Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1390: Two personalities

Although they are both Xiaoqi, Li Meng regards the two different personalities as two people because of their different personalities.

Looking up and looking at Li Meng in front of her, Xiao Qi whispered: "Big Brother!"


Putting his right hand down, Li Meng looked at Xiao Qi with a smile.

With hesitation on her face, Xiao Qi said, "Big brother, can you squat down?"

"what's happenin?"

For a moment, Li Meng squatted in front of Tyra with his legs bent with a smile.

The difference in height between the two, when Li Meng squatted down, was almost equal to Xiao Qi in height, only a little lower.

With an apologetic face, Xiao Qi carefully lifted off the clothes on Li Meng's shoulders, and said: "I didn't mean it, it wasn't me, I won't hurt the big brother, eh?"

When the clothes on Li Meng's shoulders were lifted, Xiao Qi found that the original bite marks had disappeared.

Looking up, Xiao Qi looked at Li Meng suspiciously, and said stupidly: "Is that just a dream?"

Li Meng knew what Xiao Qi was wondering, and it seemed that Xiao Qi's dual personality was very unusual.

Generally speaking, people with dual personality, when one personality occupies the body, the other personality will fall asleep and will not know what the other personality is doing.

But Xiao Qi is different. The injury on her shoulder is caused by Xiao Qi's other personality, that cold and savage girl, but the gentle girl in front of him knows what the other personality is doing. Otherwise, Xiao Qi would not know. He has a wound left by another personality on his shoulder.

Putting on the clothes on his shoulders, looking at Xiao Qi in a daze, Li Meng whispered: "This is not a dream. What you know is true. There is indeed a wound on this shoulder, but it is already healed."

Is that right?

Xiao Qi did not doubt what Li Meng said, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry!"

With a faint smile, Li Meng comforted: "There is nothing I'm sorry, this is not something you can stop, besides, this is not entirely her fault, facing strangers, the necessary vigilance is necessary, she did not do anything wrong."

Lowering her head, Xiao Qi said timidly: "Does the big brother know?"

With a slight smile, Li Meng said with certainty: "This is natural. Your elder brother and I are stronger than your teacher. I can naturally distinguish you from her. Although she and you are the same person, they are different. Personality gives you different personalities. She is indifferent but vigilant enough, and you are kind and willing to trust anyone."

Speaking of this, Li Meng stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Qi’s little head again, and said softly: “Although kindness is the most beautiful quality in the world, the world is sinister, and human society is even more dangerous. In this palace With the protection of your teacher, you can trust anyone, carefree, and always maintain this innocence, but once you leave here one day, you must learn from her. Only in this way can you be broad outside Better survival in the world."


Although Xiao Qi didn't know much about Li Meng, she would do what her elder brother said.

Because from the elder brother's eyes, Xiao Qi didn't notice the malice, only the warmth and the innocent petting.

Xiao Qi didn't know where this petting came from, but she didn't hate it.

With a slight smile, Li Meng stood up, looked at Xiao Qi in front of him, and said softly: "Go back!"


Nodding lightly, Xiao Qi obediently stepped onto the stairs, and walked back to the palace one step at a time.

Li Meng just smiled at Xiao Qi's appearance, turned and opened the car door beside him.

Although Xiao Qi's age is not young, she is still a child after all, at least in terms of her character.

Li Meng is tolerant towards children and is willing to contact them with the purest heart.

"Let's go!"

After boarding the car, Li Meng spoke to the driver in front.

"Mr. Li Meng! Are you going back to the embassy or to the villa of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce in the second ring city?" the driver in front asked.

Without thinking about it, Li Meng said, "Go back to the villa."

Li Meng does not have many choices. In Kyoto, the villa in the second ring city is the only place Li Meng can go. Although arrangements have been made for the Embassy of the First Army in Kyoto, the embassy is under renovation and settled in. It will take a lot of time.


With the roar of a slight engine roar, the vehicle moved slowly.

When Li Meng returned to the mansion, it was already an hour later.

The departure of Li Meng brought Chen Qi's father into working mode completely.

When Li Meng returned to the mansion, Long Qiaoer was the only one in the huge mansion.

Today, Long Qiaoer is no longer the maid dress, but the white-collar dress in the workplace.

Perhaps it was the roar of the car outside that alarmed her. When Li Meng entered the mansion, she saw a somewhat unexpected Long Qiao'er.

"the host!"

Although there are some surprises why the master returned today, after all, it is not long since the master left, but only two days, but Long Qiao'er didn't think much, bowed her head respectfully.


Together with Long Qiaoer, the two entered the mansion one after another.

When he came to the living room, Li Meng stretched out lazily and melted his body into the soft sofa.

"Where is Yana?"

Looking back, Li Meng asked Long Qiao'er next to him.

Facing the owner's inquiry, Long Qiaoer replied softly: "The master went to the "wudu" early this morning to inspect, and the young lady went to the headquarters building of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce in Kyoto."


No wonder no one can see anyone in the mansion except Long Qiaoer.

Looking up and down at Long Qiao'er, Li Meng was very curious about Long Qiao'er's distinctive dress today.

I have to say that after taking off the maid outfit, Long Qiao'er in the professional outfit gave Li Meng a different feeling.

How should I put it, it should be the temperament brought by the uniform, that unique temperament made Li Meng's eyes shine.

Looking at Long Qiao'er, Li Meng asked curiously: "Why is this dressed up?"

Long Qiao'er replied: "I have received the order from the young lady to go to "Xiangdu" to handle the affairs of the branch."

Go to Xiangdu?

Isn't this an external transfer?

Xiangdu is not close to Kyoto.

and many more……


Isn't this city exactly where he wants to go most?

Li Meng was lost in thought as he groaned.

"How to do?"

In his heart, Li Meng muttered to himself.

There are two roads in front of Li Meng now. One is to leave Kyoto and return to the territory of the First Army to deal with the most important things right now.

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