Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1494: Huge armaments (seeking monthly pass)

When he came to the main hall, Li Meng said to Wei Xian, "Prepare a plane and send me back to the Ark base."

At Li Meng’s words, Wei Xian was taken aback, and said in a puzzled way: "Mr. Li Meng, this engagement matter..."

Wei Xian was a little confused. Mr. Li Meng had just arrived in the Shenglong Empire, why he was leaving again.

Is it because of Her Majesty the Queen?

Looking up at the silent queen on the throne, Wei Xian was thoughtful.

It seems that the scene just now had a great impact on Her Majesty the Queen, so that...

Li Meng's expression was very calm and said: "Furthermore, don't rush for a while."

It can only be so. Wei Xian understands that in the next period of time, the Shenglong Empire will fall into a brief chaos.

Right now, the prime ministers are already in their midst, and the next step is to clear some of the remnants of the prime ministers. For a long time, the royal family will become extremely busy. Now is indeed not the time to get engaged.

An unexpected and unexpected coup ended in such a dramatic way.

It is not that the prime ministers are not fully prepared. In a sense, they are fully prepared.

However, the addition of a dark horse like Li Meng wiped out their preparations over the years.

While Wei Xian was busy clearing the coup d'état members from the palace, a special royal plane lifted off from the apron and gradually disappeared over the bustling Beiping.

Above the clouds, a white passenger plane is flying at a steady speed.

More than two hours had passed. At this time, the passenger plane had already left the Thang Long Empire and entered the sky over the Pacific Ocean, about four hours away from the Ark Base.

In the upper cabin of the special plane, Yuriko, who was sitting opposite Li Meng, looked a little fidgety.

In the previous scene in the Imperial Palace of Shenglong Empire, Yuriko has not forgotten. Although as a member of the superpower army, she is used to seeing life and death, but the **** and hideous scene still scared Yuriko.

It is a very strange, unknown force, very evil, but also very powerful.

Secretly glanced at the opposite Li Meng, she still could not muster the courage.

"What are you thinking?"

How could Yuriko's small gestures be hidden from Li Meng, with a faint smile, Li Meng asked.

With a good start, how could Yuriko shrink back and follow the words.

She was curious, and said in a puzzled way: "That kind of power...should not be a kind of superpower?"

What are superpowers?

Superpower comes from the human spirit and is a product of the abnormal changes in the mental field. It is diverse, but there are traces to follow, but the power used by Mr. Li Meng is different.

It was a dark power, and when surrounded by that kind of breath, the soul seemed to tremble.

To this question, Li Meng just asked: "Do you trust God?"


Yuriko shook her head, she naturally didn't believe it.

Even if she believed, she knew that "God" was just a spiritual sustenance of human beings, not a real existence.

Li Meng said calmly: "You should know that our First Army believes in the "Reaper", and this power is the power of the "Reaper", its power."


Is there a real "god"?

How is this possible? How can there be real "gods" in the world.

Is this true?

There is always a legend in the mouths of soldiers returning from the earth to Al, a legend in the First Legion about the resurrection of the dead. Is this true?

Li Meng said indifferently to the suspicion on Yuriko’s face: "For most people, God is just a spiritual "sustenance", but "it" is different. It is real, and it may not be a "god." , But in our hearts it is "God", and there is no difference from God. The so-called God is sometimes just a "title", and there is no need to look at it too illusory."

This is also...

God is the spiritual sustenance of human beings, but certain kinds of real things will also be called "gods" by humans, and there is no need to look at "gods" too mysteriously.

Thinking of this, Yuriko showed an incredible look on her face.

Yuriko became more and more curious about the earth. She really wanted to see what kind of world the earth was like.

Demons, polluting beasts, extraterrestrial life, all seemingly incredible existences have appeared on the earth, how different this world is.


Earth, Nanlin Island, Qingcheng.

Since Nanlin Island was occupied by the First Army, peaceful and busy days have been the normal state of this island.

In two years, the peaceful and rapid development has given Qingcheng a new look to the originally decadent Qingcheng.

The city continues to expand, high-rise buildings continue to rise from the ground, the city walls around the city have long since disappeared, replaced by a mobile power grid.

But in the recent period of time, peace seems to be about to leave, and the civilians in Qingcheng feel a feeling before the storm.

I don't know when it started, the sky above Qingcheng became no longer peaceful.

Every few hours, the sky above Qingcheng will always be enveloped by a "roar". Whenever the roar sounds, in a short while, more than 20 aircraft will pass over the city and disappear into the same one. direction.

This situation has been going on for many days, which made many Qingcheng civilians wonder if the First Army was going to fight again.

who can that be?

The war in Austria has only ended for more than a month. How long has passed since then, are there any new enemies?

The vision in Qingcheng is only one of them, and the second one comes from the port.

As early as half a month ago, the port of Nanlin Island became lively. First, a few strange-shaped tank ships sailed out of the huge dock. In the next few days, the port became lively.

The civilians in the harbor suddenly discovered that when a large number of huge warships appeared quietly in the deep-water anchorage area, they were neatly arranged, densely packed, and countless.

Temple, inner court, courtyard pavilion.

Sitting in a comfortable rocking chair, Li Meng was listening to the report from Sakuya.

She sat on the stone bench, looked at the palm computer in her hand, and whispered softly.

"Because we have prepared in advance, five simple air bases have been completed on the southern coast of the Kingdom of Austria. Because of the large number of fighters, these five air bases are undergoing emergency expansion. Once the construction is completed, each air force The base can station up to 15 squadrons."

"In addition to these five air bases, in Bentley, the Kingdom of Austria, the Kingdom of Danlan, and the Spratly Islands, we have mobilized local civilians. With the help of the local government, a total of 16 air bases are under construction. There is one island, six in the Kingdom of Austria, eight in the Kingdom of Danlan, and one in Bentley."

"The air force units are gradually transporting to the Kingdom of Austria. Due to the long distance, the longest range fighter jets must be fully equipped with fuel tanks to reach the destination. Only fighter jets can arrive first. Ammunition will be transported by transport ships. Within this month, the air bases of the Danlan Kingdom and the Kingdom of Austria will be deployed, including air defense positions in various places."

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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