Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1219: meeting room

The consequences of this sound were terrible. The excited crowd boiled. Many people looked at the slender figure beside the car with excitement, shouting in unison, with reverence in their eyes.

"Master Arran! Master Arran!"

The excitement of the crowd, but the guards are affected.

Facing the crazy crowd, they had no choice but to use their bodies to block the crowd from going forward.

For a while, due to Arran's arrival, a little chaos occurred in the square.

Faced with the shouts of the people, Yalan looked slightly stunned and turned to look outside the court.

Seeing the excited people outside the court, Yalan smiled helplessly, and had to wave his hand to the people outside the court.

After receiving a response, the people outside the venue became more excited and noisy.

Li Meng could see this lively scene.

He glanced at Yalan slightly unexpectedly, and said with a light smile: "I didn't expect you to have such popularity."

Li Meng's words in her ear made Yalan turn around and take her gaze away from the people outside the court. She said helplessly, "Mister laughed."

"Do not……"

Li Meng shook his head lightly and looked at the people outside the court.

Those figures and various expressions on each face were reflected in Li Meng's eyes one by one.

Looking back at Yalan, Li Meng said calmly: "This is the recognition of the people of Kyoto, and it is also your own charm that has conquered them, but you deserve it."


Arran is still very confident of her own charm.

She has everything that a beautiful woman has, looks, figure, and temperament, which can be said to be perfect.

In contact with civilians, she was also able to let go of her arrogance and face it with a calm heart.

The only flaw is probably talent. Kyoto has 13 acropolises, and the Heroes Association has 13 official heroes.

As the twelfth ranked hero, it was enough to prove his strength, and Arran knew it well.

In the last Heroes Tournament, although she became a hero in the finals, Arran knew very well that her victory was just luck. In the finals that determined her destiny, she was lucky enough to meet one Injured contender.

In the final ruling, Yalan also knew that the reason why she was able to enter the Heroes' Association was also the reason for her motherland behind her.

Although there was a hint of pity in it, Arran was still very grateful to the councillor Keos.

For Arran, although a hero is just a title, this title allows her to stay in the Heroes Association, and staying in the Heroes Association can bring great benefits to her home country, which is also the purpose of her coming to Kyoto one.

The thoughts in my heart are only for a moment.

With a slight smile, Yalan said softly: "Let's go in quickly, the meeting should be about to start."

Looking around, I can't see an ambassador from another country, which shows that it is too early.

Amidst the cheers and gaze of the people off the court, Li Meng, Yalan, and Long Qiaoer who followed him stepped up the stairs together and walked to the "Heroes Association Headquarters" at the end of the stairs.

The Heroes Association is still very large, a tall building, and the main space comes from the hierarchy.

Entering the gate of the Heroes Association, the three people came to a very wide hall.

Compared with the noise outside, the hall at this time seemed very quiet.

This is only the reception hall, with only one counter, and other places are decorated.

No matter who, they will not stay here extra, but will go to higher floors.

There was a young girl behind the counter. When she saw Yalan and his party entering from the door, her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly called respectfully: "Master Yalan!"

Pausing slightly, the three of them paused in front of the counter.

Looking at the girl behind the counter, Arran asked, "The meeting has started?"

The girl shook her head and replied: "Not yet. Although the ambassadors of all countries are here, there is still a while before the meeting."

Yalan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the girl's answer.

She quickly turned back to Li Meng and said, "Let's go quickly, but don't be late."

After a short pause, the three of them took another step, leaving the counter, with the girl's suspicious gaze, entering the elevator leading to a higher floor.

The exorcism conference is a large transnational parliament, and of course the location of the parliament must be carefully selected.

The exorcism meeting was held at the Heroes Association headquarters. The venue of the meeting was chosen in a large conference room on the top floor of the Heroes Association headquarters.


The roar of the motor was a bit noisy, and the creaking sound came from under the feet and overhead, echoing in the elevator, and the rising feeling did not last long. With a slight reminder, the elevator door opened.

In silence, the three of them stepped forward and walked out of the elevator under the leadership of Yalan.

After leaving the elevator, the three people entered a large waiting room.

This is a place similar to a hall, and at a glance, the space appears very generous.

There are many sofas and tea tables in the hall, neatly arranged, with some people sitting on them.

The movement of the elevator attracted the attention of some people, and they turned their heads to look in the direction of the elevator.

When seeing Li Meng and his party walking out of the elevator, many people's eyes showed a trace of doubt and curiosity.

Although puzzled and curious, his gazes are all at once, and they continue to wait.

The people here are not simple people. They are either guards of ambassadors from various countries or hired martial artists. No one will be here and do some unnecessary things at this time.

Walking in the smooth, mirror-like aisle, Yalan suddenly paused in her movements.

She turned back to Li Meng and said, "I'm very sorry, Mr. Li Meng, please also this lady to wait here."

Of course Li Meng knew who the young lady was referring to.

Nodding lightly, Li Meng said to Long Qiao'er who was beside him: "Just wait here."


Long Qiao'er answered softly with his head slightly lowered.

Turning around, Li Meng said to Yalan: "Let's go."

Looking at the hall, although there are many people on the sofa, it is quite quiet.

Although there are some voices, the voice of communication is very small, which makes the atmosphere in the hall look very serious.

As a hero, Arran is naturally eligible to participate in this exorcism meeting.

Yalan and Li Meng left, while Long Qiaoer stayed in the waiting hall.

Long Qiaoer stood silently in the smooth entry passage.

Looking calmly at the back of Li Meng and Yalan leaving.

When Li Meng's figure disappeared behind another door, she withdrew her gaze, took a light step, found a sofa nearby and sat down.

As for Li Meng, he and Yalan came to a meeting room.

Compared with the smooth outside, the floor in the conference room is a bit softer.

The floor is covered with a layer of blankets, and it is very comfortable to walk on.

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