Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1504: meeting invitation


"He" in the teacher's mouth, only Li Meng could think of Tyra.

Nodding lightly, Tyra replied: "I'm back. Ambassador Li Meng returned to Kyoto at about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. These photos were also sent to ambassadors of various countries as the ambassador of the First Army.

Tyra doesn't want the teacher to know the relationship between her and Li Meng, so she must pay attention to her address.

Wang Yanmei asked again: "What's the situation with ambassadors?"

Tyra replied: "They are very concerned about this and want to know what the First Army means. Since Ambassador Li Meng has not entered the Embassy of the First Army, they cannot contact Ambassador Li Meng. In this case Next, they thought of the teacher and wanted to ask the teacher to hold an ambassador meeting."

Looking down at the photos on the table, Wang Yanmei looked thoughtful.

There is so much information hidden in these photos that people have to be concerned.

What does he want to express?

Wang Yanmei didn't know, if anyone in this world could make her unable to see through, I am afraid there is only "him".

Thinking of this, Wang Yanmei knew that this meeting of ambassadors must be held, and perhaps this is the result he wants to see.

Without hesitation, Wang Yanmei said to Terra: "Send invitations to the ambassadors of various countries and hold a meeting of "ambassadors" in the Great Hall tomorrow, so that they must be present in time."

Terra also realized the importance of the matter and nodded: "Yes, I will contact the embassies of various countries, Ambassador Li Meng, let me go there in person. He should be in a house in the second ring city. Di Zhong."

Wang Yanmei was slightly surprised at Tyra's last words, and she glanced at Tyra thoughtfully.

The mansion where Li Meng in the second ring city is located is not known to ordinary people. Although Tyra at this location has a way to know, if it is not specifically inquired, it is impossible to know, but listening to Tyra’s tone, it seems Very familiar with this mansion.

Now is not the time to think too much, Wang Yanmei said calmly: "Go."

Nodding lightly, Tyra turned and left, walking very quickly.

Today's Kyoto is still prosperous, as usual, day after day, although there are slight changes every day, but it is not felt.

But today, for some people, it is destined to be a difficult day.

Doubts, fears, and curiosity about the unknown, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for some people.

But for Li Meng, the pressure on his shoulders has long been used to it.

Things have to be done step by step. There is no urgency and no anxiety. At any time, calmness and a normal heart are the most important, because this can make a person wise enough.

In the second ring city, at the door of Li Meng's residence.

A black car appeared from the street and slowly stopped on the side of the road outside the gate of the mansion.

As the car door opened, a slender figure got out of the car.

Looking at the mansion in front of her, Tyra smiled on her beautiful face, and she thought of someone.

Without hesitation, she came to the door and rang the doorbell.

In the mansion...

"Master, Miss Tyra, please."


Sitting on the soft sofa, the voice of the maid in his ear made Li Meng take his gaze back from the laptop on the table in front of him, with a smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, she came in person.

Looking back at the maid who had just entered the hall not far away, Li Meng said, "Take her in."


Responding softly, the maid turned and left.

After the maid left, Li Meng closed the laptop on the table and waited for Tyra's arrival.

After a while, the maid returned, and another slender figure followed behind her.

It's "Tara".

Tyra who entered the hall cast a glance at Li Meng, and the two smiled at each other.

Without saying more, Li Meng patted the sofa next to him and motioned for Tyra to come over.

Faintly flushed, Tyra came to Li Meng honestly and sat beside him.

Stretching lazily, Li Meng turned over and lay down, lying on Tyra's lap carelessly.

To Li Meng's intimate behavior, Tyra's face was tender, no longer shy, and she placed her hand lightly on Li Meng's body and looked down at Li Meng gently.

After being gentle, Tyra's whisper broke the silence in the hall.

"Do you know the purpose of my coming here?"

In response, Li Meng just smiled faintly, and said: "It's because of those photos."

"Hmm!" Tyra nodded lightly.

Tyra continued: "Tomorrow, the teacher will hold an "ambassador" meeting in the Great Hall. Xiaomeng, you have to attend and send photos to the embassies of various countries. Xiaomeng also has the same meaning."

"That's about it."

Li Meng did not hide it, and admitted it honestly.

The reason why Li Meng sent photos to various countries was to attract the attention of all countries.

Once paid attention, ambassadors of various countries will naturally find a way to know the meaning contained in these photos.

There is only one way to learn about "information" right now, and that is "him", the ambassador of the First Army.

The convening of the meeting, within Li Meng's expectation, was the result Li Meng wanted to see.

"Xiao Meng, what happened?" Tyra asked curiously.

With a slight smile, looking at Tyra's beautiful face, Li Meng whispered: "You really want to know?"

At Li Meng's question, Tyra rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Nonsense, of course I want to know."

Turning over from Tyra's lap and looking at Tyra, Li Meng said warmly: "If you kiss me, I will tell you."

At Li Meng's blatant molesting, Tyra's face blushed slightly, and she looked at Li Meng with a vengeance.

Although she was shy in her heart, Tyra was not a woman who was easy to shrink back. She rolled her eyes at Li Meng very cutely, and leaned over to kiss Li Meng's lips slightly.

"come on!"

Li Meng chuckled before he touched, suddenly hugged Tyra, lowered his head and kissed Tyra's lips.

Tyra had no time to react to Li Meng's sudden attack. When she reacted, Li Meng had already taken over her mouth.

After a deep kiss, Li Meng let go of Tyra, who was panting and flushed.

In Tyra's bitter eyes, Li Meng took Tyra's waist, pulled her into his arms, and sat down on his lap.

Such an intimate posture made Tyra very shy. She lowered her head and dared not look at the little man in front of her.

Li Meng didn't bully Tyra anymore, he held Tyra's waist gently and sat quietly on the soft sofa.

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