Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1298: misunderstanding

Li Meng naturally knew about the military in the Acropolis.

This is a military organization jointly formed by the Twelve Golden Clan and is mainly responsible for guarding the safety of the cities of David.

Having stayed in Kyoto for so long, Limon knows some of the secrets of Kyoto.

Speaking of the military, the origin of the military has something to do with the destroyed No. 13 acropolis "Yuandu".

When Yuan Du was invaded by the devil from the subspace, why was it lost in a very short time? The main reason was that his own defense was insufficient. Although the support from Kyoto arrived in the shortest time, it was too late. .

The fall of the "Yuandu" on the 13th acropolis was undoubtedly a warning to other acropolises. Soon after, a joint organization of the military acropolis appeared.

Thinking of this, Li Meng was very surprised and said: "In other words, the control of the acropolis is now in the hands of the military?"

Shaking her head lightly, Li Yanran denied Li Meng’s words and said, “This is not the case. Although the military controls the military, the city’s defenses are still in the hands of the major families, and the internal structure of the military is also in control. It is closely related to the twelve major families, and they cannot be separated from the control of the Golden Family. It is the military and the old man's friends who stop his father, and it is the "Chen family", the relatives of the Li family."

Chen family?

Things seem to be more interesting.

Li Meng looked at Li Yanran excitedly, and Li Meng was still very interested in these interesting things.

Li Yanran didn't disappoint Li Meng. Perhaps she didn't want to disappoint Li Meng at all, nor did she want to hide anything from Li Meng. She didn't plan to have any reservations about what Li Meng wanted to know.

Li Yanran continued: "The Chen family, like the Li family, is a family of martial artists. When he was young, the old man was a good friend with Chen Yongcai, the current patriarch of the Chen family, and the old man married his sister to him. Since then, the Li family and the Chen family have been in relatives."

Speaking of this, Li Yanran smiled helplessly, and said: "Just like the name of Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen is not only aggressive, impulsive, more wealthy, and also very enthusiastic about rights... in this matter, he and The old man had a different view, and his friend's prevention and other families' dissuasion made him stay silent."

So, is it another dispute over interests?

Although the acropolis is independent, it is also a whole. If the Li family stood up and expressed support for Wang Yanmei's declaration of the founding of the nation, then the other golden families could no longer remain silent, either surrendered or resisted. The consequences would undoubtedly be Other golden families are not happy to see it.

At this time, if the Twelve Golden Clan wants to gain due benefits in this transformation, it must work together, and no one can distract this fragile whole.

In this case, China’s reunification may have a difficult road to go.

Speaking of the Chen family, Li Yanran thought of one thing.

One thing related to the purpose of her trip.

Thinking of this, Li Yanran continued: "I'm here this time, not just for this matter, there is one more thing I want to ask you to solve my doubts."

"What's the matter?"

Li Meng was still very curious about another thing Li Yanran said.

Looking at Li Meng with a pensive face, Li Yanran whispered, "Li Meng, do you know Chen Yuyan, the eldest of the Chen family?"

Chen Yuyan?

The name reminded Li Meng of someone.

A stranger who has never forgotten.

Then again, she seems to be a member of the Chen family, and Chen Yuyan that Li Yanran said should be her.

Nodding lightly, Li Meng replied: "Know, what? You know her too? Oh, yes, the Li family and the Chen family are relatives, so it is natural that you know her."

Since they are in-laws, the two families will naturally come and go, and the members of the two families will naturally not be strangers.

It seems that I really met...

Li Meng's expression made Li Yanran confirm this.

Looking at Li Meng with a suspicious look, Li Yanran said in an unhappy manner: "I really don't know how you met Xiaoyan. Since Xiaoyan came back from a trip, she seems to have changed herself. The past is fine, but Since the last time I saw you on TV, her condition has gotten worse. She locked herself in the room all day and even my cousin did not want to see it. What is going on? Although I don’t know it. The reason for this, but this must have nothing to do with you, otherwise she would not have such a big reaction when she saw you."

Facing Li Yanran's questioning look, Li Meng was a little embarrassed.

Touching the bridge of his nose, Li Meng smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said helplessly: "This..., the reason is complicated to speak of. I originally wanted to visit the Chen family a few months ago, but I didn't expect it. Encountered the incident of the demon invading Kyoto, it was delayed, don't worry, I will solve this matter, and I will go to "Xiangdu" to visit the Li family in a few days."


How to deal with it?

Also, what is the relationship between Li Meng and Xiaoyan that girl?


This is impossible. Although Xiaoyan went out to practice for a period of time, Li Yanran had inquired about what happened during this time. During the experience, there was no strange man around Xiaoyan.

After returning to Kyoto, it was even more impossible.

Li Yanran was very curious about how Xiaoyan met Li Meng.

There is also a solution. Xiaoyan is in a very bad state of mind. What will be done with the solution Li Meng said?

Wouldn't they be a couple?

is it possible?

Is Xiaoyan really Li Meng's lover?

Visiting the Lee family to propose marriage?

In her heart, Li Yanran thought about it all her own.

After a while, Li Yanran put away the chaotic thoughts in her heart, and said with a slight worry: "Xiaoyan's current state..., hey, I won't stop you if you are going to visit the Li family, but Xiaoyan is a girl. Still young, if you like her, it is not difficult to marry her as you are now, but if you don’t have this idea, don’t show up in front of her."

The possibility in her mind is still very large, otherwise Xiaoyan would not have seen him on TV and become like this, which made Li Yanran a little worried, and a little concerned.

What kind of identity Li Meng is, Li Yanran knows best.

Not only as the ambassador of the First Army, but there are always some beautiful women around him, a person who is hard to guess.

Although Li Yanran does not have any negative views on Li Meng, she does not think that Xiaoyan can hold the heart of the man in front of her. Since it is impossible, don't give anyone any hope. This is the best for Xiaoyan. the result of.

She seems to have misunderstood something...

Looking at Li Yanran with a surprised look, Li Meng said helplessly: "Miss Li has misunderstood. Although I have some connections with her, it is not what you think. Her current state of mind is indeed related to me, but this It was just a coincidence. I went to Xiangdu to visit the Chen family in order to eliminate her mental abnormalities at this time."

Is that right?

Listening to Li Meng's explanation, Li Yanran suddenly became embarrassed.

She smirked and apologized: "Sorry, I thought too much."

Although a little surprised, Li Meng didn't care too much.

Anyone would have such doubts in Li Yanran's heart.

There is no other way around this. Who would let Chen Yuyan at this time only react to him.

Whoever faces this situation will doubt him.

It seems that the trip to Xiangdu must be as soon as possible. One day later, it is a kind of harm to Chen Yuyan.

For that girl, the mental abnormality will not bring any beneficial benefits.

Although some talents and potential have been added, in general, the negative impact is even greater.

If you just let it go, maybe one day a female devil will appear in the Chen family.

"Do you have a way?"

It took a while for Li Yanran to react, with surprise on her face.

For Li Yanran's delayed reaction, Li Meng just smiled lightly and said softly: "This is natural. I was in Dirty Valley at the beginning. Due to my carelessness, her spirit was shocked and her temperament changed greatly. You have to tie the bell to untie the bell, don't worry, she will be fine."

Hearing what Li Meng said, Li Yanran felt relieved.

Li Yanran was very clear about the "ability" of the young man in front of her. She had no doubt that Li Meng could cure Xiaoyan's symptoms at this time.

With a slight relaxation in her heart, Li Yanran felt relieved and said happily, "I am relieved if I have you. I don't know when Mr. Li Meng will go to Xiangdu?"

After thinking about it, Li Meng was not very sure and said: "In the last few days, before going to Xiangdu, I still have some things to do. After the things are done, I can go to Xiangdu with peace of mind. Don't worry too much. Her state at this time is not a bad thing for her. This can hone her mind and will be of great benefit to her future growth."

Li Yanran also felt what Li Meng said.

Since Xiaoyan's temperament has changed drastically, her strength has indeed grown a lot, and her talent is not at the same level as before.

Perhaps this is the only benefit brought by mental disorders.

Nodding lightly, Li Yanran didn't say much in the rest of the time.

After the meal was full, of course it was a loose feast.

There is a banquet in the world, and the beautiful women are invited tonight, and the time seems to be much faster, unconsciously it is late at night.

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