also implement the plan of fighting to support war if it has to.

There are risks and disadvantages, but compared to the rich harvest, a little loss is worth it.

What to do, what can be done, is still unable to set the direction.

Because the wind direction in Kyoto is still very fuzzy, once the wind direction becomes clear, the First Army will start to move.

At this time, Chen Yan said again: "Master! The Heroes Association has given Arran an order. Tomorrow she will represent the Heroes Association to invite the master to participate in the upcoming exorcism meeting."

For this news, Li Meng did not have much surprise.

Li Meng hadn't forgotten the words of the person from the Xiyu Auction House yesterday.

I have to say that she is really efficient, so she informed the Heroes Association so quickly.

A few months ago, Arran returned to Kyoto and returned to the life that a hero should have.

As for who in the entire Heroes Association should be more familiar with Li Meng, Arran would do her part.

This diplomatic ambassador is none other than Arran.

After eating the last bite of meat porridge in the spoon, Li Meng finished the meal.

While rubbing the corners of his mouth with a napkin, Li Meng said, "With her, this trip to the Heroes Association should be a lot easier."

Speaking of Yalan, Li Meng remembered the familiar and unfamiliar slim figure in his heart.

Said she was familiar, because Li Meng knew her and knew her, and said it was strange, because Li Meng had not met her several times from beginning to end.

Female martial artists are very temperamental, but as a hero, Arran has better temperament, which is very attractive to any male, and Li Meng is naturally no exception.

This is not Li Meng's heart, it's like a very delicate flower, why not appreciate it if it's in front of you.

Night has come, but darkness has not enveloped Kyoto.

In the streets and lanes, some places are dim, but more places are flooded with brilliant lights.

Looking down from the night sky, in the dark world, Kyoto is the only source of light. The dense spots of light resemble stars, expelling the darkness and making the entire Kyoto like daylight.

Compared to busy days, night is the time for entertainment.

The streets and lanes are filled with brilliant lights and singing.

The prosperous scene is telling the magnificence of Kyoto and also showing human hedonism.

Under the cover of singing and lights, Kyoto at night seems to be more lively.

Compared with the singing and laughter in the streets and lanes outside, the mansion was quiet.

Quietly, there will be a slight noise occasionally, but it quickly disappears.

There was no word for a night, and as time passed, the long night gradually passed away.

Kyoto, the capital of human civilization.

Everyone knows that Kyoto is the most prosperous city for mankind, but not many people know how many difficulties and obstacles Kyoto has gone through before it has achieved such a great cause long ago.

The establishment of Kyoto was in the dark ages. In the long years, it not only witnessed the emergence of human beings from the dark ages, but also witnessed that mankind slowly embarked on the path of glory that it once had.

Hundreds of years have passed, and Kyoto has become the largest and most prosperous city for mankind, and mankind has broken away from the bottom of the biological chain and has the power to protect itself.

However, the threat that humanity faces is not only from the creatures in the forest, but also from more mysterious unnatural creatures.

Devil, this legendary creature that has always existed in human history, in this era, the legend that once was no longer a legend, has become a real horror.

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