Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1263: The power of ideas

"After the last battle with the devil was over, I had a foreboding that you would come. I didn’t expect you to come so soon. I know the purpose of your coming here. However, you are late. Those two girls had already been a month ago. After leaving Kyoto, I don’t know where I went. Although they told me, I don’t know when they left. Don’t worry. After more than a year of training, the two of them are not weak. As a martial artist, you can go anywhere in the world."

Li Meng was not surprised by what Zhang Desheng said, because when he came, Li Meng discovered that the Martial Artist Academy did not have the breath of Morgan and Allis. Li Meng was already prepared for such a result.

The reason why I came to see Zhang Desheng was just for confirmation.

Just leave, Li Meng also guessed where those two girls would go.

After all, Allis has ambition in her heart, and if she wants to realize her ideal, she must act.

It seems Allis is also a pragmatist.

I hope her efforts will not be destroyed by the urgency in her heart.

"I have worked hard for you over the past year, and I will be able to send someone the reward you deserve. Okay, I won't disturb you."

After speaking, Li Meng got up from the seat and walked out.

Seeing that Li Meng was about to leave, Zhang Desheng hurriedly said: "No, no, Lord Li Meng saved Kyoto. For me, this is the biggest reward."

Waving his hand, Li Meng said as he walked: "These are two different things. What is yours is yours, and this is what you deserve."

These words left Zhang Desheng speechless, so he had to stand up quickly, intending to send Li Meng a ride.

When he followed Li Meng to leave the room, looking at the empty corridor, Zhang Desheng was stunned.

He was behind Master Li Meng, Master Li Meng would not leave his sight for more than a second.

With such a blink of an eye, Master Li Meng disappeared in front of him.

After scanning the corridor, Zhang Desheng quickly went to the balcony and looked at the playground.

No, I didn't see anything.

The puzzled Zhang Desheng shook his head helplessly.

This Master Li Meng is really getting more and more mysterious. Thinking of some ghosts encountered today, Zhang Desheng smiled bitterly. It seems that Master Li Meng made ghosts in all likelihood. This method is really incredible.

Did it change the memory, or disrupt his thoughts and cause him some illusions?

Unable to figure it out, Zhang Desheng knew very well that he would never figure out the answer.

Kyoto, 101 Hospital.

In a certain ward, on the bed, Li Meng, who was sleeping, opened his eyes.

Looking around, Chen Yan is no longer there.

A gleam of light flashed in his pupils, and Li Meng regained consciousness without being confused.

"The power of mind is really convenient..."

In his mind, Li Meng thought secretly.

When I went to the Martial Arts Academy just now, Li Meng did not use the "spiritual body".

Rather, it is a "phantom body" directly projected, which is shaped by mental power. It has no substance and cannot be touched. It is an illusory body and a manifestation of Li Meng's will.

Now Li Meng discovered that the soul and the body are closely connected, and the brain development degree is 50.9%, which brings some wonderful things to Li Meng’s consciousness, that is, the soul.

The perception of the world is more subtle. Take any matter next to him, walls, beds, and tables. In Li Meng’s eyes, they are not just dead objects, but carry all kinds of information. The information is as subtle as atoms. structure.

In the main biological world, any matter is composed of atoms, even a small wine glass, the atoms in the form of more than billions of trillions, thought power is the extension of will, when the cognition of matter reaches the atomic level, nature can change The morphological structure of the atom.

In other words, if Li Meng is willing, he can change the form of the knowable object at will.

Even a human body can become a monster of any form at Li Meng's will.

Of course, this is not an easy task. Understanding and controlling is not enough. It also requires huge computing power.

Only enough computing power can rearrange the structure of atoms at will.

Moreover, this refers to dead things, inanimate matter.

If you want to make morphological changes to living creatures, you also need to follow a set of laws of life, which requires greater computing power.

With Li Meng’s current brain development rate of 50.9%, there is no problem in changing the form of matter at will. Of course, this is also limited by the size of the object. If the object is too large, Li Meng will not be able to shape it as a whole. Make some changes regionally.

The shaping of the human body is still impossible with today's Li Meng, because the form of life is too complicated, and each atom is closely connected, and any change may break the rules of life.

Although the power of the mind is strong, in a sense, it is also very weak, because the power of the mind is closely related to the development of the brain, and the development of the brain is an obstacle that is difficult to overcome for any creature.

A powerful intelligent race, even tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, may not be able to evolve the race's brain development to 35%, let alone reach the current height of Li Meng.

Putting down the thoughts in his heart for a while, Li Meng thought of the demon who fought him last time.

It is very strong, so strong that Li Meng did not have the confidence to beat it. Last time Li Meng was able to repel it because of luck and its carelessness. Li Meng had a feeling that the demon did not use it. Do your best and still have a back hand.

Although it retired, it came the second time if it could come the first time.

The next time it descends on the earth, how should we deal with it?

"This matter can't be taken care of, it seems that we must take precautions." Li Meng muttered in his heart.

Although it is a demon, it is not the demon in human perception, or perhaps it is, it is not the demon in Li Meng's mind.

Devil is a derogatory term, and everything that is not beautiful and frightening can be called a devil.

The demon in Li Meng's eyes is an evil thing from subspace.

However, it is not. In it, Li Meng did not sense the breath of subspace.

Thinking of this, Li Meng suddenly remembered the devil he encountered for the first time when the First Army landed on Nanlin Island.

Since sensing the existence of subspace for the first time, Li Meng has been very sensitive to the breath of subspace.

The demons that appeared in Marani City had a strong subspace aura on their bodies. They were evil creatures from subspaces. This was certain.

But the demons encountered on Nanlin Island for the first time, thinking about it now, Li Meng realized that there was no subspace aura in those demons, that is to say...

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