Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1337: casualties

The war with the devil had just ended. For the next three days, the army in the city of Sli did not go anywhere, did not sweep the Kingdom of Bliss, and did not move forward. Instead, it stopped and cleaned up the demon outside the city. Bones.

In one day's battle, the First Legion eliminated a total of about twenty-five demons outside of Sli.

Its huge scale and its fighting difficulties are unprecedented in the First Army.

In this battle, the First Army suffered 5,317 casualties, and the number of victims was as high as 1,523. It lost 13 Falcon helicopters, 14 Black Iron fighters, and a large number of damaged multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles.

In this battle, the Guardian tank and the Calder self-propelled artillery performed very well, the number of destroyed was zero, and only a few were damaged.

Obviously, the demon group that attacked Sli City this time could not cause much damage to units with thick armor.

These demons have the same physical characteristics, but they are different in size. The most common one is only about 1.5 meters in height. The size is smaller, and the largest one does not exceed two meters. In terms of size, this time The demon attacking Sley City is not too strong.

Although they have sharp teeth and claws, they are somewhat powerless against units with thick armor.

The light armor can be eliminated very well. Take the multi-purpose infantry fighting vehicle. Due to the weak armor, it has almost no resistance to the devil. Whether it is the sharp teeth of the devil or the sharp claws like a blade, it can be easily eliminated. Ripped off the weak armor of the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle.

In addition to military casualties, some civilians were also killed or injured in the eastern city of Sri City. Although the number of civilian casualties has not been counted, the number of casualties may not be too small.

When the demons rushed up the city wall, part of them were stopped by the soldiers on the wall, but some demons rushed into the city, which caused the entire eastern city of Usli to become a battlefield.

During the battle, some civilians died under stray bullets, and more civilians died in the slaughter of demons.

After the battle, it took nearly three days before the corpses of the demon outside of Sley were emptied. The burning corpses were like more than a dozen bonfires, burning day and night, and thick black smoke almost enveloped the entire city of Sley. The sky above.

The invasion of foreign enemies and the raids of demons are undoubtedly an unbearable period for the civilians in Sli City.

But they have no choice but to survive and live, looking forward to a better tomorrow.

"General! The civilian casualties have been counted. A total of 4,127 people died in this battle, and about 20,000 injured. The severely injured accounted for about two-quarters of them. The death toll is continuing to increase. The city’s medical conditions are limited. The wounded have been dying for the past three days. If they don’t get treatment in time, they will slowly die."

It is undoubtedly the lucky guy who can finally escape from the devil.

Whether these severely wounded people are lucky or not Tan Ya is not known, but the only thing Tan Ya can be sure about is that their survival cannot be separated from the First Army.

Sitting behind her desk and listening to Davis’ report, Tan Ya said calmly: “Since Sli City has been under the rule of the First Army, then we have a responsibility to these people. Let the order go on and set up in the city. A temporary medical camp to rescue civilians as much as possible."


In response, Davis continued to report: "At 10:20 in the morning, an aerospace rocket carrying a satellite was launched from Nanlin Island to the Space Launch Center. At 1:40 in the afternoon, military communications Satellites, reconnaissance satellites, and topographic mapping satellites are online at the scheduled time. Now we have a better understanding of the situation on the Austrian mainland, and the strategic map has been updated."

Tan Ya knew about this. As the highest commander on the Austrian continental front, Tan Ya, a handheld computer that was able to connect to a data terminal, never left his hand.

As long as there is key information, Tan Ya's intelligent AI assistant "Ya" will promptly remind you.

An aviation rocket took off. Long before the rocket took off, Tan Ya got a hint from Ya.

"I already know about this. Is there any news from the Southwest Theater?"

The battle with the devil made Tan Ya ignore the situation in the Southwest Theater. Although some information can be learned from the data terminal, the information recorded in the data terminal is limited, and only some events can be learned from those logs.

What is the status quo of the Southwest Theater, you can only roughly see the distribution of forces and the progress of the front on the map.

"Yes, Commander Warren has made a report. The general can check it in the data terminal. According to the situation reported by Commander Warren, in the place of Blackstone Fortress, Commander Warren and Commander Wilson plan to carry out A once and for all annihilation battle, as much as possible in the Blackstone Fortress to annihilate as many enemies as possible, now, the two commanders are waiting for more enemy reinforcements Blackstone Fortress, according to existing intelligence, in Blackstone Fortress, have gathered About 300,000 troops from the Three Kingdoms."

Three hundred thousand?

This is not a small number...

When hearing the size of the enemy forces in the Blackstone Fortress, even Tan Ya couldn't help being stunned.

It seems that the Three Kingdoms in the Southwest Theater regard Blackstone Fortress as a life-saving straw to stop the First Army.

Of course, Tanya knows the purpose of Warren and Wilson. It is nothing more than to completely defeat the main force of the Three Kingdoms in the Blackstone Fortress. Once the main force is defeated, the battle against the Three Kingdoms will be much easier.

But being too confident is not a good thing. Although the First Army has an advantage in weapons and equipment, the enemy has also received arms assistance from the American Federation in recent times.

Three generations of guards with more than a hundred fighters are not a small threat. Once you are overconfident, there may be unexpected situations.

Davis said: "General! There are only about 150,000 soldiers under the two commanders who can participate in the battle. In the face of the defender's army of nearly 300,000, our army is really at a disadvantage. Will we send more reinforcements to the Southwest Theater? Now that the devil is defeated, it is only a matter of time before the Kingdom of Bliss is taken. There is no need to assemble too many troops in the Northeast Theater."

This is a way...

The threat of the devil is gone. Facing the half-destructive Kingdom of Bliss, the First Legion can completely capture this already fragile country with only a small amount of troops.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Tanya did not accept Davis's suggestion. Compared with this conservative suggestion, she had other better and more radical ideas.

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