Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1276: Any condition

Speaking of this, Li Meng smiled slightly and said unabashedly: "The First Army likes to do things with money. As long as there is "money", everything is easy to say."


Hearing this, Selman was relieved.

Since the Order Empire had the intention to launch an expedition of tens of thousands of miles, it didn't take the money seriously.

Since the First Army likes to do things with money, this matter is easy to say.

Silman's thoughts came alive.

The forward base on the mainland of Austria?

Selman suddenly realized something. He looked at Li Meng in surprise, and asked in a puzzled way: "Regarding the advance base on the mainland of Austria, can the First Army really do it?"

If there is an advance base south of Austria, it will undoubtedly have a guarantee for the expeditionary fleet.

At least when regaining Sri Erlin, he was able to advance and retreat freely, and there was also a reassuring rear.

Selman's only doubt is that the mainland of Austria is not the territory of the First Army. Forcibly establishing a forward base is a provocation to the native country.

Although there is no strong country on the mainland of Austria, no country can stand it when the territory is invaded. Once a war breaks out...

Faced with Selman’s doubts, Li Meng smiled faintly and said confidently: “What you say can be done naturally. In Austria, the First Army is not idle. This news is unavoidable. It’s okay to tell you in advance that the First Army is gathering troops, and soon there will be a unity battle on the mainland of Ogeria. Facing the 500,000 troops of the First Army, Ambassador Srman believes that the mainland How long can this country last?"

Five hundred thousand army?

Hearing this news, Selman was stunned and looked at Li Meng in surprise, shocked in his heart.

The action of the First Legion was too fast. How long has it been before the idea of ​​the mainland of Austria was raised.

She shook her head with a wry smile. Selman didn’t understand the ambitions of the First Army, and there was a sense of crisis in his heart. I really don’t know when the First Army will end its hands. No wonder East Asian countries treat the First Army this way. Be vigilant, Selman believes that once this news spreads, many countries will stand up and condemn the First Army.

But that's only the case. If human countries did not have a certain understanding of the strength of the First Army before, but now that the 500,000 army shows up, I am afraid that many countries will be nervous and will treat the First Army more cautiously.

"Although I don't know the countries on the Austrian continent, I also know that the current situation in the Austrian continent is very chaotic. Once the First Army intervenes, it should be unstoppable."

This is inevitable. If the once powerful Kingdom of Austria still exists, it may not be able to fight with the First Army, but now the mainland of Austria has no kingdom that rivals the First Army.

It is conceivable that the war will not last long.

As if thinking of something, Selman's expression was slightly bright, but soon he became hesitant and uncertain again.

The expression on his face changed for a while. In the end, Selman asked cautiously: "I wonder if the First Army can directly send troops to regain "Sri Erlin"? Of course, money is easy to talk about."

Regarding this question, Li Meng laughed blankly and shook his head: "Ambassador Selman, do you think this is possible?"

Now Sirierlin has been occupied by the demon, that is to say, even if Sirierlin is regained, the devil's counterattack is inevitable, and how to defend Srierlin has become the biggest problem.

With an embarrassing smile, Selman said helplessly: "Ambassador Li Meng also understands that the ecclesiastical empire is too far away from Sri Erlin. It is extremely difficult to organize an expedition, and it also requires great financial resources, and the First Army does not The same is true. The mainland of Austria is on the other side of the Aegean Sea, only a thousand miles away from the "Alcatraz Island". It can be said to be within reach. If the First Legion is willing to send troops to regain Sri Erlin, the bishops of the Order Empire believe Will not disappoint the First Army."


Selman's words made Li Meng fall into thinking.

To be honest, Li Meng's heart was moved. Just as Selman said, the First Army is very close to Sri Erlin. If you send troops to recover Sri Erlin, even if it is difficult, rely on the power of the First Army to regain Sri Erlin. Lierlin should have no problem.


There is a problem that Li Meng has to consider.

Looking at Selman on the seat, Li Meng said calmly: "It is not difficult to regain "Sriellin" with the power of the First Legion, but how to defend is a big problem. Since the devil has broken Sri Erlin will be able to break through the second time once. Maybe Sri Erlin will become the forefront of the battle between humans and demons. This is a bottomless pit. Ambassador Selman will not understand the powerful relationship."

How could Selman not understand, he knew what the young ambassador was referring to.

If Sirierlin becomes the front line of the battle between humans and demons, then Alcatraz Island will truly become an island of killing, a ground for humans and demons.


Nodding solemnly, Selman reminded: "The front line will move. How can Ambassador Li Meng ensure that the mainland of Austria will not become the front line to fight the devil? If you stop the devil in Sylil, you will It is also good for a legion."

"Do not."

Li Meng did not agree with Selman's words.

Li Meng retorted: "Sirierlin is just an isolated island, without any strategic or tactical significance. Fighting on an isolated island in the sea is a disadvantage for mankind, but relying on the continent is not the same. In, human beings can fight against demons flexibly, and even if they are defeated for a while, they can still retain their vitality. On an isolated island, once they fail, it means the entire army is annihilated. If it is not necessary, the First Legion will never want Sri Erlin The front line of the battle against the devil."

So sharp words...

Selman discovered that although the ambassador in front of him was young, he was much richer in opinion.

In the clash of words, he couldn't have the upper hand. Compared with himself, the young man in front of him could say more convincing words.

How to do?

Sri Erlin must regain it, this is the bottom line of the cult empire, even if it pays any price to do it.

With hundreds of thousands of expeditionary troops, the Order Empire is even ready for all sacrifices.


With a sigh of relief, Selman looked slightly positive.

He looked at Li Meng and said solemnly: "Ambassador Li Meng, give the conditions, any conditions are fine, I will report the truth to the country and consult the bishops."

Any conditions?

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