Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1513: The second meeting (seeking monthly ticket)

In the next few days, Kyoto seemed calm, but undercurrents were surging.

A few days ago, the content of the meeting was transmitted back to the country by the ambassadors of various countries. After receiving clear instructions from the country, the ambassadors of various countries in Kyoto have gained unprecedented rights.

Some people doubted the news delivered by the First Army, but more people believed it.

Every country has some basic cognitions about the "demon clan", which is the demon clan referred to by the First Army. This race is indeed very peculiar, with demon-like soldiers and peculiar aircraft, which are beyond the imagination of human beings. If the biotechnology of the first legion is really like what the First Army said, the demons are alien life, then many things can make sense.

In the past two years, countries have viewed the First Army with color in their eyes, but at this time, all countries of mankind have to admit that the First Army far surpasses them in the fields of technology and military industry.

If there is an all-out war with the demons, then where should they go?

This is a reality that countries have to face and are unwilling to face.

For the demons, the human understanding is too limited. In the face of unknown threats, humans will always be afraid, afraid, and anxious. On the other hand, they will do everything possible to save their lives.

Sixteen days after the first meeting of ambassadors, the second meeting was held.

This time, not only ambassadors from various countries, but also professionals in certain fields from various countries were involved.

Kyoto, Great Hall, in a large conference room.

Under the bright lights, in the huge conference room, the second "ambassador meeting" is being held.

On the rostrum are 21 ambassadors from various countries, and on the stage are professionals from various countries. Some of them are scientists, some are experts in a certain field, and they are all people with unique skills. .

On the podium, a slender figure was speaking, and the voice echoed through the speaker in the conference room.

She is dressed in a lady's suit, although she is slightly petite, but her calm temperament is very eye-catching.

She is Xiao Nan, the little maid beside Li Meng.

"In order to better deal with the enemy and to make the ties between countries closer, the First Army will implement three-step assistance to countries. First, assist countries in establishing quantum communication systems, satellites, ground signal towers, and control systems. To show the sincerity of the First Army, the First Army will open the source code of all aid equipment, and the control will belong to the aid country."

"Second, for the sale of high-end weapons, the First Army will sell armaments to all countries at cost. There are no restrictions. Air, ground, sea, and military weapons and equipment are all within the saleable range."

"Three, the First Corps will deploy electromagnetic orbital guns in the Eurasian continent and Asia to protect the security of all countries in the form of lease. Due to the limited conditions of each country, the electromagnetic orbital guns will be controlled by the First Corps, and the rental costs will be shared by all countries. "

This is a meeting, and naturally, the First Legion can't let the First Legion speak.

Although many things were discussed with Li Meng before the meeting, there are still some things to be discussed.

After Xiao Nan’s voice fell, an ambassador on the rostrum said: “Eurasia is vast, and Asia is only part of it. In the Middle East, Europe, and Africa, there are also human beings. There are human nations. We cannot Just focus on Asia and leave other regions alone. I wonder if the First Army has related plans?"

Yes, the earth is very big, and Asia is only a part of Eurasia.

Only Asian countries participated in this meeting. There is no First Army in other regions. What should humans in other regions do?

If it only protects Asia and other areas are captured by the demons, can Asia survive?

It was the ambassador of the Kingdom of Sidu "Charles". The Kingdom of Sidu is west of South Vietnam, not far from the Middle East, and knows the situation in other regions better than other countries.

And Charles’s words undoubtedly aroused the hearts and minds of everyone in the conference room. Yes, Asia’s armament is stronger. What about other regions, Europe and North America are not discussed, because the major powers of the two places are in this conference room. , But what should the Middle East and Africa do?

When asked by Charles, Xiao Nan said calmly: "The First Army will treat everyone equally. Any country that is interested can negotiate with the First Army to establish a defensive front belonging to mankind. Soon, I will serve as the "ambassador" of the First Army in Kyoto As a post, dealing with matters related to aid, any country can come to me for consultation."

Serving as "ambassador" in Kyoto?

Seeing the young Xiao Nan on the podium, everyone was surprised. The news was really unexpected.

Isn't this "ambassador" held by Mr. Li Meng?

Even if Mr. Li Meng were to step down, how could a little girl take up such an important "ambassador" position?

Can't figure it out, don't understand, this First Army is really bold in employing people.

Li Meng naturally participated in this meeting. He sat on the rostrum, and Li Meng didn't say anything about the eyes cast by everyone.

The post of "ambassador" Li Meng has already been decided, and Xiao Nan will take it.

Although Xiao Nan is indeed too young, this is not a problem. The First Army does not pay attention to qualifications. It can be in any position. Without the ability, Li Meng will not let Xiao Nan stand on the podium to speak for him.

Mr. Li Meng stepped down as an "ambassador", which means that Mr. Li Meng will leave Kyoto soon?

Looking at Li Meng on the podium, everyone thought of a little.

This is just an episode, and the meeting continues.

The meeting after that was quite boring, just to talk about the details. Although the Mandarin sounds very beautiful, but it is too long. Sometimes a lot of words are not mentioned on the topic, clearly. Things that can be said clearly, but with a few sentences that are too long.

The content of the meeting covered a wide range of things, the prediction of the enemy, the assistance of the First Army, and the unity of nations.

The meeting began at 10:30 in the morning, and without a break in the intermission, the meeting did not end until 4 in the afternoon.

So the second "ambassador" meeting ended.

For the ambassadors of various countries, the meeting did not end.

After the meeting dispersed, in another relatively small conference room, ambassadors from various countries gathered together.

"In order to facilitate contact, the First Army will send something to everyone present."

Speaking of this, Xiao Nan clapped his hands in the eyes of everyone's doubts.

Under the applause, the door of the meeting room was opened, and a bodyguard in a black suit came in, each of them holding a silver suitcase.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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