Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1331: The arrival of Wang Yanmei

Turning around, Li Meng looked at Yalan next to him and asked: "Do you want to see her?"

Now Yalan has lost her heroic identity, just a certain martial artist, without an official identity, seeing or not seeing has no special meaning, at least Li Meng thinks so.

Arran is no stranger to the chief consul in Kyoto.

Although she was rarely seen in the Heroes' Association, she was not unfamiliar.

After thinking about it, Yalan shook her head and said: "It's better not to see, I'll avoid it for a while."

Li Meng didn't force it, nodded and said, "Alright, there is a bedroom in the back room. Go inside."

From the sofa, Yalan stood up and stepped briskly into the bedroom.

Seeing Yalan's figure disappeared behind the door, Li Meng turned around and said to Long Qiao'er: "Take her in."


Replied softly, Long Qiao'er put the disc in his hand on the table and cabinet beside him and then turned and left.

Soon after the footsteps outside the door disappeared, they sounded again. At the door, two slender figures entered the reception room.

One is Long Qiao'er, and the other is Wang Yanmei in a white women's military uniform.

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the chief consul has become more formal.

You can no longer see the old light gauze dresses, you can only see a brave military uniform.

As China’s “grand consul”, as the supreme leader of the army and the supreme political power, the military uniform is very suitable. At least in this era, only military personnel can make the people feel safe.

Wang Yanmei is still very strange to this mansion. It is the first time she has come here since she met Li Meng.

In the past, the place where I met Li Meng the most was the hospital, and during those few months, the two had not little contact.

Opposite Li Meng, Wang Yanmei sat down casually.

Looking at Li Meng, who was holding a teacup opposite, she smiled slightly and said with envy: "Your Excellency Li Meng's life is really enviable. Drinking tea and accompanied by his confidante, let me guess, the people inside It should be Yalan."

Although the person is not there, the traces left are too obvious.

On the table next to Li Meng, there is a cup of untouched tea, and the air is filled with a body fragrance that does not belong to men. As a mentalist, Wang Yanmei's perception is very powerful, and she can naturally feel it Someone exists in the back room.

Li Meng "cannot comment" on Wang Yanmei's speculation.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said unexpectedly: "The news is quite clear. She came to me for only half an hour. Yes, you guessed it is right. The person inside is indeed Yalan. Come today, no Will just interrupt my date with her."

Seeing Li Meng's admission so sincerely, Wang Yanmei was taken aback for a moment, and then she shook her head helplessly.

In the face of this, even if he was several times his age, Wang Yanmei could never guess what he would say next.

If it were someone else, she would be very nervous in front of her and could not let go of her hands and feet. This is the majesty accumulated by her over 200 years old, but Li Meng does not have any restraints like juniors in front of her, just like Treat her as an ordinary person, and speak very casually.

With a sigh of relief, the topic returned to normal, with a slightly upright expression, Wang Yanmei said softly: "This time I am just passing by. One is about the "Embassy". The establishment of diplomatic relations between China Huaxia and the First Army has been confirmed. There is an "Embassy" belonging to the First Army Corps. There are three free embassies in the second ring city. Your Excellency Li Meng can choose one at will."


Speaking of this incident, Li Meng remembered. Now the relationship between the First Army and China is very good. It is natural to establish diplomatic relations officially. Of course, an embassy is indispensable, but Li Meng is in the mansion of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce. The stay was very good, ignoring this aspect of the embassy.

After her words paused, Wang Yanmei continued: "In a few days, I will send someone to contact His Excellency Li Meng to discuss the "Embassy". The second thing is related to the mainland of Austria, the Kyoto branch of the Sanshen Company. The General Minister "Qian Yongfu" would like to meet you and discuss about the arrest of the Merchant Ship of Sanshen Company by the First Army in the Ogerian waters."

Qian Yongfu?

Li Meng smiled faintly, put down the tea cup in his hand, looked up at Wang Yanmei opposite, and said calmly: "If Sanshen Company is really sincere, it is not the head of a private enterprise branch who came to see me, but the American Federation. Officials who are eligible to see me."

Behind the Sanshen Company is the American Federation, and Wang Yanmei naturally knows what Li Meng means.

She nodded lightly and said: "I will tell you that China has no international connection with the American Federation. After half a month, the American Federation will send an ambassador to "Kyoto" to discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations. The American Federation is concerned about Austrian affairs. I think they will ask to meet with His Excellency Li Meng."

The actions of the First Army in Austria are no secret. Although Wang Yanmei was a little surprised when the American Federation intervened in the Austrian continent, as a neutral country, she didn't have much to say.

Afterwards, Wang Yanmei said goodbye to Li Meng.

As the chief consul of China, she is no idler now.

Seeing Wang Yanmei's beautiful back, Li Meng was lost in thought.

Wang Yanmei came to see him today. I am afraid that the embassy matter is just a rhetoric. The main purpose is still about the seizure of the Sanshen company merchant ship by the First Army.

As a large international enterprise, Sanshen has cooperation with China on all sides. As a partner, if it is just a message, Wang Yanmei will naturally not refuse.

What Li Meng cares about is not Wang Yanmei's attitude to spread the word, but how the American Federation will deal with this matter.

On the earth, if Kyoto is the center of human civilization, then the American Federation is the most powerful country.

A hundred years ago, the American Federation was unified, a century-long peace, which gave the American Federation a great development, and the development of science and technology can be said to be at the forefront of the world.

The high-precision technology like Guardian came from the American Federation, and Li Meng didn't want to conflict with the American Federation when it was not necessary.

At least at this time, Li Meng did not want to have too much conflict with the American Federation.

It's not that it's afraid, but that there are too many things that bother the First Army.

The war on the Austrian continent has not yet ended, and the agreement with the empire has not yet been finalized. There are too many facts to be done. If the American Federation comes again at this time, it will make the First Army very difficult. Uncomfortable.

There is also the outland of Austria. The unification war in the outland has already begun. According to the current information, the unification war is not going smoothly and the progress is very slow. In the end, I am afraid that the First Army will have to take action. Can end the battle faster.

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