Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1350: Sudden change of situation

The Kingdom of Austria is the orthodox of this continent. If the First Army regains the entire continent in the name of the Kingdom of Austria, the resistance of the three countries will be completely unnecessary under the circumstances of the people's desire.

As long as the First Legion declares to the outside world that it recognizes the orthodox status of the Kingdom of Austria, and the people who sympathize with the Royal Family of Aredir will support it. At that time, the country will be in chaos first without talking about fighting the First Legion.

"If it is true, Your Majesty! I am afraid we have to consider the future. There is no hope for victory in the war with the First Legion, and the price of failure is great. Seeing other kingdoms destroyed by the First Legion, the royal family fled. To die to death, if you want to avoid repeating the same mistakes, you must find a compromise."


Hadar frowned slightly and looked at the minister who had made this suggestion with a sullen face.

He is the steward of the royal family and also serves as the "house officer". His name is Bren and he is the most trusted minister of Hedar.

Haddar would have been angry if he were not someone he trusted.

He was unwilling to surrender to the First Army, and the final result of a compromise method would still lose his rights and his status as a king.

Hedar's ugly face was naturally noticed by Bren.

He looked at Hadar respectfully and quickly said: "Your Majesty! We don't have too many choices in the current situation. The Seven Kingdoms of the Mainland have been taken away by the First Army. The rest of us are unable to stop the soldiers of the First Army. , Instead of being defeated by the First Army, it is better to surrender to the Kingdom of Austria. We can send envoys to the Kingdom of Austria to express our “intention” to belong. By then we will know that the Kingdom of Austria and Does the First Army have close ties? If our guess is correct, then we can gain more rights in the negotiation. I can assure your majesty that even if your majesty loses the throne, you can get a "duke". Identity."


Bren's words made Hedar lost in thought, looking very ugly.

He is a king. Compared to the status of a king, what is a duke?

But Hedar also knew that what Bren said was the truth.

If the First Army is interested in unifying the Austrian continent, it will never stop the war because of the Courbet Mountains.

Once the war starts, the three countries will have no room to retreat.

Now, they still have a choice, whether to fight to the death, or...


Even if it is to surrender to the Kingdom of Austria, this is what Hedar does not want to see.

"This is a surrender. Isn't it too hasty? We still have an army, and we may not have the power to fight."

"I agree with Lord Buren that surrendering to the Kingdom of Austria is better than surrendering to the First Army. Since we know that victory is hopeless, we must avoid war as much as possible. This is good for everyone."

"The combat effectiveness of the army lies not in the quantity, but in the quality. Think about how long the war took place. There is no doubt about the strength of the First Army. Fighting to the death does not appear to be how noble we are. It will only let the soldiers on the front line die. Agree with Lord Brun’s opinion and surrender to the Kingdom of Austria is our best choice."

On the proposal put forward by Brun, everyone expressed different opinions.

Generally speaking, the voice is uniform, and most people agree with Brun’s proposal.

Whether or not to surrender, the final decision lies with Hadar.

In addition to the representatives of the other two countries, the ministers all looked at Hadar.

Even the people in the listening seat looked at the silent King Hadar.

This has greatly increased the pressure on Hadar, and the biggest choice in life is haunting him. Once he chooses the wrong one, he may fall into the abyss.

In the end, Hedar still compromised. In the two options of war and surrender, surrender is undoubtedly safer.

With a sigh in his heart, Hadar looked at the representatives of the other two countries and said: "Delegates, the Kingdom of Sjoonte is no longer able to continue this war. You have also heard what you have just talked about. This is our country’s decision. I don’t know how your two countries will choose, but starting from today, the military alliance of the three countries will end here. Please withdraw the troops of the two countries to your home country as soon as possible. You can also take away all the arms provided by the Sanshen Company."

Hadar said, let the delegates in the chairmanship look at each other, not knowing what to do.

The Kingdom of Sjoonte is a front-line country. Once the Kingdom of Sjoonte surrenders, the line of defense of the Courbet Mountains will no longer exist. How can the strength of their two countries resist the frontline of the First Army?

This is the decision of King Hadar. They are only representatives. In this matter, they are not qualified to say anything.

A representative immediately stood up with a gloomy face, and said coldly: "I will convey your majesty's decision to the country, goodbye!"

After speaking, the representative left the meeting angrily.

Behind him, several other representatives also stood up one after another, said goodbye to Hadar, and left the meeting.

The withdrawal of the Sanshen Company completely changed the situation of the short-term stalemate in the mainland of Austria. This was something that the First Army and the three southern countries did not expect.

The whole thing looks complicated, but it's actually very simple.

For a monarchy country, although rights are important, the more important thing is to "live".

If there is no need to fight to the death, how to choose, this is a certain thing.

In this era, the concept of state and nation is very weak. For ordinary people, they only live to live. As long as they can guarantee their basic life guarantee and live happily and safely, they will not care about the leader. who is it.

On the mainland of Austria, the civil strife over the past century has already exhausted ordinary people. They miss the increasing power of the Kingdom of Austria and the era under the rule of the Aredir royal family.

Although more than a hundred years have passed, that era has long since become a legend, but the power of the Austrian Kingdom has been passed down from generation to generation.

No matter how the Seven Kingdoms eliminate the existence of the Kingdom of Austria, as long as the Aredir royal family exists for one day, the Kingdom of Austria will always be the orthodox of the entire continent.

"Surrender" to the Kingdom of Austria is the choice of the Kingdom of Sjont. In this matter, King "Hardar" did not perfuse anyone. After the Three Kingdoms Conference, he sent envoys to Austria. Darwin, the capital of the Kingdom of Leah.

This news cannot be concealed. When the three-nation meeting ended, the representatives of the other two countries passed the matter back to the country within the first time. So far, the short-term military alliance of the three countries completely fell apart, and the situation on the mainland of Austria It became ambiguous again.

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