Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1265: Large expansion

No, no, the spirit body has a very powerful majesty, and it also has a very comfortable atmosphere for the dead.

But from the master, Sakiya didn't feel anything.

It clearly exists in front of you, but it doesn't seem to exist, without any breath.

Regarding Sakuya’s doubts, Li Meng explained: “Don’t worry, I’m still in Kyoto. This is just a projection of my thoughts, it’s not a real existence.”

With that said, Li Meng stretched out his hand and touched Sakuya's cheek.

There was no real touch, Li Meng's hand passed directly through Sakuya's cheek.

This made Sakiya start a little, and then nodded in a daze.

With the outstretched hand retracted, Li Meng said, "You should have heard of what happened in Kyoto?"

"Does the master mean the incident of the devil invading Kyoto? I have heard about it, but the details are unknown."

The distance is still a little far away. If you don't deliberately inquire about some things, you will not know the details.

In the eyes of the First Legion, this is probably just an ordinary demon invasion.

Looking at Sakuya, Li Meng said lightly: "I won't say more about the details. This is not an ordinary demon invasion. Now that the First Army is financially rich, it is time to carry out a major army expansion, and some strategic direction. change."

Sakuya: "Does the master have a plan in mind?"

Li Meng: "Yes, the four words "quick battle and quick decision". In the past, our goal was to unify the Danlan kingdom out of Austria. This point remains unchanged. For the Danlan Kingdom, I now have a new goal, which is to unify the Austrian continent in the shortest time."

Unify mainland Austria? Sakiya was a little puzzled about the urgency of the master.

Although Sakiya knew that it would be sooner or later to unify the Austrian continent, it was too early for now.

She reminded: "Master, if we openly invade the Austrian continent, those self-righteous human powers will definitely jump out to stop them. If you ignore them, you might fight a local war."

Now that he has made this decision, Li Meng will naturally have this consideration.

Li Meng said, "There is no need to worry about this. I am still in Kyoto. I will solve these troubles by myself. Now I will give you a task."

Hearing this, Sakiya looked upright, and said solemnly: "Master, please give an order."

Looking at Sakuya, Li Meng said, "Nanlin Island is the base camp of the First Army. The task of army expansion is left to you. The three armies can gradually improve by sea, land and air, and the united war on the mainland of Austria is entrusted to Tan Ya. Advanced expansion of the allied forces, scale..."

Speaking of this, Li Meng fell into thinking.

The continent of Austria is very large. Although it cannot be compared with the Eurasian continent, it is also much larger than China.

Judging from the information given by Gunya, there are seven countries on the continent of Austria, and the fallen Kingdom of Austria is also eight countries, with a population of about 200 million, no less than this number.

The number of cities is unknown. At the time of reunification, there were about 30 cities on the mainland of Austria. This does not include those large and small farm towns. If you count these small towns, then the mainland of Austria The number of towns is staggering, probably no less than two hundred.

If you want a quick fight, at least you have to attack from three directions at the same time. Only in this way can you unify the Austrian continent in the shortest time.

After a little calculation in his mind, Li Meng continued: "The scale is already 500,000 yuan, and there is no need to consider the financial aspect. Soon, there will be another sum of money in the account."

Half a million?

Sakiya was stunned by this number.

With so many soldiers, let alone the corresponding equipment and weapons, it is a considerable expense in terms of logistics alone. Moreover, because it is an overseas operation, a large amount of money has to be spent on logistics transportation.

Sakuya even doubted that the 30 billion fund was enough to be a problem.

And... there is one biggest problem.

Thinking of this, Sakuya put away the surprise on her face and reminded: "Master, with so many soldiers, the allies will definitely be very nervous. Most of the 500,000 soldiers recruited this time must be trained personnel. Recruits for a month, the combat effectiveness may not be guaranteed."

Li Meng didn't know this.

After all, the soldiers recruited from Al did not appear out of thin air. They are flesh and blood, they also have their own thoughts, and they also have relatives and families. If they take off their equipment, they are no different from humans in this world.

Li Meng said: "It's okay, veterans are all grown up from recruits. After a few more battles, they will naturally become veterans."

This is also...

Sakiya no longer said much, instead thinking about the mission of this army expansion.

There is no doubt that the burden on her shoulders is not small.

The huge logistics transportation and the transportation of soldiers need to be pulled from Nanlin Island and sent to the hands of General Tan Ya.

This process takes time and takes a long time.

When the battle really starts, it will probably be a few months later.

"By the way, Huaxia asked us to provide certain technical assistance to establish a new industrial system. I agreed to recruit some relevant technical personnel and send them to Kyoto to Chen Qi."


Suffering at first, Sakiya reacted immediately.

Today's Kyoto is no longer Kyoto, but China, and that announcement is not only a declaration of war, but also a declaration of the founding of a nation.


Looking at Sakuya again, Li Meng smiled slightly, and his body suddenly turned into nothingness.

The master left, leaving silently.

The last smile made Sakiya think.

It took a while before Sakiya came back to his senses, thinking about her mission.

Bit by bit on the tablet, Sakiya entered the arms recruitment interface.

Sakiya is no stranger to the armaments of allies.

After all, in the past, the allies were enemies and enemies in Sakuya's eyes, and of course they would understand.

The armament development of the Allies is biased towards the navy. In Ayr, the navies of the Allies are also the most powerful.

"Recruit in batches first, each batch of 100,000, divided into five batches."

Speaking in her heart, Sakiya confirmed the number of soldiers recruited, as well as matching equipment.

Then comes the recruitment of armored units.

In the military system of the First Corps, there is no purely armored unit.

Divided into ten levels, based on the minimum level, allocated to the corresponding armored units.

In the army of the First Corps, the smallest unit is the first-level non-commissioned officer squad, with a number of 100 people. Among the 100 people, it is composed of reasonable units, including 5 snipers, 10 medical soldiers and 8 ordinary soldiers Fifteen and ten armored units, including two heavy main battle tanks, five light armors, two self-propelled artillery, three large personnel carriers, and five light armed off-road vehicles.

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