Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1499: Encounter (seeking monthly pass)

"Little brother Li Meng, let's go!"

Waved to several companions not far away, Qiangwei was more active than Li Meng, pulled Li Meng up from his seat, and walked to the platform intimately holding Li Meng's arm.

After a while, the train entered the station mightily, and a huge roar resounded throughout the platform.

The ticket in Li Meng's hand is the most expensive box ticket, in the first half of the train.

Because the fare is expensive, ordinary civilians can't afford it. There are very few people around Li Meng. There are only a few martial artists who are curiously watching him, and some businessmen who wear more gorgeous clothes.

The train entered the station, the door opened, and the passengers on the platform began to board the train. Li Meng and Qiangwei also boarded the train and found their box.

"Want something to drink, something to eat? I'll let the waiter bring it over later."

After entering the box, Qiangwei looked very natural, as if she was the master here.

Sitting by the window, Li Meng shook his head lightly, looking at the platform where the crowd outside was gradually becoming scarce.

Seeing that Li Meng didn't need it, Qiangwei smiled slightly, sat down beside Li Meng, and looked out the window with Li Meng.

When she found that there was nothing good-looking outside the window, she hugged Li Meng’s left arm with both hands, and took the initiative to stick to Li Meng’s body, whispering: "Little brother Li Meng, after the last "SSS-level mission" was completed, my sister, There is always a doubt in my mind, can Li Meng help my sister? "


What Qiangwei was wondering about, Li Meng certainly didn't know. He turned around and glanced at Qiangwei beside him, and said indifferently, "What doubts?"

Qiangwei smiled slightly, and said softly: "A lot of martial artists died in the last mission. The opponents like that are not something we can handle. Therefore, we paid a great price, although after the final mission was completed, But the one who killed the "degenerate" should be Li Meng, right?"

Speaking of this, Qiangwei gently put his chin on Li Meng’s shoulder, and chuckled: “Although we all think it is you, this is just a guess. Sister, my curiosity is very strong, I really want to know. Can Li Meng tell me?"

It turned out to be this doubt...

Li Meng said calmly: "What can I do if I know it?"

Li Meng's words made Qiangwei very dissatisfied. She shook Li Meng's arm gently and said coquettishly like a little girl: "Little brother Li Meng, just tell me, it's my sister, please."

This woman...

Feeling the softness of the arm touched from time to time, as well as Qiangwei’s charming and lovely gesture, made Li Meng unbearable in his heart. Since he came into this world, he has never met an incredible woman like Qiangwei. .

As Qiangwei shook and shook, Li Meng had to say: "It was me, I killed him. He is too dangerous. It is a time bomb for humans. I cannot let him leave alive."

Hearing Li Meng's words, Qiangwei let Li Meng go. Although he didn't shake it any more, he stuck it tighter.

She smiled and whispered: "I knew it was you. At that time, only you could easily kill "him". After all, Brother Li Meng, you are the number one human being. It’s not a matter of a finger."

A finger?

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "I'm not as strong as you think."

After speaking, Li Meng looked back at the beautiful face of Qiangwei beside him, and said: "Take you as an example. If you suddenly violently rise up now, maybe I don't even have the chance to resist. This is still a human being. First strong?"

Regarding this, Qiangwei just smiled lazily, and she understood very well: "You can't say that. Little brother Li Meng is a "thinking power". It is naturally dangerous if you get close to the enemy, but who can get in. As for Li Meng’s body, as for me... I am not Li Meng’s enemy now."

At this time, the siren of the train sounded again.

After the three beeps, I only felt a slight tremor in the box, the train moved slowly, and the scene outside was slowly retreating.

Although Qiangwei is a bit unbearable for a woman, her every move is a temptation for men, but when getting along with her, it is still good, making people unable to feel the passage of time.

Unconsciously, the day passed, and night fell.

At this time, the 219 passenger train had already left Xiangdu and was galloping in the dark forest.

It was completely dark outside, and looking out the window, there was only a piece of darkness, and the branches and leaves that flashed by under the light of the car.

"The railway around the city is one-way. From Kyoto to Xiang, it takes a circle from the north. If you want to reach Kyoto, you have to make a large circle from the south. It stops and stops on the way. It takes two days. If it goes well, it will take three days at the earliest."

While eating the food on the plate in front of her, Qiangwei spoke some common sense to Li Meng.

She corrected what Li Meng had said before, that it was not two days for Xiangdu to arrive in Kyoto, but three days.

Does this matter?

Of course it is important, at least for Qiangwei.

"What about the floater?"

Slowly eating the slightly light food in front of him, Li Meng asked.

Qiangwei replied: "Although the floating boat walks in a straight line, it takes a lot of time to stop and go, one day, anyway, it will not exceed two days."

In other words, in China, the most convenient and efficient means of transportation is the "floating boat".

However, this speed is still too slow. You must know that the distance between Kyoto and Xiangdu is not far, and the straight line does not exceed 700 kilometers. It does not matter if the detour train is slow, and even the floating boat flying in the sky takes a day. Time, this speed is not slow.

In the case of a jet airliner, this short distance of less than 700 kilometers can be reached in more than an hour.


Provoking an unknown piece of flesh, Qiangwei feeds Li Meng very intimately.

With the smile on that face, people who didn't know thought that the relationship between the two was a lover, but the woman beside Li Mengshen was terrible.

Although she seemed open and bold, her eyes showed instinctive coldness from time to time.

She is restraining, restraining the body's instinctive impulse, her body is in a tight state in every move.

This state allows her to attack the enemy at any time.

Who is the enemy?

There were only two people in the box, so it was self-evident who the enemy was.

Facing the pulp that Qiangwei handed over, Li Meng ate it naturally.

This woman is very interesting. Perhaps there is devil blood in her body, which makes her very different from ordinary women. When attracting the attention of the opposite sex, it is also a thorny rose.

A dinner ended in the seemingly intimate relationship between the two.


The door was closed and the waiter who cleaned up the dishes left.

In the box, Li Meng still sat by the window, his expression indifferent from beginning to end.

As for Qiangwei, after the waiter left, she was a little restless.

She sat lazily next to Li Meng, occasionally looking at Li Meng, and from occasionally looking out the window, she seemed quite bored.

This is just an illusion. If you look closely, you will find that her feet are resting on the ground restlessly, and there is a trace of anxiety deep in her eyes.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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