Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1458: The war is over

Li Meng just smiled lightly at Tan Ya's words, and did not say anything to refute.

Indeed, it is undoubtedly unwise to contact a powerful enemy when he knows that he is invincible.

But Li Meng and Tan Ya have different ideas.

Li Meng said: "The Demon Race is indeed very powerful, but the current Demon Race may not be invincible. If we do nothing now, then in the future, the Demon Race will truly become an invincible existence."

As he walked, Li Meng continued: "I know what you are worried about, but don't forget your master and my identity. Although I am not a god, I have the same power as "God". I don't think What those extraterrestrial beings can do to me, on the contrary, they should be more careful, parasitic minds, I am the best at dealing with this kind of soul consciousness."

Maybe the owner is right, but Tan Ya has her own ideas.

Tan Ya said: "Master! Why not use the power of the dead? After two years of accumulation, there are nearly 300,000 dead army in the Black Fort of Bentley, which is enough to cause a real undead natural disaster to erupt in the southern continent. "

Use the army of the dead in the Black Fort?

Although this is indeed a way, it may not be able to eliminate the demons, but it can cause turmoil in the southern continent, can delay the development of the demons, and buy more time for the first legion.

But Li Meng could not do this.

Li Meng's expression was very calm, and he said calmly: "My goal is the demons, those alien life, not the humans on the southern continent. The army of the dead is strong, but in a sense it is also very weak. My plan is to equip these dead units with advanced weapons and become powerful interstellar undeads. If they are consumed on the southern continent, it would be too wasteful."

"Furthermore, today's demons may be a powerful threat to the First Army, but when the intelligence is not clear, it is best not to conduct large-scale operations, and wait until I return from the southern continent this time. Well, at that time, how to deal with the threat of the Demon Race, everything has its own conclusion."

Since the owner said so, Tan Ya naturally wouldn't say much.

Just as the owner said, because of too little understanding of the Demon Race, the First Legion will feel a huge threat. If the Demon Race's information is more thorough, perhaps everything will change.

Although I don't want to admit it, the master's trip to the southern continent is indeed necessary, because the master's action this time may be an opportunity to solve the current dilemma facing the First Army.

In the next few days, the situation in Austria was orderly changing.

Since the Kingdom of Assi announced its unconditional surrender to the Kingdom of Danlan, only on the second day, the Kingdom of Dengsha immediately announced its surrender. So far, the outlying areas of Austria have been unified in a true sense.

For the Danlan Kingdom, the busy time has come, accepting new cities and dispatching new administrators. Everything has plunged the kingdom into a busy and happy day.

Just when Catherine was busy for the unification of Ogeria, Li Meng chose to leave.

As calm as when he came, it was also silent when he left.

Outside Austria, in a certain sea area in the north.

On the calm sea, a heavy cruiser belonging to the First Corps was sailing at a steady speed.

In the bridge command room...

"Now that Austria is unified and the war has ended, the system reform of the First Army can also be put on the agenda. Return to Nanlin Island. Let your three generals take the lead to completely rectify the army and improve the naval headquarters. The Navy Command will become the most important military department of the First Corps."

Speaking of this, Li Meng's words paused, and then he said: "This trip to the southern continent will not take too long. I will return as soon as possible."

The war in Austria has subsided. For the First Army, a period of rapid development will be ushered in. Li Meng must personally sit on Nanlin Island.


To the owner, Tan Ya has no opinion.

Before becoming the dead, Tan Ya might oppose the integration of arms, but now, Tan Ya doesn't care.

The fusion of arms is inevitable and must be experienced. There is no reason for anyone to oppose it.

Standing up, Li Meng got up from the captain's seat.

Looking back at Tan Ya, in the eyes of everyone, Li Meng's body turned into a black death force and gradually disappeared.

Looking at the place where the master disappeared, Tan Ya knew that the master had already left.

Stepping lightly, Tan Ya calmly sat on the captain's seat and said: "Send Davis, the naval headquarters immediately transfer to Nanlin Island, the third fleet stationed at Kenlin Harbor, and the rest of the fleet returned to Nanlin Island. , The army is fully withdrawn, and only 100,000 soldiers will remain in Austria."

This time in order to capture Austria, the First Army recruited a total of 500,000 soldiers.

From the beginning to the end of the war, the First Army only suffered more than 3,000 casualties. Undoubtedly, the First Army overestimated the strength of the Austrian countries, so that the size of the army was too expanded, which greatly increased the financial resources of the First Army. pressure.

Even if the war is over, in order to maintain the logistical expenses of these 500,000 people, the funds needed every day is an astronomical figure. Due to physical reasons, the soldiers of the First Corps cannot reasonably use local resources. All materials need to be The transportation of Nanlin Island requires a large amount of extra money only in terms of transportation.

Due to the different environments of the two worlds, the humans on the side of Ayre simply cannot adapt to the environment on the side of the earth. It can be said that logistical problems have always been the biggest problem of the First Army.

This heart disease gave Li Meng the idea of ​​recruiting native humans as soldiers of the First Army.

Of course, it is a matter of time for the First Army to recruit local soldiers, but it is still a bit early.

In the early days of the rule, the humans in his territory could not be guaranteed in terms of loyalty, which would take time.

In the south, despite the threat of the demons, the evacuation of the First Army is also necessary.

The battle with the demons is mainly a duel of air power. Once the air dominance is lost, the army of the First Legion, no matter how strong it is, is useless and will only be ruthlessly eliminated.

In order to cope with the threat of the demons, the First Army can only fight the demons by strengthening its air power.

In this regard, the First Army has not been idle in the past few months.

A total of five air bases are under construction on the southern coastline of the Kingdom of Austria.

Once the construction of these five air bases is completed, the First Army will deploy a large number of air units in the Kingdom of Austria to deal with the threat of the demons.

With another world as its backing, the First Legion's war potential is huge, and it can burst out unimaginable power in an instant, and this potential is enough to make any enemy fear it.

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