Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1357: Trapped

Although the soldiers' helmets have low-power signal transceivers, they cannot directly communicate with the satellites in orbit. They must be relayed through the high-power signal transceivers on the vehicles. Once broken, unless the personnel on the ground are close enough to them , Otherwise the signal cannot be received.

In such an environment, signal transmission will also be greatly affected.

As for the issue of power consumption, Tan Ya is very clear. In other words, the survival time of soldiers is only three days. Once three days are exceeded, the energy of the powered combat uniform will be exhausted. At that time, the soldiers must take off their power. For soldiers, taking off the combat uniform is undoubtedly an act of death, because once exposed to the air, the ubiquitous pollutants in the world will erode the soldiers’ bodies. At most one day, the soldiers will be exposed to radiation. Eroded and died.

From her waist, Tan Ya took out her palm computer.

It is broken in hand, and the small screen is almost cracked. If the "ya" data stream is in the palm computer, then they have lost contact with the outside world.

This is not good news...

Taking back the damaged palm computer, Tan Ya agreed to Orson's proposal.

"You are right, we should indeed cooperate, let's say, what do you need us to do?"

Seeing Tan Ya agreed, Osen breathed a sigh of relief.

In the dark, if there is no light, it is useless for him to have experience.

Although they carry something that can provide lighting, the duration is very short, at most a few hours, they will be completely darkened. Once in the dark, it is not easy to find an exit. It takes time, a lot of time, and they undoubtedly don't have much time now.

Standing up, Orson trampled the faint flame under his feet.

In order to make this bonfire burn, they burned a lot of things, although they were only some of them not useful, but it is undoubtedly unnecessary to continue to let the bonfire burn.

In the darkness, Orson's voice rang.

"Even if there is an exit, it won't be here. Keep going."

"and many more……"

In the darkness, another person's voice rang.

"Dr. Orson, if we just leave like this, what should those who are crushed in the ruins do? Not only are my people, but also your companions, how can you leave them behind? "

In response to the question in the dark, Orson said solemnly: "Glen, there is nothing we can do to stay. The top priority is to get out as soon as possible. Only when we get out can we find a way to rescue them. I won't give up anyone, even the corpse. Will also take them back, do you understand?"

The argument was short-lived, and Glenn did not speak any more in the darkness.

He knew very well in his heart that Orson was right, and only when they went out could they find a way to rescue the companions who were in the ruins.

"General! We need lights!"

This is Orson's first request, and also the first request.

At Tan Ya's sign, the soldiers turned on the lights on their helmets.

Multiple light beams suddenly appeared in the dark, illuminating the surrounding environment slightly.

This is a small air. It is said to be a cave, but it can’t be called a cave. It can only be said to be an underground space in the ruins. The highest place is about 30 meters, and the farthest diameter of the space is only 50. Dom.

Under the light of the light beam, the number of survivors in the cave gradually became clear.

Naturally, Tan Ya's subordinates did not say that 13 soldiers survived. If you count the soldiers on standby in the vehicle, if the vehicle is really buried, there are 11 soldiers buried in the rubble.

This time he left Daran City and headed to the front line. Tan Ya did not take many people. He symbolically took a small team. Apart from a command vehicle, only two armed assault vehicles followed.

Compared with the number of survivors in the First Army, although there are 16 survivors on the Orson side, there are many more people buried in the rubble. Orson’s team has more than 30, which can be said to be only half of the people. Survived.

Under the light of the beam, the road ahead finally appeared. It was a crack, very narrow, and could only accommodate one person.

"Well, everyone, let's go, we must leave here as soon as possible."

Under Orson's appeal, everyone began to slowly move towards the crack.

The crack is too small, no one knows what is on the other side of the crack. Before the crack, Orson's companions had stage fright, and they looked at the deep crack with fear.

Tan Ya's subordinates did not have stage fright. A soldier came to the forefront and was the first to enter the crack.

Someone took the lead, and everyone's hearts finally settled, one by one, they entered the crack and followed behind the soldiers.

In the darkness, Orson and Tanya stood side by side, and the people in front were waiting to enter the crack.

Looking at the figures in front of him, Orson sighed slightly, and said softly: "I am still too impatient. If I survey the stratum structure well, maybe this kind of thing won't happen."

To Orson next to him, Tan Ya said calmly: "This has nothing to do with the structure of the stratum. What you need is a blasting expert. Above us is a human city before the dark age. If you know enough about the city, It should be known that the underground structure of the city is fragile, with all kinds of pipelines. In hundreds of years, many things have been decayed. Small-scale blasting can barely bear, but large-scale blasting will only trigger a series of reactions. "

"You are right, there are indeed no professional blasting experts in our team."

Orson felt the same about what Tanya said. If they had an experienced blasting expert in their team, maybe they would not be here.

Orson said that it reminded Tanya of what happened not long ago.

Why did she deviate from the route, and why did she come here.

After starting from Daran City, Tan Ya rushed to the front line non-stop. The first half of the journey was smooth, but when the distance from the front line was less than 400 kilometers, the convoy driving on the forest road accidentally heard There was an explosion not far away.

This made Tan Ya a little curious, there was no army of the First Legion in this place.

So, because of Tanya's curiosity, the convoy deviated from the direction, looking for a voice, and came to the ruins of a pre-dark age city.

On the edge of the ruins, I saw the group of Orson.

Tan Ya is not unfamiliar with this archeological team. When chasing down the fallen, he has a fate.

Because it happened not long ago, Tan Ya did not forget them.

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