Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1486: Sky-high budget (seeking monthly ticket)

Although the support of the Rising Sun Empire cannot be compared with the allies, Li Meng can understand.

An island country, in the absence of resources, is already doing its best to have such a large amount of support.

Facing Ji Lang's gaze, Li Meng nodded to him.

This response from Li Meng undoubtedly gave Ji Lang a sigh of relief, with gratitude on his face.

Next is Sophia. Obviously, when Ji Lang spoke, Sophia had an idea in her heart. She smiled slightly, looked at Li Meng gracefully, and said softly: "The Suville Empire only experienced a civil strife not long ago. The scale of the country is small, but the domestic economy is still unstable. However, our Suville Empire is also a big country and cannot be left behind."

Speaking of this, Sophia smiled faintly and said: "In the air force unit, our country will provide Mr. Li Meng with 200 squadrons of MiG fighters, a total of 4,800, and the ground air defense unit will provide 3,000 "Stinger" air defense vehicles. With 500 sets of "Stalker" air defense arrays and 50 sets of ELS-5 air defense radars, the navy unit will provide 30 21959 guided guided missile destroyers and 5 dreadnought battleships. Follow-up support will be no less than 5 trillion."

Although it is not as wealthy as the Allies, the Suville Empire is not far behind. It can be said that the Allies and the Suville Empire are the main forces in the supporting arms.

In the end, only the Thang Long Empire is left. As a large country with a population far surpassing the allies and an economy similar to that of the allies, of course it has to show something.

At this time, the old man standing behind Zhu Yixuan spoke. He looked very calm and said: "Everyone, you also know the situation of the Shenglong Empire. Although the economic aggregate is no less than that of the allies, in general, the Shenglong Empire It is still a developing country, and its armaments are very weak. So how about the logistics of each country’s armaments be borne by the Thang Long Empire? All the ammunition, missiles, and the Thang Long Empire used by various countries can be manufactured, and the royal family will spend one hundred thousand. Billion to support Mr. Li Meng, do you have any objections?"

This one……

To Wei Xian's proposal, Sophia, Langtepp, and Ji Lang looked at each other and nodded tacitly in agreement.

The Thang Long Empire is the industrial base of the "Ayre" world. There is nothing that cannot be built. If the Thang Long Empire is responsible for logistics, it is also an extremely beneficial thing for all countries.

Seeing the agreement of various countries, Wei Xian said calmly: "Then it's settled, I'm done."

So far, Li Meng has a rough idea of ​​the armaments that "Al" can provide.

I have to say that in this matter, all countries have lost their money.

According to Li Meng's estimation, in this war, the four countries put out a total of nearly 30 trillion budgets.

Thirty trillion yuan, considering the output value of "Ayre", thirty trillion yuan is enough to support a world war.

Similarly, with this batch of equipment, the First Army finally has the ability to fight the demons.

Thinking of this, Li Meng smiled slightly, looked around at the crowd, and said, "I can naturally feel your sincerity. Please pay more attention to arms assistance and try to send all this equipment to the earth within three months. ."

Speaking of this, Li Meng took out another chip from his arms and placed it on the table, saying to the people: "This chip has the most complete controllable nuclear fusion technology. As for the plasma technology related to the sub-light speed. , I can only give it to all of you here after the war. I assure you that no matter whether the war on the earth is a victory or a defeat, you can get plasma technology."

This is a transaction. Of course, the principle of equivalent exchange must be observed, and some rules must also be observed.

The heads of state all understand this and have no opinion on it.

Langterp immediately assured Li Meng: "Mr. Li Meng, please rest assured that all the equipment provided by the allies can be shipped to the earth within one month at most."

Naturally Li Meng believed in the guarantee of Langtorp, and nodded to it.

At this point, the meeting can be said to be over.

At the end of the meeting, Li Meng issued an unimaginable invitation to the heads of countries.

Looking at the little girl beside him, Li Meng smiled slightly and said to everyone: "I will be engaged to the queen of the Shenglong Empire "Zhu Yixuan" soon. If you have time, don't forget to come to the engagement ceremony."

Engaged to the Queen of the Thang Long Empire?

As soon as this remark came out, everyone except Wei Xian was taken aback.

Even the interpreters and guards in the conference room looked at Li Meng and Zhu Yixuan with a stunned expression.

Compared with the guards and interpreters in the conference room, the heads of state know a lot of things that ordinary people don't know. They are startled at first, then thoughtful.

This is probably another political marriage. Although the Queen of the Thang Long Empire is a little younger, Mr. Li Meng is also very young. Ten years later, the two must be beautiful and talented.

In order to break the somewhat embarrassing atmosphere in the meeting room, Langtepp hurriedly said: "It must be certain. When the time is set, you can tell me that I will be there to congratulate the day of the engagement."

A piece of Ji Lang nodded slightly and said, "Mr. Li Meng, congratulations."

Only Sophia looked at Li Meng and then at Zhu Yixuan, smiled, looked at Li Meng faintly, and complained: "I said Mr. Li Meng, this is your fault. How long has it been? You are really a little bit. It’s not fair to give me no chance."

Li Meng could only pretend not to see Sophia's resentment.

Afterwards, the meeting officially ended.

At this point, Li Meng's negotiations with "Al" can be said to have ended.

After the meeting, in the following day, the heads of countries left the Ark base by their own special planes.

In the huge Ark base, from time to time, white passenger planes took off and gradually disappeared into the distance.

Vertical take-off and landing aircraft in "Ayre" have become commonplace. This is the power of technology.

Even large passenger planes do not need a runway when necessary.

"Brother, when shall we go back?"

The foundation of the Ark Base is still very complete, because there are always troops from various countries here, like restaurants, cafes, everywhere, there are soldiers and civilians.

Of course, soldiers have areas where soldiers can move, while civilians can only move around outside the Ark.

In addition to the overall building of the Ark, a small town, a small town for dining and entertainment has been formed on the periphery of the Ark.

In a coffee shop, Li Meng and Zhu Yixuan sit side by side.

To Zhu Yixuan's expression looking at her eagerly, while stirring the coffee with a spoon, Li Meng whispered, "Tomorrow."

What Zhu Yixuan said about going back is naturally not going back to the Ark base, but going back to the Dragon Empire.


Zhu Yixuan was a little disappointed, her head downcast.

Zhu Yixuan's reaction made Li Meng very curious, and the movement in her hand stopped and asked: "Is so anxious to go back, but what are you worried about?"

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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