Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1465: Bugs

The hands holding Isis's beautiful body tightened, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed Isis's red lips again.

In the intercourse, in the eyes of Isis, Li Meng turned over and pressed Isis under him again.

Under the blanket, the two overlapped again.

Soon, a slight groan sounded from the inner hall again, echoing faintly.

Listening to the movement from the inner hall, the loyal guards in the outer hall looked at each other, the sound in their ears was so harsh, giving them a kind of wanting to rush into the inner hall to eliminate the enemy who bullied their "mother".

But the clan mother had a clear order, they can only wait in the hall with peace of mind.

After a long time, the voice in the inner hall disappeared again.

In the inner sanctuary, on the golden bed and under the golden blanket, two figures quietly embraced each other.

Li Meng was still lying on the bed, holding Isis in his arms.

At this time Isis was already asleep, with his head resting on his chest, his eyes closed tightly, and his breathing was sometimes long and sometimes rapid.

Looking at Isis in his arms, Li Meng smiled faintly. After all, it was a human body. It was natural to be so tossed by him this first time.

Thinking about this trip to the southern continent, Li Meng was a little lamented. Although it was short, the course of the matter was too unimaginable.

Mingming was an enemy before, but now he is lying on a bed.

Feeling the softness of the tender body in his arms, all of this made Li Meng feel a sense of unreality.

But the strong will tells Li Meng that all this is true.

Looking at Isis's beautiful face, Li Meng also thought of what Isis had said before.

Li Meng obtained a lot of useful information from Isis.

Undoubtedly, it is no longer appropriate to let the demons ignore it. Not only must we find ways to prevent the demons from mining tin and gold mines, but also prepare for a war with the demons.

Li Meng closed his eyes when he thought so, his consciousness stretched out, and instantly enveloped the entire earth.

At this time, it was dark outside and into the night.

It was still in the morning when she separated from Tan Ya. Even if Tan Ya had to rush back to Nanlin Island, it would take a few days. Therefore, Li Meng did not find Tan Ya, but went straight back to Nanlin Island.

Because it was night, Sakiya had already returned to the temple, and Li Meng found Sakiya in the temple.

"the host?"

In a meditation room, Sakiya was surprised to see the master who suddenly appeared next to her.

As it is only a mental projection, Li Meng can do very little, so there is no nonsense. He directly said: "In a few days, Tan Ya and Natasha will return to Nanlin Island to carry out the reform of the army. You should know about it."

Sakuya nodded lightly, and said, "Well, I have received related news."

Li Meng said: "This matter is very important. It can be implemented in accordance with the planned plan. At the same time, we need to be more radical for the demons on the southern continent."

More radical?

Sakuya asked suspiciously: "Master! What happened?"

Li Meng did not hide this point, saying: "The demons are using Sikkim to build large warships. We must prevent them from continuing to mine Sikkim. We must launch corresponding military operations on Alcatraz Island, and we must quickly. How is the deployment of air units going? ?"

As long as it has a strong air force, the First Army has the ability to fight the demons.

In response, Sakiya shook his head and said: "Due to the shortage of funds, it is not realistic to recruit air force units on a large scale. With the existing funds of the First Army, even if the recruitment of cheap MiG fighters is possible, only ten can be recruited. The number of squadrons."

Ten squadrons is more than two hundred, no doubt, this number is far from enough.

For a long time, the First Army has had funding problems. Only with funds can some transactions with Al be done, but now, Li Meng feels that it is time to change the trading rules with Al.

Li Meng who thought this way said to Sakuya: “It seems that it is time to negotiate with Al. Let’s put aside the recruitment of air force units. I will return as soon as possible. Also, inform Al. In three days, I will Go to Al in person."

The gate of subspace is two-way, you can go to the earth, and the earth can also go to Al.

It's just that Li Meng never had this idea before, and honestly abide by the rules set by the master.

But now, Li Meng felt that it was time to break this rule. He clearly had a world, but he couldn't make good use of it. This was not what Li Meng wanted to see.

The master is going to Al?

Although she was surprised by the owner's decision, Sakiya didn't think much about it.

Al is separated from the earth by a subspace gate. One day the owner will go to her hometown "Al". Sakiya just didn't expect that this day would come so early.

Sakiya said: "Yes, I will tell Al, Sakiya waits for the master to come back."


With a whisper, Li Meng's figure disappeared out of thin air in Sakuya's eyes.

Looking at the place where the master disappeared in a daze, Sakiya lay down again and closed his eyes for a long time.

The meditation room is dark. For the dead, such an environment is the most comfortable.

Time flies quickly, unknowingly, two days have passed since Li Meng's days in Yunan Continent.

In the past two days, Li Meng has not gone anywhere, and has been with Isis.

For the guards in the pyramid, their two days are not easy.

Since the appearance of the unknown human being, their "god", the clan mother, has not stepped out of the inner temple, and even the three meals a day are sent into the inner temple by the goddess.

"You are not in a hurry?"

A long golden dress, Isis nestled in Li Meng's arms lazily, and said softly.

As for Li Meng, with his back leaning on the golden bedside table, he lightly embraced Isis in his arms.

At Isis’s words, Li Meng just smiled and said: "Although I am here, I am not idle. I really want to fight the demons. With the existing strength of the First Legion, I am still very reluctant. ."

Speaking slightly, Isis in Li Meng's arms said softly: "The longer the time, the better for my demons, you should understand."

Regarding this, Li Meng couldn't comment, and said calmly: "This is natural, but although I don't know the society of your demons, I think it will take a lot of time for you to build those big things."

This is not wrong. Although the Demon Race does not need the so-called industry in humans, the construction of a Demon Race battleship is not an easy task. It takes time and various resources.

Isis said with a lazy expression: "Well, we have cultivated a kind of spore-like creature called insect fungus. As long as it has enough energy, it can grow indefinitely, and at the same time, it can swallow metal to harden itself. Battleships, ranging from sentinels to large battleships, all grow from a bug, and these bugs do not have consciousness. In order to make their growth shape controllable, every bug has a brain. My people are boarding."

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