Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1468: Gap between races

When the figure of "Pull" disappeared in the hall, Li Meng walked out from behind the barrier behind the throne.

"So, five of the seven lords of the Demon Race are all his allies?"

The voice echoed in the hall, and passed into the eyes of the guards, who turned their heads to look at the human men beside the clan mother.

When Li Meng sat on the throne holding Isis without hesitation, their golden pupils shrank, as if they dared not speak.

As if noticing the angry gazes of the commanding guards, Isis in Li Meng's arms turned around and took a cold look at the commanding guards in the hall.

The trembling of the soul made the guards fearful, and quickly lowered their heads.

Seeing that the guards were finally honest, Isis withdrew his gaze with satisfaction.

With his head covered with gold decorations lightly leaning against Li Meng’s chest, Isis whispered softly: "Although we have joined, the "La" alliance has become the most powerful force in the demons, but it is still not to be underestimated. In the alliance of "Amon" and "Ra", the lords who took the oath are all for their own interests, but Amon’s alliance is different. Although there are only two in his alliance, the loyalty to Amon is Reliable, and Jibu's strength is quite strong, second only to "pull". The alliance between the first strongest of the Demon Race and the third strongest is not a force that can be underestimated."

Speaking of this, Isis raised his head slightly, looked at Li Meng’s ordinary and charming face, and said softly: “Before the unity of mankind, there will be no conflicts between lords. This is our consensus. If mankind fails, I will protect you, protect what you care about."

Li Meng laughed dumbly at Isis's words, and said with a chuckle: "Why, in just a few days, you have fallen in love with me, I don't know how attractive I am."

Touching Li Meng’s chest lightly, Isis muttered to himself: "I don’t know, I just know that I like this feeling, like being by your side, in your arms, you know what, you guys Love in the eyes of human beings. Love is too far away for us. This may be love, or it may be just a kind of possessiveness, a kind of ambition, just like "pull" the ambition to unify the demons. At this moment, I am You are also ambitious."

Perhaps this is the gulf between two different species.

Neither party knows what the other's life values ​​are, nor can they empathize with each other.

Although Li Meng did not know what Isis was thinking at the moment, this did not prevent Li Meng from doing something Isis liked.

Li Mengsuo put on her lips slightly lowering her head and holding Isis.

In the deep kiss between the two, Isis was very cooperative, and his two small hands naturally wrapped Li Meng's neck.

Right on the throne, in the eyes of a kind of commanding guard, the two kissed deeply, forgetting me.

Regarding this ridiculous scene on the throne, His Royal Highness's commander had to concentrate on staring ahead, and try not to look at the throne, otherwise it would arouse their anger.

If they are scolded by the clan mother again, this is not what they want to see.

After a long time, Li Meng let go of Isis.

In speechlessness, the two got up and walked towards the inner hall.

Sitting side by side on the soft seat, Li Meng took out a platinum ring from nowhere.

Without saying much, Li Meng took Isis's left hand and put the ring on her ring finger.

In Isis’s startled gaze, Li Meng said, “I’m leaving. This ring is a communication device. Just say my name in the mouth and I will be by your side for the first time.”

Unlike the ring in Monica’s hand, the ring on Isis’s finger has no peculiar abilities. It is very ordinary. It was made by Li Meng quietly borrowing a metal object from the pyramid, decomposing it, and then condensing it. , The body of the ring is just a very ordinary metal material, but there is Li Meng’s spiritual power in the ring. As long as Isis chants his name lightly, as long as it is on the earth and within the scope of Li Meng’s spirit, Li Meng All know.

Is it so magical?

Looking at the white gold ring with a magical pattern on his finger, Isis muttered to himself.

With her eyes, she naturally saw that the material of this ring was just ordinary platinum.

Curious to curiosity, but Isis did not doubt what Li Meng said.

She nodded lightly, indicating that she knew.

For Li Meng's departure, Isis had long been psychologically prepared. She knew that the man in front of her would not stay with her for too long. According to human words, he had his own career.

The current situation is very severe for humans and the First Army.

The demons are gathering momentum, and the time for mankind is running out.

With a faint smile, in the eyes of Isis, Li Meng's figure gradually turned into a black death force, as if drifting away in the wind, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

Looking at this scene in a daze, Isis was very confused.

With her knowledge of tens of thousands of years, she could not explain the imagination in her eyes.

Is the body energized?

This is impossible. Human beings are carbon-based life. In terms of the rules of the material world, no matter what evolution direction humans choose, it is impossible to energize the flesh across dimensions, because this evolution has exceeded the rules of the material world.

If human beings can break this rule, then human beings are no ordinary beings, and even exist like gods in the entire universe.

This is also not an illusion. There are countless sensing devices in the pyramid. The entire pyramid is surrounded by a standpoint. No one can approach her silently. Once a stranger enters the pyramid, the pyramid The alert network will issue a warning.

But in front of him, the defensive network in the pyramid seemed to be completely ineffective. Even if he was actually standing in front of her, the guard network in the pyramid did not issue an alarm, as if he did not exist.

It was for this reason that Isis had no resistance at all when he first came into contact with him, because in front of him, all of this was useless.

"Every race will give birth to a god-like existence, maybe he is the special existence among humans." Looking at the place where Li Meng disappeared, Isis muttered to himself.

With a light breath, Isis stopped thinking about it.

She understands, thinking about things she doesn't understand, it's just a waste of time.

No matter how much Li Meng exists, at least for now, the two have been linked by fate.

Although the cooperation with Li Meng has her own goals, only a win-win cooperation can her relationship with Li Meng continue better.

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