Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1340: Hunt down

"General! The tracking team reported that the traces in front have faded. They have gone far. We must speed up."

When Tan Ya was thinking secretly, a voice suddenly rang from the portable communicator in her ear.

This made Tan Ya in the hood slightly startled, and she recovered.

Without thinking about it, Tan Ya immediately said: "Notify the team, speed up, and catch up with them before it gets dark."


With the transmission of the order, the figure that was originally walking in the forest changed to running. The footsteps of "Suo Shuo" echoed rapidly under the forest, and a large number of figures were moving in the same direction.

The stopped footsteps stepped forward again, in the forest, Tan Ya's figure looked like a cannonball out of the chamber, turning into a black shadow and disappearing deep in the forest.

Marching fast in the forest was a special operations squad of the First Corps, with a total of 100 people, and they went lightly, with the main purpose of "pursuing" the fallen.

Everything has to be said of a small town called "True", in this small town, the First Army encountered a group of very special people.

They are believers of demons, human traitors "fallen".

After some fighting, after leaving a few corpses, the surviving fallen people fled the town of Truu.

The number of them is small, and there are only five fallen people who fled the town of Truu.

As for the "fallen", the general way humans deal with them is to kill them all, and of course the First Legion is not an exception.

The First Army clearly knows that the fallen are a hidden risk. Only they still exist, and the Austrian continent will one day be threatened by demons.

Upon learning of the existence of this team of fleeing "degenerates", the First Army paid great attention to it.

Tan Ya rushed to the front line and personally led a team of non-commissioned officers into the forest to pursue the escaped fallen.

The forest is a very secret place, which makes the detection of the sky useless.

To find a target in the vast forest, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, you can only follow the tiny traces to confirm the direction.

Just when Tan Ya led a troop to pursue the fallen man who fled in the forest, about ten kilometers away in the dark forest, five black shadows flashed under the tree on the dead leaves, they were wearing The black robe, like a ghost, is extremely fast, and its running posture is very wild, only the black robe is humming.

"They are here, not far behind."

In the running, they still have spare capacity to communicate.

"They are not fast, but they can always catch where we are. Maybe we should stop and let those hateful humans know how good we are."

"I don't want to die yet. Although human beings are weak, they are too numerous. Their weapons can cause a lot of harm to us.

"Death is just a return to the embrace of God the Father. We should not "fear" it, but he is right. Meaningless death is disrespect to God the Father. Our task here has not yet been completed. The day of the Great Purge is here. Before that, we must prepare a gift."

"what should we do?"

"Throw off those annoying tails first."

The opinions seemed to be unified, and the figure running wild in the forest moved faster, passing by the gloomy forest like the wind.

In the forest in the rear, the noncommissioned officer team led by Tan Ya was also running. With the help of the auxiliary power of the powered combat uniform, the soldiers ran very fast, but compared with the fleeing enemy, it was still a bit slow.

As the fallen people moved further away, the traces in the forest were slowly fading. This situation was soon noticed.

"General! They are moving away, the traces left behind are disappearing, if they are too far away from us, we will lose their tracks."

The subordinate's return made Tan Ya frowned slightly.

If you let them run away, this is not what Tan Ya would like to see.

But Tan Ya also knew that the group of fallen people were not ordinary people, and being able to escape safely from the encirclement of the army was enough to prove their ability.

They are the fallen and the strong among the psionics, and Tan Ya never doubts the abilities they possess.

Although they are wearing power combat uniforms, the soldiers are still ordinary people after all. Although they have the ability to fight against them, it is still somewhat difficult to catch them who want to escape.

Without thinking about it, Tan Ya immediately said: "Can you determine where they are?"

"Yes, the traces that can be found right now clearly show that they are in the direction directly ahead."

The situation is unfavorable, Tan Ya can only make a countermeasure.

Using the portable communicator in his ear, Tan Ya commanded: "Continue to pursue, the black iron warrior will follow me one step ahead."

With that said, Tan Ya sprinted, leaped vigorously under her feet, and turned into a black figure that passed over the head of the running soldier and came to the front of the team.

As soon as she landed, Tan Ya's figure shot out like a bullet, and disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Tan Ya's figure disappeared, multiple figures flew out from the soldiers running in the forest and followed in the direction where Tan Ya disappeared.

Separated from the large army, Tan Ya's speed instantly increased several times, and quickly pursued the fleeing fallen.

Although Tan Ya has no long-distance tracking and chasing prey experience, as long as the distance is close enough, his keen perception will allow Tan Ya to know where the enemy is.

"They are here, how is this possible?"

The faster the speed, the greater the movement caused in the forest.

The fallen ones who flee clearly felt the movement in the forest behind them.

This changed their expressions and felt incredible.

Their bodies have been blessed by God the Father, and in terms of physical fitness, no human being can compare them. They cannot imagine that someone can catch them on foot.

Is it a martial artist?

Although they rarely meet martial artists on the mainland of Austria, they also have some understanding of martial artists.

Although the martial artist can use a kind of biological energy called "jin", the strong one has extraordinary power, but compared with the blessing of the Father God, it is not worth mentioning, even the martial artist wants to catch up. They are not an easy task.

"It should be the human warriors wearing black armor. They are very strong and have very powerful bodies."

In the town of "True", they originally had more than a dozen companions. When escaping from the pursuit of humans, they could have escaped all, but when escaping from the town of "True", they encountered some humans wearing black armor. Fighters blocked, facing those human warriors wearing black armor, even their bodies blessed by God the Father were very rivals in terms of "strength". In the battle, under the disadvantage of the number of people, they were defeated and had to Abandon the companion and escape.

Among more than a dozen fallen persons, only five of them escaped.

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