Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1386: Tell the truth

"This is impossible!"

What Li Meng said made Brow Weir completely lost. He couldn't believe it: "It is impossible for humans to have such technology with the existing technology. Even before the dark age, humans have not reached such a high level. How can your First Army have such super-era technology?"

Brow Weir did not believe what Li Meng said, nor did he believe that the First Army had such advanced technology.

Although Brouwer Weir is only a civilian official, he understands the technology that humans have today. Whether it is controlled nuclear fusion technology or plasma technology, these advanced technologies are still in the expectations of American federal scientists. , That is some technology that will not be realized in hundreds of years.

It is a fact that the First Army has advanced technology, but it is so advanced that no one would believe it.

If it is true..., Brow Weil can't imagine what kind of scene it is. Humanity is bound to usher in a great era.

Li Meng did not explain too much about Brouwer's disbelief.

Looking at the gaffeful Brow Weil, Li Meng said calmly: "I don’t believe this is your business. It’s impossible to share technology. Regarding those merchant ships..., since it’s a misunderstanding, the First Army will not. It's pretty unreasonable, I will let it go and let it go."

At this point in the talks, there is no need to continue, because Brow Will is no longer in the state.

As for the documents on the table, they were naturally ignored by both sides.

Until Li Meng left, Brow Weier was still sinking into his world, his face only blank.

"Ambassador Bro Vail?"

Seeing that Brouville was indifferent to Li Meng's departure, the deputy on the side couldn't help but shout.

This made Brow Will wake up from his contemplation.

At this time, Li Meng had already left, and Li Meng could not be seen in the conference room.

Regarding the departure of Li Meng, Brow Will naturally knew that he could not take much into account just because he had invaded his own world.

And Bro Ville also knows that the meeting is now over and it can be said to be over.

With a groan on his face, Brow Will said to the deputy next to him: "Are you credible in what he said?"

Is it credible?

After thinking for a moment, the deputy said: "He is an "ambassador" with the same identity as you. I don't think he has the need to deceive us. This is not good for him and the First Army, only one will be deducted." As far as I know, the First Army is a purely militarized organization. They will not use such inferior means to deceive us."


Although the deputy made a lot of sense, Brow Weir was still a little puzzled. He was puzzled: "If the First Army really has the technology that Ambassador Li Meng said, then how could the First Army make a small noise in East Asia? From the perspective of armaments, the weapons owned by the First Army are indeed advanced, but they are only a little more advanced than the American Federation. There is no gap across the ages. From the perspective of the existing technology of the First Army, it is far from what Ambassador Li Meng said. There can be a lot of distance."

"Maybe they need time."

At this time, the other deputy intervened.

Looking at Brouville, his deputy continued: "Think about the time when the First Army appeared in East Asia. It has only been less than two years. The First Army is not a complete country. They have no real accidental technical reserves. If they There really is the technology that Ambassador Li Meng said, and it also comes from elsewhere."

Yes, how can a purely military organization possess such advanced technology?

After the deputy's suggestion, Browweier suddenly became clear.

He doesn't care whether what Li Meng said is true or not. The only thing he has to do now is to inform the country of the news and let the country respond to the matter.

In the smooth mirror corridor, Li Meng and Qin Wei walked side by side.

"Will you leave like this?"

From a bystander, Qin Wei felt that this meeting was a little bit unfinished.

Qin Wei's words beside him made Li Meng smile faintly. As he walked, he said: "The subject of this meeting is clear and the least important. The matter of Austrian mainland is just an opportunity. Although I am not the American Federation I understand, but I know the tactics of those politicians very well. For the entire human race, the technology possessed by the First Army is cross-aged. How can they not be enthusiastic? Look, when the ambassador informed the country Later, this East Asia will probably not be peaceful anymore."

"In that case, why are you telling him, Mr. Li Meng?"

Only at this point, Qin Wei was a little puzzled.

Although Qin Wei didn’t know much about the science and technology mentioned by Li Meng, he could tell from Brow Weir’s reaction that it was extraordinary technology. In that case, why did Mr. Li Meng tell him? Well, if you don’t say anything, how can the ambassador know.


Looking back at Qin Wei, Li Meng said with a faint smile: "I did it on purpose. I just want them to know this. Only when they know, they will act. Only the American Federation, the world's number one Only when the great powers move, the world can make some changes better."

What Li Meng said made Qin Wei more and more puzzled, and she couldn't understand the meaning of Li Meng's doing this at all.

Looking at Li Meng admiringly, Qin Wei sighed: "Mr. Li Meng is still good at you. I have no idea about these political issues."

As he walked, Li Meng said indifferently: "In his job, you have to worry about and think about some things. This may seem simple to control the overall situation, but it is actually difficult to reach the sky. The current situation in the officialdom is unpredictable. Be careful, the player who holds the chess will become a pawn. I am so, and others need to be more careful.

Peering at Li Meng beside him, at this moment, Qin Wei's eyes lit up with brilliance.

"what's happenin?"

How could Li Meng fail to notice the strangeness in Qin Wei's eyes? Looking back at Qin Wei beside her, she asked suspiciously.

Shaking her head lightly, Qin Wei chuckled: "It's nothing, I just think that Mr. Li Meng, you suddenly become handsome. Although your body is a little thin, but the occasional temperament is very eye-catching, it is no wonder that Sister Tyra likes you. "

Is this compliment?

He touched his nose and was praised by a girl of the same age, which made Li Meng a little awkward and uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the two did not go on talking, and then they walked silently during the time they left the Great Hall.

The meeting did not last long, and it took only an hour from entering the hall to leaving.

The return journey went smoothly. After leaving the Great Hall, Li Meng and Qin Wei returned to the court in the convoy they came.

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