Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1256: The battle between the momentum

Very heavy...

Looking at the giant sword in his hand, the devil's golden pupils were a little puzzled.

The material in this black giant sword is obviously only the worst iron, but why is it so heavy? This quality may be somewhat inconsistent with inferior materials.

Although puzzled, as a demon, it didn't think much about it. Then, after a throw, the black giant sword was thrown out by it, and it fell into the distance with howling in the air.

However, just ten meters away, the black giant sword that fell in the air suddenly turned, whistling and flew towards the stone knight, and flew into the hand of the stone knight as if it was spiritual.

This made the red demon stunned, looking at the new enemy with interest.

This time the opponent seems to have a very unusual ability.

The war was about to start, and the sharp-eyed people had discovered that the wounds on the devil had recovered.

The original huge wound is now only a small trace, and the recovery ability is amazing.

At this time, in the mansion of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce, Chen Qi and Chen Yan also sat in front of the TV.

It is impossible for them to know about the riots in Kyoto. Fortunately, the mansion is located to the south, and there is still a certain distance from the battlefield. For now, the mansion is safe.

"Father, why did the master do this? That thing is not a mortal thing, I worry about the master..."

Looking at the pictures on TV, Chen Yan's face was full of anxiety.

The owner is really true, but it was only a day that he took the initiative to get involved in a troublesome matter.

Let it be destroyed by the destruction of Kyoto. What does it matter to them?

Compared with Chen Yan's worries, Chen Qi is much more indifferent.

Looking at the ruined battlefield on TV, he said calmly: "The master naturally has his own reasons for doing this. We don't need to make too many speculations, and stay at ease, even if we can't get involved in this battle."

Chen Qi's words undoubtedly got what Chen Yan thought, she didn't want to just stay in the mansion like this.

"But..." Chen Yan was a little unwilling.

"No, but if the master is there, he will do the same."

Her father's stern words made Chen Yan give up, watching the battlefield on TV with concern.

At this time, in the ruins, a depressing atmosphere has become extremely strong.

The distance between the two sides was almost 100 meters, the huge red demon did not move, nor did the stone statue controlled by Li Meng did not move. The two sides faced each other, waiting for the opportunity to attack.

This is an imposing battle, no one can back down a step, once back down will lead to failure.

The golden pupils coldly looked at the stone statue not far away, and the huge red demon did not want to wait.

Because it found that, in terms of momentum, it could not suppress the enemy on the opposite side.

In that case, everything can only be solved by combat.


It leaped up, and a huge burst of air blasted loudly, a wave of air surging, and its speed instantly broke through the speed of sound, rushing towards the stone statue with an astonishing aura.

Wherever he passed, dust was flying, rubble fluttered.

The stone statues Li Meng manipulates show no weakness.


The ground cracked, the huge stone statue jumped up, and the strong wind raised a piece of dust and rubble. Amid the sound of breaking through the air, a wave of air blasted, and the huge figure greeted the devil aggressively. .

In an instant, the two met in the air.

The red demon collided with the stone statue.


At that moment, the blades collided together.

In the sparks, the harsh metal collision sounded mightily, almost tearing the eardrum.

The air surging violently, forming a strong wind hitting the ground.

It was as if there was an explosion, and a powerful wave of air swept everything around.

Under the impact of this air wave, the ground cracked, and countless debris was shattered and turned into a piece of dust.

After the blow, the evenly matched sides fell from the sky.

Upon landing, the stone statue and the demon rushed towards each other again.

The red lava giant sword and the black iron sword collided time and time again under the swing of both sides.

With every collision, the huge force will make the air surging, forming a wave of air sweeping all around.

In the flickering of the sword light, the battlefield of the two giants seemed to have exploded again and again, and the sound of "rumbling" kept ringing.

This is a duel of strength. Although the devil is strong, the stone statue does not show weakness.

The people in front of TV had already watched this scene.

They have never seen such a scene before, it is too strong, it is simply a battle between God and God.


In the fight, as the sound of breaking through the air sounded, a huge red figure flew out.

It was a demon, and the huge power directly caused the demon to fly out of the ruins, and crashed into a tall building with a "boom".


The sound of breaking through the air followed closely, and the huge stone statue leaped up and rushed into the hole made by the demon.

In the high-rise buildings, huge stone statues and demons are entangled together.

Like a bulldozer, it destroyed one room after another, and the entire floor was almost destroyed by the fight between the two.

"Dang, Dang" metal collision sounded non-stop, accompanied by splashing sparks.


The wall was shattered, and a gray figure flew out and crashed into another building like a meteor. It was a stone knight.

The huge red figure flashed past, and rushed into another high-rise building with the knocked-out stone knight.

On the new floor, the stone knight and the demon fought together again.

The sword was waving, sparks were bursting, accompanied by cracks in the ground and collapse of walls.

With the impact of the body and the sword in the hand, both sides will do their best to inflict more damage on each other.


The giant sword of lava swung down, and in the splash of rubble, the entire arm of the stone knight was cut off.

But the black iron sword in the hands of the stone knight also slashed on the shoulders of the devil, and the broad blade was almost half in, and golden blood flowed out from the wound.

The battle continued.

In the high-rise buildings, the two parties fought together, constantly changing the battle location.

The people behind the TV can no longer see the battle clearly. They can only vaguely see the two fighting figures between the high-rise buildings, the huge impact, the broken glass and the raised dust.

This kind of fighting method is something that no one has seen before.

Only a physical collision can cause an explosion-like impact. This kind of force is unimaginable.

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