Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1480: Sophia

Sure enough, I just listened to the main brain: "I will record the experimental data of these two technologies and conduct a comprehensive analysis of the structure of the equipment. After the complete withdrawal, the "Ayre" world will only leave the subspace gate to continue to operate. The relay is too dangerous and it is recommended to dismantle it on the spot."

Dismantle the quality repeater?

Frowning slightly, Li Meng said solemnly: "Can't it be shipped to "Earth"?"

The mass repeater is a good thing. It involves Wormhole technology, so it's a shame to dismantle it like this.

"The mass repeater requires extremely large energy to operate. There are twelve large Tesla reactors in the Ark base, and the energy supplied can only be enough for the mass repeater to operate. Because it is the access of external energy, The mass repeater is very unstable when it operates. Once energy fuzz occurs, the mass repeater is an oversized nuclear bomb, which is powerful enough to destroy half an "Al"."

It turned out to be an extremely dangerous thing. It seems that this is the reason why the mastermind wants to tear down the quality repeater.

Now that he knew the danger of mass repeaters, Li Meng naturally would not object to the idea of ​​mastermind.

Li Meng said, "Just do as you say."

After that, the mastermind fell silent.

The main brain's voice was no longer heard, and Li Meng was thinking about looking up at the starry night sky.

Not only the mass repeater, but the gate of subspace will be removed someday.

Al is a peaceful world, a world that is not noticed by demons.

For Al, the existence of the gate of subspace is a big risk.

If you continue to use it, finally one day, the consciousness of the demon **** will notice this world.

At that time, Al will be like the earth, threatened by demons.

As long as the earth survives this crisis and defeats the demons, it will be time for the gate of subspace to be demolished.

For the First Army, Al is not indispensable, as long as the First Army has established its own industrial system on the earth, Al will be dispensable.

With Li Meng and the mastermind, the earth’s technology will soon surpass "Ayre". Perhaps in the near future, the First Army will be able to find the star system "Ayre" is located in in the endless sky. , Everything will change.

Mankind has a common ancestor, so mankind must be unified.

But it will not be the First Legion that unites mankind. The First Legion will be the witness and witness the rise of mankind.

One day, mankind will rise again and prosper, and the First Army will have another more ambitious goal.

"Boom, boom!"

Just then, the door of the room was knocked.

The knock on the door came to Li Meng's ears.

This made Li Meng turn around slightly curiously, left the balcony, and walked towards the door.

At this time...who will it be?

"Mr. Li Meng! Don't mind if I disturb you at this time."

When Li Meng opened the door, she saw her in a gorgeous long skirt with a smile in front of the door. Behind her, she could see several bodyguards in black suits.

It's Sophia...

How could Li Meng refuse a beauty visit.

With a slight smile, Li Meng stepped aside and said, "Of course I don't mind, please come in!"

"You are waiting for me here."

Speaking to the bodyguards behind him, Sophia stepped into the room.

In the room, the two sat down on the soft sofa.

Although I don't know why Sophia visited at this time, Li Meng didn't think much about it.

Regardless of Sofia's purpose, Li Meng just needs to watch the changes.

After sitting down, Sophia looked at Li Meng with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said softly: "I have always been curious about the world on the other side of the earth. Can Mr. Li Meng tell me?"

"What do you want to know?" Li Meng asked.


Sophia thought and said in deep thought, "Tell me about the human society over there."

Human society?

Lying to me, with his back leaning on the soft sofa, Li Meng said calmly: "The human culture on the earth is very similar to "Ayre". There are tri-color races, and the tri-color races are also very cultured. More than 300 years ago, the level of science and technology on the earth was not much different from the current "Ayre", but a plague spreading all over the world destroyed the earth’s human society, and the earth fell into the disaster of the living dead. In the struggle, humans launched a nuclear war against alien species. So far, humans have entered the dark age. More than three hundred years have passed. Although humans on earth are recovering the glory they had in the past, they are also affected by the harsh environment. With some powerful enemies, compared to the earth, you "Al" are undoubtedly lucky, there is no pollution beast, and there is no threat from the "devil"."

Li Meng's remarks can make Sophia very novel, while being novel, there are also some doubts in his heart.

Speaking slightly, Sophia said in a puzzled way: "Alien life is justified. Although "Ayre" has never discovered extraterrestrial life, scientists have always believed that there is life outside of human beings in the universe. However, this The devil..., this is too hard to believe."

This is not only unbelievable, but also beyond the scope of ordinary people’s cognition. Although the word "demon" is not unfamiliar to "Al", it often describes those despicable, nasty bad people, and The legendary monsters.

But from what Sophia knows, the "demons" on earth are some very strange creatures.

Without explaining too much, Li Meng just confirmed: "Do you really want to know?"

In response, Sophia nodded and said seriously: "Yes."

He patted the sofa beside him, Li Meng said calmly: "Come on, I will let you know."

Although I don't know what Li Meng is going to do, Sophia didn't think much.

Sitting beside Li Meng with a long skirt, he looked at Li Meng with curious eyes.

Without saying much, Li Meng just stretched out his right hand and peeked into Sophia's beautiful face.

Sophia blushed at Li Meng's move, but did not avoid it.

Li Meng didn't have the idea of ​​being frivolous, but put his hand on Sophia's temple.

With a movement of her mind, some memories that did not belong to Sophia suddenly poured into her mind.

This is a spiritual communication.

Originally, Sophia's face was very calm and shy, but it quickly changed.

The curious eyes froze, his face instantly turned pale, and his body was trembling slightly.

As if being stimulated, she hugged Li Meng suddenly and got into Li Meng's arms, holding Li Meng tightly with both hands.

She was trembling in her arms, Li Meng could feel it.

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