Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1320: Lanzhou City

Just as the city of Sli was on guard, a chase battle was underway in the woods a hundred kilometers away from the east.

Above the forest, amidst bursts of "roars", a crimson figure was hovering in the sky, and their figures filled the sky, like a red tornado moving fast.

During the movement, a large number of demons fell from the sky like sharp arrows and plunged into the forest.

Whenever so, there will always be a battle in the forest.

The battle is short.

In the gloomy forest, a figure was moving fast, and its vigorous posture flashed past the gloomy forest like a ghost.


Above, with the sound of breaking through the air and the breaking of branches, a large number of dark shadows fell to the ground like cannonballs.

That was the devil, they used their scarlet bodies to attack the enemies in the forest like a death squad.

Their offensive is so swift and violent, they use their bodies to slam into the enemy in the sound of "howl".

They fell from the sky, and there were very obvious holes in the forest.

The strange sound above her head didn't stop Tan Ya. At some point, she had already held a big sword in her hand.

During the run, she raised her hand, and the black big sword seemed to be playing baseball. The silver light flashed, turning into a phantom and passing by the demon.

The only difference is that the demon was not knocked out like a baseball, but like a hanging puppet. The whole body was divided into two and fell to the ground in the splash of blood.

When the big sword left its body and the blood splashed away, in the forest, a ghostly Tan Ya had already moved away.

In the sky, the demon had already caught the target, and one after another demon attacked Tan Ya in the forest with the sound of breaking through the air.

The strange noises from the top of the head never stopped, and the scarlet figures came from the sky one by one.

Tan Ya in the forest, while dexterously changing the route, avoiding the direct impact of the devil, while waving the sword in his hand, gave the devil who dared to approach "death" the trial.

A fierce chase is taking place in the forest, and the battlefield is moving quickly, approaching Tan Ya's ideal destination.

Just when the devil was chasing Tan Ya for some reason, at this time, about 400 kilometers to the northeast, in a city, something unusual was happening.

The city is called "Lanzhou" and is one of the few cities in the Kingdom of Bliss.

There used to be nearly 700,000 humans living in this city, but at this time "it" has become a dead city. Long, long ago, this city has stepped into the footsteps of Daran City and became A veritable hell, a **** made by demons.

The city has been taken down by demons. None of the soldiers and civilians in the city survived. Their souls became sacrifices, and their bodies were piled up together to form a mountain of corpses. Under the sunlight, the corpses were decaying. At the same time, the whole Lanzhou city was filled with a foul smell, and there were not only pollutants in the air, but also frightening plague viruses.

In such an environment, the human category said that they had fought, and once they stayed for too long, they would fall.

Such an environment is undoubtedly what the demons would like to see, and they are also purposefully created.

Tan Ya's destination is Lanzhou City. If she can really reach Lanzhou City, she will not be happy to see what she will encounter.

After the devil captured Lanzhou City, he did not rush to find the next target, but stayed in Lanzhou City.

Of course, the killing did not stop. Instinctive desire to kill, demons would not suppress their own instincts. Driven by their instincts, a large number of demons left Lanzhou City and swept northward.

The scattered demons may not pose a threat to some cities in the north, but for some small towns, the threat of demons is not fatal.

In the central square of the city, on an altar piled with human corpses, there is a **** royal family.

The throne is blood-colored, as if it has been infested by blood, and the material under the blood-colored is like bones.

At first glance, that horrible scene will leave an indelible shadow for a lifetime.

On the throne, a huge crimson figure was sitting quietly, and the huge blue pupils gave people a hollow feeling, as if they had no consciousness.

At this time, under the altar, a black robe stepped on the corpse mountain and came under the throne.

He knelt down on the decomposed corpse and shouted loudly: "The great "Son of God", Thorne has returned to the embrace of God the Father, and we have discarded "It"."

It turned its head, and the blue pain looked towards the black robe who bowed down.

It seemed to understand what the black robe said, the dark blue streamer in its eyes flickered, and it seemed very angry.

It opened its big hideous and terrifying mouth, and let out a loud roar at the black robe.


The sound was deafening, sweeping across the city mightily.

And in its big mouth, there was a flash of fire, the air was twisting, and a stream of high-temperature heat jetted out from its mouth, directly hitting the black robe.

In the fiery high-temperature heat flow, the black robe instantly turned into ashes, but the high-temperature heat flow did not reduce, like a fiery red energy beam sweeping away, wherever it passed, the house was directly cut in half. At the end of the heat flow, there was a violent explosion.

Accompanied by the "rumbling" sound of building collapse, a large number of demons turned into ashes in the skyrocketing flames.

After all this was done, the demon stood up from the throne, opened its big hideous mouth, and made another sound from the sky.


A huge sound rang from its mouth, forming a transforming shock wave rushing to the sky.

Above its head, at an altitude of several kilometers, the clouds were directly dispersed, and a large hole appeared.

The huge roar also spread to the entire city.

When its voice fell, all the demons within a few hundred kilometers raised their heads together, and their dark blue pupils looked at the same place.

The next moment, they put aside everything in front of them, like locusts, rushing in the same direction in panic.

In Lanzhou City, the behavior of the devil is more obvious.

Countless demons ran out from the dark corners, and they formed a huge crimson torrent on the street in groups. They ran wildly, overwhelming the city wall with a roar, and rushed into the forest outside the city like locusts. in.

At this moment, all the demons in the Kingdom of Bliss are converging towards a certain point. The red wave is not only the dream of mankind, but also the nightmare of all creatures in the forest. Wherever they pass, except for the dead, all creatures There is no escape.

In the face of that fearsome evil aura, even a powerful group of polluting beasts is worth fleeing in embarrassment. They dare not have the heart to resist. Although polluting beasts have no wisdom, their instinct drives them to stay away from demons.

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