Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1316: One night fight

Although I don't know what kind of attack this is, Tan Ya can feel the danger.

When it was said that it was too late, Tan Ya waved a fist, as if a heavy hammer hit the fallen man's face.


The flesh and blood splashed together, and the whole head of the fallen person burst like an exploding watermelon.

With this punch, Tan Ya didn't have any spare energy, and exhausted all his strength.

The self-detonation was interrupted, the dangerous psychic energy fluctuations also disappeared, and the fallen one could not die anymore.

In the square, the battle is still going on. Although the devil and the fallen are in the same camp, they are not in a superior-subordinate relationship. The death of the fallen is not noticed by the demons. They are still fighting reluctantly, trying to kill Black Iron Warrior.

Although they are strong and they have the absolute upper hand in number, they do not pose too much threat to the Dark Iron Warriors.

When Tan Ya left, the Black Iron Warriors completely let go of their hands and feet. The front line was not there. They fought with the devil. The swords in their hands were constantly waving, and each sword almost took away a demon.

But the attack of the devil could not cause effective damage to the black iron warriors. Their seemingly sharp blades cut on the black iron warriors, leaving only an almost invisible trace.

The Dark Iron Warriors not only have an indestructible spear, but also an indestructible shield. This allows the Dark Iron Warriors to have an absolute advantage against any enemy. This advantage cannot be "leveled out" by numbers.

However, absolute quantity is often an advantage, and such advantages are almost insoluble.

No matter how strong the Black Iron Warrior is, it cannot cope with the endless attacks from all directions, and no matter how strong the defense is, it will finally be broken.


In the melee, a demon roared at the Dark Iron Warrior.

The angle and timing of its attack are very tricky, behind the Dark Iron Warrior.

At this time, the Dark Iron Warrior was cutting his sword into the body of a demon in front of him.

It succeeded, and the entire crimson body leaped on the black iron warrior, using the sharp claws to madly tear at the black iron warrior with the hideous claws.

With such a gap, the demons around found an opportunity, one by one, they pounced on the black iron warrior. The demons used their own weight and powerful attacks to force the black iron warrior to the ground.

In the dark night, the sky above the small town was filled with all kinds of abnormal sounds, and the battle lasted for a long time.

The next day, when a ray of sunlight appeared from the east and shone on the square, the battle was finally over.

The devil's corpses covered the entire square, and occasionally a **** corpse was even steaming.

The corpse was filled with green blood, and the scene was unspeakable and terrifying.

Some demons didn't seem to be completely dead, and their bodies twitched slightly, but death would come after all.

In the square, the dark iron warriors stood among the corpses. Under and around them, there were overlapping demon corpses.

On their bodies, the black armor was covered with sticky green liquid, which made them look terrible, and it also made people think of how fierce the battle was.

Looking around, there are probably no fewer than a thousand demon corpses lying on the square.

However, it took a full night for this thousand demons to be wiped out by the Dark Iron Warriors.

Compared to the Black Iron Warrior who was covered with green liquid, Tan Ya was much cleaner.

Since killing the fallen, Tanya has not participated in the subsequent battle, and has been watching from the rooftop.

With a light leap, Tan Ya leaped down from the top of the building and landed on the square full of demon corpses.

Among the corpses, Tan Ya walked lightly towards the city gate, saying: "Let's go."

The battle is over, and there is no point in staying in the town.

The only thing that made Tanya a little regretful was that she had to kill the fallen one, otherwise, she could learn a lot of useful information from him.

It is not absolutely safe in the square covered with devil corpses. Although there are corpses on the ground at a glance, there are also some dangers hidden in the corpses.

When Tan Ya passed by a pile of demon corpses, the abnormality bulged.


In a harsh roar, the corpse suddenly exploded, and a demon dragging a remnant body opened its huge fangs and made a surprise attack on Tan Ya.

The demon's raid was so sudden, it was unexpected that there were living demons in the corpse.

Although its attack was unexpected, it chose the wrong target.

Seeing that it was about to touch Tan Ya, Tan Ya's eyes were slightly cold in the hood, and her left hand stretched out in a thunderous manner, and grabbed the demon's hideous head.


In Tan Ya's hands, it struggled like a child, roaring, trying to fight for restraint.


With a strong force, the devil's head broke directly in Tan Ya's hands, and the struggling body dropped weakly.

Just throwing it away, as if throwing garbage, Tan Ya threw the demon in his hand.

In the air, the demon's corpse was falling, falling back into the pile of corpses where it was originally.

From beginning to end, Tan Ya's footsteps did not stop.

The five Black Iron Warriors didn't react too much, silently following Tan Ya.

At the edge of the square, when leaving the corpses everywhere, from Tan Ya's hands, a pale flame emerged, fell freely from his hands and fell to the ground.

When the flame touched the demon's corpse, it was like igniting gasoline, and the fire surged sharply, spreading across the square in an instant.

In the square, a pale white fire was burning, and the flames reached a height of several tens of meters. Even in the daytime, under the sunlight, the burning white flames were clearly visible.

However, the fire seemed fierce, but there was no temperature at all.

The flame without temperature effectively burned the corpses on the square, whether it was the corpse of the devil or the human, all turned to ashes under the pale flame.

Tan Ya left the town with five black iron warriors, and a white flame was burning behind him.

Although there was a battle with the devil, no useful information was obtained in this small town.

The only role is probably to ascertain the way forward for the team.

In the forest a few kilometers away from the town, there is a dilapidated bridge.

This small bridge connects the two banks and the only dirt road in the forest.

On the small bridge, Tan Ya and his party paused.

In the small river under the bridge, the Dark Iron Warriors jumped in, cleaning their bodies.

Tan Ya was sitting on the bridge head, looking at this small bridge with flowing water and green mountains and green waters.

If there are no polluting beasts and no demons, this world may be the most beautiful world and the best paradise for all creatures.

However, in this beauty, there are hidden "dangers" that people cannot ignore.

Although it is still beautiful, this beauty has changed for humans.

In the hood, Tan Ya quietly watched the scene before her. At this time, she was very calm.

Soon, in the creek, the Dark Iron Warriors washed away their filth, and on the small bridge, they also lost Tan Ya.

When Tan Ya returned to the camp with the Dark Iron Warriors, the soldiers in the camp were ready to go.

The town is only the first stop. For Tanya, there is still a long way to go in the Kingdom of Bliss.

With the roar of the "rumbling" engine, the convoy drove back onto the dirt road.

When the convoy set off, Tan Ya, who was in the command car, also informed Ya about the situation encountered in the town.

Although "Ya" is only an intelligent AI, with its powerful computing capabilities, it can simulate a likely answer based on existing information.

Although the accuracy of the answer cannot reach 100%, it can at least give people a general direction.

In Tanya's view, the presence of demons and fallen people in the town is very abnormal.

There are two reasons. First, the town is located in the southwestern border area of ​​the Kingdom of Bliss. Even if it is slaughtered by the devil, there should be no “devil” left in the town.

Because there is no need for this, the demons are like nomads of a certain era. They have adopted a strategy of fighting and fighting to conquer a place. After absorbing the resources of this place, they will look for the next target. Will stay in one place for too long, and will not disperse troops.

The second factor is the town itself. The town Tanya visited last night was just a large farm, with limited residents and a limited size of the town. In such a small place, it is impossible for the demons and the fallen to live. This stay.

"In such a remote place, such a small place, why are there demons and fallen people?"

Sitting on the soft seat, Tan Ya spoke out her doubts.

Not far in front of her, the holographic projection of "Ya" was projected on the metal disc.

As Tan Ya's exclusive assistant AI, Ya's image is entirely modeled on Tan Ya.

Almost the same as Tan Ya in appearance, the only difference is probably the size and the clothes.

Generally speaking, the image of AI will wear military uniforms, just like "elegance" at this time.

Today, on her holographic projection, "Ya" chose a black military uniform, which made her look heroic.

She put her hands behind her back and said: "According to the general, there is only one possibility. There must be something in this small town that the demons or fallen ones care about. They are looking for something, and the general just happens to Met them."

In this case……

In the hood, Tan Ya thoughtfully.

If this is the case, I'm afraid it is a bit bad.

Tan Ya spoke slightly, and said, "In that case, have you been stunned?"

"Ya": "It's hard to be sure. If there is something they care about in the town, the general will wipe out the demons and fallen people in the town, and it is inevitable to alarm the demons."

"How long is there?" Tan Ya asked.

"Ya" answered very clearly, saying: "The information is unclear, everything is speculation. If something in the town is important to the devil, our time is running out."

In this way, the small town now is a very dangerous place.

This is a coincidence...

As soon as he entered the territory of the Kingdom of Bliss, he encountered a demon.

It now seems that something might have been involved.

Now how to do?

Tan Ya was hesitant about the next move.

Everything is not clear now, and if you take a wrong step, you are likely to encounter a large army of demons.

With the current strength of this convoy, once encountering a large force of the devil, there is only one end, and that is the destruction of the entire army, perhaps only she can escape safely.

This is inevitable. In the battle in the town last night, the victory of the Dark Iron Warriors was not easy.

If the scale of the devil is larger, maybe the result will be another situation.

The Dark Iron Warrior may be able to have one enemy and one hundred, but it is definitely not possible to have one enemy and one thousand.

After thinking about it, Tan Ya made a decision.

Right now, for Tan Ya, there are only two options.

Either evacuate, temporarily retreat into the territory of the Salter Kingdom, or move forward and continue to advance towards Lanzhou City.

And moving forward, whether it is stopping in a small town, searching for things that do not exist, or passing directly through the small town and heading for Lanzhou City, the risk factor is the same.

In other words, Tanya has no choice.

It is impossible to retreat, and Tan Ya will not choose to retreat until his goal is achieved.

"The order continues, stay in the small town ahead, and conduct a full search of the town." Tan Ya who made the decision gave the order.

"Yes, it has been communicated to all members."

Although something in the town is just a guess of "Ya", in Tan Ya's view, there is a need to search the town. Even if there is no result, it can at least satisfy the curiosity in his heart.

The devil will not stay in the small town for no reason, and this reason is the existence that makes people curious.

Now that he has encountered it, Tan Ya will not ignore the "possibility".

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