Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1241: Three Elders

"By the way, the female general can enter the city? Although she is a mercenary, she can't be rude in terms of etiquette. As the commander of the army, she should be treated well."

Her name is Tan Ya, which of course will only be a woman's name.

A female general, Oriana was still very surprised, and wanted to meet her.

Listening to Olianna talking about Tanya, Gu Niya shook her head with a wry smile, and said: "That general is more aloof, she won't like these tedious etiquettes. If the princess wants to meet her, unless she is formally invited, she He won't go into town."


Oriana didn't force her, she said softly, "Forget it, there will always be a chance in the future, go and rest."

Nodded lightly, Gu Niya replied: "Well, then I'm going, I'll go see the father first."

Hearing that Gu Niya was going to see her Majesty, Oriana quickly said: "Gu Niya, I won't stop you if you want to see your Majesty, but you must be mentally prepared."

Mentally prepared?

Gunia looked at Oriana suspiciously.

With her face sinking slightly, Oriana said solemnly: "Not long after you left, your majesty’s condition deteriorated, and now you can’t speak, your majesty is old, and his physique has become fragile, and he has no resistance to pollutants. Li, now your majesty’s bedroom has been sealed off and is under the care of a doctor. Although you are a martial artist, don’t get too close."

With a light sigh, Olianna said helplessly: "Go, just go and see him."

Without saying much, Gunia left in silence.

Gu Niya knew about her father's condition, and she had already prepared for the worsening of her condition.

The father is old, and at this age is also the most dangerous time, a little carelessness will step into the abyss of death.

Princess Gunia came back, this incident did not cause much disturbance.

Some are happy, some are indifferent, and even more numb.

Happy people are a small part of the population of nearly 10 million people in Darwin. They live in the second ring city, have jobs, have families, and their lives can be guaranteed. Therefore, they love the royal family.

The indifferent people are those who live in the Ping slums. This type of people is also the most. They have no jobs and are plagued by cold snaps and hunger. Although the royal family has given some relief, they will not starve to death, but they are right. The royal family has long lost hope for this country. They may be grateful to the royal family and someone, but what they want more is to change and completely change this country.

The numb people are high-ranking officials and nobles. The kingdom has no hope for a long time. They don't want to change or do anything. They just want to live in luxury and live a day.

Darwin City has long been shrouded in decay, and if you want to change it, you have to break through and regenerate.

In the parliament hall of the palace, the three old men gathered together as usual, chatting, and occasionally discussing political affairs.

The table was full of wine, and the red liquid reflected three old faces.

"I heard that the princess is back?"

"What is it? I heard that Darwin City is not peaceful today. I don't believe you didn't get news.

"Haha, I was just a little surprised, unknowingly, one year has passed, and the princess should be back."

"The princess worked so hard, why don't we work hard too? Let the city defense army assist the guards in destroying the rebels in the city. Those guys make trouble every day, and I look annoying."

"I think it's fine. This time the princess came back not alone, but also brought back an army. Look at the battle, tusk, the strength is not weak, it seems that the principal is married, and I don’t know which country’s princes and nobles are. ."

These words made the three elders look at each other with a smile, a look that you understand in your heart, so serious,

"We are old and can't do too much. Let those young people work hard. We, as long as we don't hold them back, or we will be scolded by people who will not die, and the matter of annihilating the rebels will be discussed temporarily. Well, those guys can't be killed. As long as the slums exist for one day, there will be a batch of killings. Now they are trapped in the third ring city. Keep this balance. It is not a wise move to kill. This will cause hatred. If the hatred is too deep, if that day really comes, you and I still have the royal family but there is no way out."

When these words fell, the three elders thoughtfully fell into a short silence.

The future of the kingdom... is really worrying.

"Your Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness, for your precious body, stop here."

The palace has not changed much, it is still the familiar palace.

Light and familiar, Gu Niya came to a bedroom, which was the father's bedroom.

In front of the door, a doctor wearing a white robe and a gas mask stopped Guniya from going.

This made Gu Niya frowned slightly, and said calmly: "I am a martial artist and the daughter of the father, and I have to look at him anyway."

"The father is persistent, please wear a gas mask."

"No need to!"

After speaking, regardless of the doctor's prevention, Gu Niya opened the door and entered.

This made the doctor quite helpless, and had to quickly follow the identity of Princess Gunia.

As soon as she entered the room, Gunia smelled an unbearable stench.

The smell is very pungent, with the smell of medicine and fishy smell.

Gu Niya calmly approached a big bed in the bedroom without expression.

On the bed, Gu Niya had seen the figure lying there.

At the bedside, I also saw many maids wearing gas masks.

"His Royal Highness, please don't come closer."

Behind him, the doctor's anxious voice rang, he was admonishing and reminding.

This made Gu Niya stop.

At this time, Gunia was only about five meters away from the bed and the father on the bed.

This distance also allows Gu Niya to clearly see the face of the father on the bed.

The familiar face has changed a lot, the wrinkles on his face are more, and it is getting older, and there are some green spots all over the face, and the blond hair on his head has become completely white, gray-haired, and old.

He closed his eyes and did not move, whether he fell asleep or fell asleep deeply.

Looking at the father and the king who was tortured in bed, Gu Niya sighed slightly, her face a little sad.

Speaking slightly, Gu Niya asked the doctor behind her: "How is the condition of the father?"

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