Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1475: Li Yuhan

Li Meng said, "Don't suggest that I sit down beside you."

Shaking his head lightly, Li Yuhan smiled lightly: "Please feel free."

Li Meng sat down beside Li Yuhan, leaning on the tree with his back.

"Your Excellency Li Meng has something on your mind?"

Not long after sitting down, Li Yuhan's gentle voice came into Li Meng's ear.

How did she know?

Yes, Li Meng had a lot of thoughts at this time, but Li Meng didn't think he would write his thoughts on his face, even an ordinary person could see it.

"Why can you see it?" Li Meng asked back with a hint of doubt.

With a slight smile, Li Yuhan said softly: "At this time, in this place, people who have nothing to worry about will not have this leisure."

It turned out to be like this...

Li Meng finally understood why Li Yuhan knew that he had something on his mind, it turned out to rely on this.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "So, there is something on my mind too?"

In the ear, Li Yuhan's faint voice rang: "Your Excellency Li Meng has been in the old house for many days. Some things should be noticed."

Nodding lightly, Li Meng said, "Although I feel in this respect, I am also confused. This is the Chen family's family affair. As an outsider, I naturally have trouble dealing with.

"Then why does Lord Li Meng ask now?"

Regarding this, Li Meng was very indifferent, and said softly: "It's just curiosity. Madam is so beautiful, so any man should cherish it..."

At Li Meng's words, Li Yuhan pursed his lips and chuckled: "If Your Excellency Li Meng said this when I was young, I would be very happy, but now I am old, these years are really unforgiving."


The smile on his face gradually disappeared, Li Yuhan sighed slightly, and said softly: "It's just a mistake when I was young. This is the price. No matter, it's been over for decades. There are some things that I don't need to care about. Let's talk more."

Speaking of this, looking at the water in front of him, Li Yuhan chuckled lightly: "Tell me about my daughter. Because of her father's influence, that girl has not received much care from me since she was a child. In the past, her character was relatively weak, and she was not at all concerned. Unlike me, everything has changed since she came back from Dirty Valley two years ago. At that time, I thought she was being bullied. Now it seems that everything has something to do with Your Excellency Li Meng."

"She is my daughter. I understand her. Since knowing that you came to Chen's house, she has become a little impatient. I can perceive that you have a very important position in my daughter's heart. If..."

Speaking of this, as if he realized something, Li Yuhan laughed at himself, and his voice stopped abruptly.

This person beside him is not an ordinary person. Although the Chen family is unattainable in the eyes of the world, what about him?

It should not be worth mentioning...

The status is not equal, how can she be as she wishes?

Li Meng knew what Li Yuhan wanted to say, but he could not make any promises to Li Yuhan.

The topic that shouldn't be continued, let it stop here, and the two of them did not continue talking in a tacit understanding.

After a long time, the sound of water "wasting" sounded again.

Li Yuhan took the little feet back from the lake, put down the dress that was pushed to the thigh, and put on shoes.

Li Meng thought she was leaving, but she did not.

She just hugged her knees and sat quietly beside him.

Being speechless for a long time, Li Meng turned his head and looked to her side slightly.

Although Li Yuhan is nearly fifty, she is still beautiful, without any wrinkles on her face, and her skin is still as smooth and white as she looks from the side, she looks like a lonely girl sitting on her knees.

As if feeling Li Meng's gaze, she looked back and showed a gentle smile.


Looking at Li Yuhan, Li Meng saw the shadow of another person on that beautiful face.

Li Yanran, Li Meng suddenly felt that the face of the woman beside him was so similar to Li Yanran.

The doubt in his mind made Li Meng very curious and said, "Madam, what is your relationship with Li Yanran?"

Li Yanran?

Does he know Li Yanran?

In her heart, Li Yuhan instantly understood, and understood why sister Yanran said those things to her last time.

Looking at Li Meng in a daze, Li Yuhan's eyes were filled with tears, his eyes seemed joyful and sad.

In a short while, tears came out of her eyes, streaming down her cheeks and dripping from her white chin.

"Madam! You are..."

Seeing Li Yuhan crying so unexplainably, Li Meng was a little bit dumbfounded. He didn't know what happened.

Li Meng was a little at a loss. He didn't know where to cause Li Yuhan to cry, so he could only look at Li Yuhan who was crying in embarrassment.

Speaking slightly, Li Yuhan, who was crying silently, spoke, and she whispered: "Can I hug you?"

Seeing the tear-stained woman crying in front of him, Li Meng hesitated for her request, and finally leaned over Li Yuhan with a calm expression.

Seeing that Li Meng agreed, Li Yuhan smiled softly with tears, and hugged Li Meng tightly.

Feeling the magnificence and softness of Li Yuhan's chest on his face, Li Meng had a feeling of suffocation.

Although in the past, Li Meng always refused to come to Aventure, even if he didn't really do anything, he didn't take advantage of the cheap, but Li Meng did not have any bad ideas about Li Yuhan.

She is Chen Yuyan's mother, and based on this alone, Li Meng doesn't think anything wrong about her.

After a while, Li Yuhan slightly released Li Meng, but she did not let Li Meng go, but took advantage of the trend to press Li Meng and let her head rest on her lap.

She seems to have something to say...

Smelling the fragrance of Li Yuhan's body in his nose, he quietly rested on Li Yuhan's lap. The softness of the back of his head made Li Meng feel very comfortable.

For some reason, Li Yuhan's gentleness made Li Meng very enjoyable. Although the object of the knee pillow was her, it was not an unacceptable thing.

Li Meng placed one hand on Li Meng’s shoulder and the other on Li Meng’s head. Looking at Li Meng under him, the tears in his eyes finally stopped flowing. Li Yuhan said softly, “Li Yanran is my sister. The youngest sister."

Sure enough...

With this sentence alone, Li Meng knew why Li Yuhan was like this.

Looking at Li Meng's face in a daze, Li Yuhan seemed to be lost, muttering to himself: "Like, really like, I should have thought of this a long time ago, how could there be someone so similar to him in the world."

Li Meng has no idea what to say, he can only remain silent.

If it is not necessary, the person that Li Meng is most reluctant to contact is probably the "Li" family.

It is not that Li Meng is unwilling to recognize his ancestors, but that he is not Li Meng.

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