Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1344: Dr. Orson

Is it an outsider?

There is nothing to tell from the appearance. These people have white skin, some yellow skin, and even darker skin. It is impossible to analyze which area they belong to from the appearance.

Seeing Tan Ya turned his head to look at them, all the mercenaries felt tight.

Although Tanya killed the fallen, for the mercenaries, it is still unknown whether they are enemies or friends.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend, and Glenn can only expect that the mysterious person in front of him has no malice towards them.

Turning around, Tan Ya took a few steps in the direction of the mercenaries.

This move made the mercenaries nervous in vain.

"Don't act rashly!"

Glenn felt the nervousness of his companion, and he reminded his companion again in a low voice.

Now, although it is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend, at least both are possible, but if they attack her due to tension, then there is only one way to go.

After walking a few steps forward, Tan Ya stopped.

The eyes in the hood looked at the mercenaries, and a cold voice sounded from the hood.

"Who is the leader here?"

It's cold, so nice sound...

As Glenn opened his mouth to answer, a voice rang from the room.


From the side room, Orson walked out.

Although Glenn is the boss of the mercenaries, the organizer of this team is Orson, and Orson can afford the identity of this leader.

Before coming to the team, Orson introduced to Tan Ya: "I am Dr. Orson, and this is Mr. Glenn, the mercenary captain who guards this team. I am glad to meet you, I wonder if you are..."


In today's era, not many countries still use doctoral degrees, and the American Federation is the most used one.

With a guess in his heart, Tan Ya said coldly: "Frontline commander of the First Army, General "Tan Ya", are you Americans?"

When talking about Americans, Tan Ya frowned slightly.

The recent actions of the American Federation in Austria are unpleasant, and Tan Ya will naturally be suspicious of these people.

The first legion?

It suddenly dawned on everyone that he was a general of the First Legion. No wonder they would pursue the fallen.

It’s not uncommon for the First Army to launch the battlefield in Austria. Since the First Army has ideas about the Austrian continent, it will naturally not let the demons leave.

With a faint smile, Orson shook his head and said: "We have everyone in this team, including white people, yellow people, and black people. They come from various countries and come here for the same purpose, the general said. That’s right, many people in our team are from the American Federation, including me."

What purpose do these people have?

Dressed as a traveler, if it is espionage, it cannot be so fair.

Judging from the faces in the house that constantly look out, many of these people are people who have no power to restrain themselves.

Only those mercenaries with firearms still have some combat effectiveness.

As if seeing what Tan Ya was interested in, Orson quickly said: "Please rest assured, general, our purpose is not political. We are all civilian archaeologists, just to explore the remains of the sages. "


These two words made Tan Ya think of many things, and finally understood what these people did.

However, how long is human history in Austria?

In archaeology on this continent, Tan Ya doesn't think there is much research value.

Although he did not confirm that what Orson said was true or false, Tan Ya did not intend to continue talking about it.

Now that the task of chasing down the fallen has been completed, it is time to return.

Tan Ya was very concerned about the day of the Great Purge in the mouth of the fallen, and she couldn't wait to get the true answer from the fallen one.

At this moment, behind Tan Ya, a rush of footsteps rang.

On the street behind Tanya, four black figures appeared from the end of the street, they were black iron warriors.

After Tanya ended the battle, they finally arrived.


Behind Tan Ya, a low voice came from the helmet of a certain dark iron warrior.

Although they were chasing at full speed, they were still late and let General Tanya solve the battle alone.

Turning around, looking at the fallen man lying on the ground, Tan Ya said to the black iron warriors: "Take it, let's go!"

A dark iron warrior responded, came to the fallen man, grabbed the fallen man by the shoulders, and fought the fallen man against his shoulders.

Under the gaze of the people on the square, Tan Ya led the Dark Iron Warriors away gradually.

Seeing Tan Ya's departure, Glenn shrugged helplessly: "It seems that the "general" is not interested in our archaeological activities."

This is not a disappointment.

Orson said indifferently: "This is a good thing for us, at least she acquiesced in our archaeological action on this land. If we encounter the First Army in the future, we can avoid some trouble. "

"That's true too!"

Glenn does not deny this.

In this period, this location will encounter the First Legion sooner or later. Although today's accident resulted in premature contact with the First Legion, it is not a bad thing from the perspective of the incident.

This is a thankful thing.

At this time, at the end of the street, Tan Ya and the Dark Iron Warrior had disappeared.

Turning around, Orson said to Glenn beside him: "Well, I will have a good rest here today, and we will be on the way as early as tomorrow morning. We are not far from the destination, and there are about a few hours away."

Speaking of this, Glenn remembered the topic that had not yet ended with Dr. Orson.

The curiosity in his heart made Glenn hurriedly turned to follow Orson's side, and asked: "Dr. Orson, continue to talk about your purpose this time. This makes me very curious."

Speaking of the purpose of this time, Orson was also interested.

He has been studying the clues obtained this time for a long time. As a doctor of history, he does not think it is necessary to keep some of his research confidential, and he is happy to share it with others.

"This can be a long story. Before the Dark Ages, there were many documents about ancient civilizations in human history, including Atlantis, Mayans, Egyptian gods, etc., whether these legends are real. Let’s not talk about them, but they have been passed down to this day for some reason."

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