Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1477: Al (ask monthly pass)


Sakuya and Tan Ya responded in unison.

Although a month is not much time, it is sufficient for the First Army, which is prohibited by order.

"That's it, I'm going."

El's trip will not take too long. When he returns, perhaps Tan Ya on the way home has not yet returned to Nanlin Island.

The abilities of Sakiya and Natasha are unquestionable. There is no need to say too much, it will cause more pressure on them.

When the words were over, Li Meng got up and left the throne and walked outside the hall from the dedicated passage.

Seeing this, Sakiya and Natasha quickly followed closely behind.

There were three subspace gates in the first legion. Originally, there was one on the Emperor Emperor. However, in order to ensure that the gate of the subspace was kept strictly confidential, the gate of the subspace on the Emperor was removed.

Today, the subspace gates owned by the First Army are distributed in three different places, and they are of different sizes.

The smallest one in the temple can be called a small subspace door, which can only transmit "people" or some smaller items. There is also a door in the base of Qingcheng, which is comparable to the temple's subspace door. , The door in the base will be much larger. It can transmit most of the armored units on Al’s side, as well as some large air force units. It can be called the medium-sized subspace door. The last one is in the dock of the port. The gate of the subspace in the dock is the largest, and it can transmit the largest warship on the side of Al. It is the gate of the large subspace.

Following the master along the long corridor, Sakuya said as she walked: "I have notified Al that Al is about 3 o'clock in the afternoon at this time. It is also suitable for the master to go at this time. They have already prepared. Okay to welcome the host's arrival."

Al is in an unknown star system, and time is naturally different from Earth.

In Al, there are 27 hours in a day, and there are 275 days in a year.

Soon, the three came to the place where the gate of the subspace was placed.

This is a very empty place, not far from the inner temple, at a corner on the edge of the temple.

Since opening the gate of subspace requires extremely large energy, for this purpose, the temple has installed three Tesla reactors.

In addition to the usual lighting, the role of the Tesla reactor is to provide enough energy for the gate of subspace.

In the center of the empty hall, a three-meter-high, dark rectangular door frame stood quietly.

It sits on a metal disk, and the door frame is studded with small crystals one after another, which looks dazzling.

When there was still a certain distance from the gate of subspace, Li Meng said to Sakuya beside him: "Open it."

In speechlessness, Sakuya left Li Meng and came to a console not far away.

I saw that after Sakiya pressed a red button, a "buzzing" sound suddenly sounded in the huge hall.

It was the sound of some kind of machinery.

The trumpet in the hall also rang.

"The gate of the subspace is opened, and the energy is transmitted, 5%, 10%, 15%..."


When the energy was transmitted to 20%, the crystals on the subspace door gradually lit up. As the energy increased, more and more crystals lit up.

"90%, 95%, 100%, the gate of subspace is activated."

When the energy transmission reached 100%, the crystal on the gate of subspace suddenly burst out with a brilliant color.

It was mercury, and the energy of the mercury concentrated into the door at a speed visible to the naked eye, instantly forming a power vortex, but within a few seconds, the power vortex calmed down, forming a mercury curtain.

At this point, the space-time tunnel leading to "Ayre" has been opened.

Without saying much, as Natasha and Sakiya were watching, Li Meng calmly approached the gate of the subspace, stepped forward, and disappeared into the silver curtain.

Why is it mercury?

It was just a layer of protection, a technology that could effectively reduce the probability of being discovered by the subspace demon consciousness, a technology that Li Meng could not understand.

After entering the silver curtain, consciousness exists, surrounded by a red aurora and gas-like red clouds. They are all over the horizon, seemingly endless.

And in the front is a twisted passage. Although there is no feeling of "movement", the surrounding red gas clouds are retreating rapidly.

This feeling is very strange. Although I can't feel the presence of the body, my consciousness is very clear.

Unknown star system, Al, in the Ark base.

For Al, today is a very important day.

Since the Third World War, Ayre has finally restored peace due to the "omnic crisis".

Although there are contradictions among countries, the theme is peace.

In the face of unknown and incomprehensible existence, religion has gradually revived in the face of threats and oppression.

Humans always like to worship unknown existences as gods. This is nature and a desire for survival.

The Ark is located on an island, surrounded by an endless sea.

This is a small island, a small island with a small area. Traces of the island could be seen many years ago, but now it is no longer visible. Looking down from the sky, you can only see a large shell-shaped building.

For all nations of mankind, the Ark is of great significance because it is a door connecting another world.

However, for humans, the Ark is impossible to achieve. Although humans have the right to enter the Ark, they have no right to use it.

Since yesterday, for some reason, the Ark has become more lively than ever.

The leaders of the Allied Powers, the Sauville Empire, the Rising Sun Empire, the Rising Dragon Empire, and some joint organizations came to the Ark Base. In less than a day, the guards of the Ark Base countries to protect the leaders reached 10,000.

Although the Ark base is large, it has also become crowded due to the arrival of heads of state.

The time was as high as 3 pm, but the teleportation hall of the Ark base was overcrowded.

In the bright hall, the heads of countries stand apart, and behind them are a group of bodyguards in suits.

At a glance, there were hundreds of people in the huge teleportation hall, densely packed.

At this time, they all looked at a portal on a high platform. Soon, in that door, a guest from another world would come to "El".

"I'm coming!"

I don't know who whispered, so people's eyes are straight, their eyes fixed on the portal on the platform.

The sound of the machinery rang out in the teleportation hall, and the crystal on the gate of the subspace emitted a bright light, forming a silver curtain in everyone's eyes.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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