Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1247: Butcher

One hour after the alien invaded, the guard's heavy troops entered the third ring city.

At this time, the third ring city has become a dead city. The streets are uninhabited, blood and rubble are everywhere, and occasionally a building completely collapses, and some buildings have a hideous gap after another. It's like being struck by something, it's more than ten meters long.

In just one hour, more than 10,000 civilians have been slaughtered in the third ring city, and this number is still rising all the time.

On a street in the third ring city, a guard squadron was running wildly.

As a second-generation guard, his running speed is already very fast, reaching a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

When more than a dozen steel giants ran wildly on the street, the momentum was amazing, and the heavy footsteps of the "dong dong" could be heard from several streets.

"Go ahead at full speed. The target is nearby. Note that the target is very powerful. Our task is to drag it, buy time for the martial artist crusade team, load the bullets, and prepare for battle."


The battle came too suddenly. As the guard pilots, although they had experienced many battles, the sudden battle caught them off guard.

In the cockpit, all pilots sweat their hands.

The goal this time was unusual. They had seen pictures of the goal when they set off.

Is that a demon?

Unable to know, for them, all they can do is complete their tasks.

"It's on top, be careful."

An exclamation was a reminder.

The running guard came to a halt, and amid the harsh rubbing sound, the metal feet drew a spark on the ground.

The pilots of this guard squadron are undoubtedly well-versed. Although they stopped urgently, they maintained their posture very well.

Above, in the sky between the tall buildings, a red figure was leaping across the sky.

It was not flying, but jumping. When the strength disappeared, it borrowed the force on the roof, leaped up again, and drove farther.

That direction is the city wall of the second ring city.

"Attack, attack, stop it."

A roar is also an order.

More than a dozen guards raised the enlarged rifles in their hands and opened fire.

"Da da da."

Flame jets, dense gunfire sounded, countless bullets rose from the ground and attacked the red demon in the sky.

It is difficult to hit a target in motion, let alone the speed when jumping.

However, the sound of bullets breaking through the air and gunfire on the ground attracted the attention of the devil.

Flying over the body, the golden pupils looked towards the ground.

"Is this the weapon of human beings in this world?"

This is what it has in mind.

In order to obtain more information, it gave up running to the killing fields.

The huge body slammed into the wall of a high-rise building with a "boom", and a red figure rushed out and fell to the ground in the wind of rubble.

"Disperse, disperse, guerrilla warfare, don't let it get close, remember, our purpose is to delay, not to annihilate."


With an order, the guards dispersed and formed a formation to meet the enemy on the street.


The demon that fell from the sky fell on the street like a meteorite.

The huge impact formed a big pit, dusty in the pit.

"Flap, pop."

Scattered rocks shattered a large piece of glass on the buildings on both sides.

When the dust dissipated, the body beside the demon was also revealed in the eyes of the guard driver.

"Attack, attack, fire."

This is an opportunity, an opportunity to attack.

"Da da!"

Faced with that horrible posture, the guard driver couldn't wait to pull the trigger.

For a time, flames shot, gunfire "rumbling", countless bullets attacked the demon like raindrops.

The guard of the guard is equipped with a 30mm rifle, which is powerful enough.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The demon in the crater did not evade, the bullet successfully hit it, and suddenly there were countless explosions.

Dense explosions and flames almost enveloped its body, and the ground around it was baptized by 30mm shells, turning it into pits and dust.

"Invalid? Actually invalid?"

The demon was under the bombardment of bullets, but it was ineffective, and he didn't even make it take a step back.

Only when it hits the head, it makes it move slightly backwards, but that's all.

The power of the 30mm shell can cause no harm to it.

In other words, there is no break.

"Captain! Why doesn't it counterattack? Is the attack effective?"

Has it worked?

No, it didn't have any effect.

It was playing with them, despising them, and proving to them that the weapons they possessed could not cause him any harm.

"Using armor-piercing bullets and a magazine, each team pays attention to intelligence collection and uploads it to the headquarters."


With an order, the guards on the street stopped the fire cleanly.

Amid the "click" metal running sound, the huge magazine fell and replaced with a new one.

The movements are smooth, and the movements made by the giant guard are really like a person.


With an order, intensive gunfire sounded again.

This time it is an armor-piercing projectile, a solid projectile, which will not explode.

When dense bullets hit the huge demon's body, there is no flame, and the state of bullet attack can be seen more clearly.

Useless, no use.

Although the sound of the bullet breaking through the air was amazing, the howling momentum was very compelling.

But it was useless. The bullet hit the huge body, only making its skin produce a tiny spark, as if hitting the metal armor.

This made the pilots in the guards very uncomfortable and could not believe it.

"What kind of monster is this? Captain, we need more powerful weapons."

A more powerful weapon?

The words of the team members reminded the officers of this squadron.

"Headquarters, headquarters, good sight, request to use crystal cannon bombardment, the greater the power, the better, we can not stop it, while alive, try to collect as much information as possible, this monster is not an ordinary opponent, I have a bad feeling Don’t care about our safety, it won’t let us go, nor can we escape.”

There was a brief pause in the communicator before a response was heard.

"Understood, try another two minutes, and good luck to you."

The voice in the communication disappeared and no longer sounded.

With a sigh of relief, the captain in the cockpit took off his helmet.


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