Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1318: Meatball

Without care, the corpses of a few demons in the ruins were enough to make Tan Ya alert.

With light steps and rubble, Tan Ya cautiously entered the ruins.

The things that destroyed the houses should come from the sky. Although the upper part of the houses was completely destroyed, when viewed from the bottom, the ruins of the destroyed houses showed a pit shape. The collision force was very strong, and the ground at the bottom was smashed out. A big hole.

"this is……"

When climbing over the wreckage of the building, in a large pit in the ruins, an unknown strange thing attracted Tan Ya's eyes.

It is located at the bottom of the big pit. It is a spherical shape with a light green color. Its body is smooth and gives a very slippery feeling. It is alive. The spherical body with a diameter of less than half a meter is beating, just like a heart. The beating is average and rhythmic.

When he saw "it", Tan Ya's face sank and her expression became more solemn.

Although he didn't know what this spherical object was, Tan Ya felt a strong evil aura on it. Although the aura was slightly different from the demon he encountered last night, it clearly came from the same place.

And this place is the subspace, the subspace is the devil's lair, no matter what kind of demon, they will carry the turbid chaos aura.

As for subspace, humans on Earth can be said to know nothing, but the First Army is different.

In the data terminal, some information about subspace is recorded.

Subspace is the birthplace of demons, and it is also the home of demons. Although the meaning of demons can be generalized, this kind of evil life born in subspace can truly be called demons.

Subspace is closely related to the material world, and the life born in the subspace is also closely related to the material world.

The spiritual world is very wonderful, it cannot be explained by any scientific theory.

In the subspace, the birth of the four evil gods is also closely related to the life of the material world. It can be said that the evil gods are the aggregates of negative emotions of life in the material world.

There are four great evil gods in the subspace, and there are also four different kinds of demons.

Among the demons encountered by the First Legion, some are like insects, and some have human-like shapes and strange shapes, which also shows that they are of different types.

Tan Ya didn't know what kind of demon the light green flesh ball in front of him belonged to, but one thing was clear. It was not the same species as the crimson demon he encountered last night.

"General! There are a large number of flying demons approaching at high speed in the north, please give instructions for the next step."

When Tan Ya was wondering what kind of demon the meatball in the pit was, a warning from his subordinates suddenly sounded in the portable communicator.

This made Tan Ya stunned for a moment, her face changing transiently.

It really came... and it came so fast.

Without thinking about it, Tan Ya withdrew her gaze from the meat ball in the pit.


Hearing the sound of breaking through the sky, a black shadow rose from the ruins, and its vigorous figure slashed across the sky, and landed on the city wall not far from the north in a perfect throw.

Standing on the wall, Tan Ya looked at the northern sky.

On the horizon, in the endless sky above the forest, under the clouds, a scarlet figure is approaching.

Their figures are full of the sky, densely packed, like a wave slamming toward the shore, rushing toward the town aggressively.

Looking at the scale, the number may not be less than five thousand.

With the "power" in the town right now, of course it is not their opponent.

Immediately, using the portable communicator in his ear, Tan Ya issued a new order to all the staff.

"Immediately leave the town and hide in the forest outside the city. This mission is over, Burair, take your subordinates back to the Kingdom of Salter. Remember, don't go to Slin City."


In the communicator, the response voice is a little confused.

After the order was given, Tan Ya jumped up again, jumped off the small wall, and returned to the ruins as quickly as possible.

With a vigorous posture falling from the sky, Tan Ya rushed into the ruins without hesitation.

Beside the meat ball in the pit, Tan Ya didn't care about any danger, took off her cloak, and wrapped the meat ball in the pit.

Putting the meat ball on his shoulders, Tan Ya bent her legs and leaped vigorously under her feet. He only heard a "bang" breaking through the air. Tan Ya soared into the sky, leaping to a height of several tens of meters, with a perfect throw The south fell.

With super strong jumping ability, Tan Ya departed eastward at an astonishing speed.

Although it was just a guess, looking at the whole town, I am afraid that only the meat ball on the shoulder is something the devil cares about.

Choosing the south is to test the devil's reaction, and to attract the devil's attention and to buy time for the team in the town to evacuate.

The flesh ball on his shoulders are both subspace creatures, and as the same kind, the devil must be able to perceive it.

Sure enough, when Tan Ya leaped over the eastern city wall, the demon not far from the northern sky seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, turned quickly, and rushed towards Tan Ya's direction.

Feeling the roar behind her, Tan Ya knew that she had successfully attracted the devil's eyes.

Immediately, Tan Ya exerted all his strength, and her vigorous posture rushed into the sky like a cannonball out of the chamber. He only heard the explosion of a "bang", and a wave of air appeared on the figure passing through the sky. In an instant, the speed surpassed the sound barrier and a sonic boom appeared.

The two-kilometer wheat field crossed almost instantly, and Tan Ya plunged into the forest.

Behind him, the demon had already flown to the northern edge of the small town. Amidst the roars, he flew to the east violently. For a while, the sky over the small town was full of strange noises that stirred wings.

"Ya, immediately notify Silin City to prepare them for battle."

Before leaving the team, Tan Ya gave the last order.

Seeing that the distance was almost reached, Tan Ya, who was running wild in the forest, turned back, changed the direction of her advancement, and flew to the southwest. She would circle the town in a big circle, and then lead the devil to the northwest. go with.

The final destination is "Slin City", a border city of the Kingdom of Selter, close to the border of the Kingdom of Bliss, in this city also gathered nearly 200,000 troops of the First Army.

Tan Ya has always been worried about how to eliminate the "demon", but this time, she seemed to have found an opportunity.

"General, this is very risky. The devil's flying speed is very fast. Before arriving in Slin City, the demon will overtake the general. Slin City is more than 300 kilometers away from here. This means that the general will fight alone for a long time."

In the communicator, the voice of "Ya" sounded. Ya obviously disagrees with Tan Ya's adventurous approach.

In the forest, in the dense tree canopy, Tan Ya shuttled at full speed. While calculating the route, Tan Ya said: "Execute the order."

The tone is full of no doubt.

It is indeed a risk, but Tan Ya feels that this risk can be taken.

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