Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1520: Huge armaments (seeking monthly pass)

It really is a businessman...

How could Olianna not understand the meaning of the afterglow words.

Although she knows little about business matters, she also understands whether what Yuhui said makes sense.

For public and private, the royal family must also support merchants. This not only allows the royal family to gain support from the merchant class, but also benefits the development of the country's industry.

Oriana did not refuse the suggestion of Afterglow.

Obviously, the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce is arbitrarily making profits and allowing the royal family to participate in this upsurge of industrialization.

The file is very thick, and you won't be able to finish it for a while, while watching it, Oriana and Yuhui also talked a lot.

It only involves business, not political affairs. Afterglow will not cross this line.

From Yuhui's mouth, Oriana got a lot of useful knowledge.

In terms of business, as the person in charge of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Austria, Yuhui's experience is undoubtedly very rich. He knows the complexity of the business chain and knows how to establish a complete business chain.

One is an expert and the other is a beginner, Olianna can only be convinced.

When Afterglow dropped a document and left with her companions, Oriana still did not recover.

On the way back to the inner court, Oriana remained silent.

After an exchange with Yuhui, Oliana discovered how backward and primitive the business model of the Kingdom of Austria is today.

This phenomenon must be changed...

Thinking of this, Oriana asked Gu Niya next to her: "Gu Niya, you've been to many places, but you have heard of the business model Yuhui said."

In the partial hall, Gu Niya sat beside Oriana, and naturally heard the communication between the afterglow and the princess.

Gu Niya shook her head and said: "This model requires extremely advanced informatization. Every country in the world has no such capability. I am afraid that only the First Army can do this model.

Regarding what afterglow said, Oriana would naturally not doubt it.

With a faint smile, Oriana said softly: "It seems that the arrival of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce will completely change this country. Today, we can only do it. The power of the kingdom is the power of the royal family. There is no reason not to fight. Fight."

"Then just let it go."

In this regard, Gu Niya agreed with both hands.

If it is as described by Yuglow, the industrial development of the kingdom will be effective in a few years, and the kingdom will also undergo great changes.

They are in this great era, and naturally they will not shrink back.

The First Army has built a perfect stage for them, how can they be stage fright.


Nanhai, Nanlin Island, Qingcheng.

Unconsciously, more than two months have passed.

A lot has happened in these two months, but the general trend is still stable.

With the First Army as the center, the power of mankind is getting stronger little by little.

After leaving Kyoto, Li Meng returned to Nanlin Island. The return journey was smooth and safe, not to mention the polluting beasts, and he did not even encounter the harsh sea conditions.

Sometimes Li Meng would even think about whether he was favored by the "Goddess of Luck", and then let all the unfortunate things go away from him.

However, thinking about what I experienced in Kyoto this year is not "lucky."

The Cyclone Floating Ship Incident, the Kyoto Devil Incident, and the Hurricane Armored Train Incident, each incident is a lifelong experience for ordinary people. I am afraid that only Li Meng can survive these incidents in this world. Is alive.

Sure enough, Goddess of Luck is impossible.

"Five thousand two hundred billion?"

In the pavilion of the temple, Li Meng was stunned when he heard this number from Sakuya's mouth.

After only a little stunned, Li Meng came back to his senses, smiled slightly, and said in his mouth: "Come here, give the master a good talk."

Facing the host's invitation, Sakuya, in a black short skirt, got up from the stone bench and plunged into Li Meng's arms.

Li Meng lay on the rocking chair with a slouchy face, clinging to Sakiya's soft and delicate body.

In Li Meng’s arms, Sakuya quietly nestled on Li Meng’s chest and said softly: “Of these funds, most of the profits come from the American Federation. The American Federation not only leased three electromagnetic railguns, but also purchased nearly two. The US$500 billion in munitions almost emptied the retired fighters of the "Ayre" allies during the Cold War. The army also purchased a large number of air defense vehicles and 50 air defense radars. The navy did not leave behind. A total of 50 were purchased. An air defense destroyer, 20 artillery cruisers, and five artillery battleships."

The American Federation is also the Titanium American Federation, but the meaning of the translation in Asian countries is different.

Huaxia translated the American Federation, and other countries translated it to the Titanium American Federation.

The American Federation actually bought naval warships?

Li Meng asked puzzledly: "I remember that the American Federation has hundreds of armored ships, how can they buy the battleships of the First Army?"

To the owner's question, Sakiya replied: "The ironclad ships in this world are not a very good firepower platform, and their air defense capabilities are very inefficient."

It turned out to be like this...

With a faint smile, Li Meng asked curiously: "How much armaments has the American Federation bought?"

One trillion in this world is not a small amount of money. In terms of prices, it is equivalent to 3 trillion renminbi of "Al", which is the fiscal revenue of a medium-sized country for more than ten years.

I really don't know how much armaments the American Federation bought, and it actually spent so many coins.

Most of the five trillion yuan, which means that it will not be less than three trillion yuan, which is undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

Nestled in the owner's arms, Sakuya whispered softly: "Five thousand intruder fighters, 4,000 air defense vehicles of various types, 50 air defense radars, 100,000 ground-to-air and air-to-air missiles."

It's crazy...

Sure enough, he was wealthy and he bought five thousand fighters.


Frowning slightly, Li Meng asked suspiciously: "Why would they think of buying fighters? There is no shortcut to pilot training, and they are not afraid to throw all those fighters off. Also, does Al have so much armament? ?"

With a value of more than five trillion crystal coins, the scale of arms must be extremely large, and Li Meng doubts whether there are so many arms reserves on the "Al" side.

Sakiya smiled at the question of the master, and said softly: "Master, don't underestimate the industrial capabilities of "Ayre". During the Cold War period after the Second World War, the major powers engaged in an arms race that lasted for 20 years. During the Cold War period of 1970, the Allies alone equipped no less than 20,000 fighters of various types. Before the third war, these fighters were retired and sealed up. Although decades have passed, many of these sealed fighters are It has been damaged, but some well-preserved fighters are still usable. They can still fly into the sky after simple maintenance."

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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