Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1523: Underworld (seeking monthly pass)

With a slight movement in his heart, Li Meng said to the young driver in the front seat: "Pull over and stop."

The young driver wears a black suit. He is not an ordinary person, but Li Meng's family.

Not the corpse girl, nor the ghoul who took off the armor, but the ghoul.

Because of the special nature of ghouls, they can do well in many situations.

Although he didn't know why the owner had to get off the car suddenly, the young driver didn't think much about it and pulled over to a stop.

"Just wait here, I will go back."

After speaking to the young driver, Li Meng opened the door and got out of the car.

Walking on the bustling street, Li Meng walked to the alley not far away.

Although Li Meng has a great reputation abroad, it can be said that no one knows, no one knows.

But in the territory of the First Army Corps, Li Meng is somewhat unknown.

Although there are many people who know Li Meng, they are undoubtedly extremely strange to ordinary people.

Li Meng, who was walking on the sidewalk, was well integrated into the flow of people. At this time, his ordinary appearance showed a great effect, at least not attracting the attention of others.

This is a commercial street with a lot of people.

When Li Meng turned and entered the alley, he realized why the girl who caused Li Meng's gluttony came out of the alley.

It turns out this is a food street.

Looking into the depths of the alley, on both sides of the narrow road are food stalls one after another.

Bustling pedestrians are surging in the alleys, and in front of stalls one after another are diners eating and drinking.

Looking at the lively street in front of him, Li Meng walked forward with the flow of people with a novel look.

Compared with the neat commercial streets outside, the alleys are a bit messy on the ground, and there are garbage after meals everywhere. Although a little dirty, it is still acceptable.

In front of a small stall, Li Meng stopped.

This stall is relatively simple, just a half-person high stove with an iron pan on it, half of the oil in the iron pan, and some kind of food is being fried in the golden oil.

"This fragrance..."

Looking at the food in the frying pan, Li Meng knew he had found a place.

"Want to have a copy?"

The owner of the stall was a middle-aged woman with an apron around her waist. Although her skin was a bit darker, she looked very healthy. Seeing Li Meng stopped in front of the stall, she smiled and asked kindly.

Seeing the stall owner’s question, Li Meng nodded and said, "Come one...two."

The purpose of Li Meng's coming here is to relieve his greed, naturally it is impossible to return empty-handed.

"Okay, the guest will be ready soon."

Hearing that Li Meng asked for two, the stall owner got busy with a smile.

The movements are swift and skillful. Pieces of golden food are picked up from the oil pan, placed in a cardboard box aside, chopped up, mixed with condiments, and the movement is flowing.

In just a few minutes, a serving of food is ready.

"Would you like the guests to eat first? These have not been fried yet, it will take a while."

The fried ingredients are only enough to make one serving, and the new ingredients have just been put into the frying pan and it will take a while.

"it is good!"

Li Meng was already very greedy by the smell of the diffuse nose, and naturally he would not refuse this tempting proposal.

Opening the paper box, inserting the toothpicks, the stall owner took the prepared snacks and handed them to Li Meng.

Taking the snack from the stall owner, Li Meng paid a piece with a toothpick.

The smell is strong and fresh, and the refreshing taste in his mouth makes Li Meng's eyes light up.

Complimented: "It tastes good, is this tofu?"

Facing Li Meng’s compliment, the stall owner smiled slightly and said cheerfully: “It’s delicious. This is fried tofu. Don’t look at it as an ordinary tofu snack, but the seasoning is exclusive. This taste can only be eaten here. To."

When he said this, Li Meng could hear the confidence from the stall owner's words, but Li Meng did not refute this.

In terms of taste alone, it is indeed a top-quality product, making people want to eat it a second time after eating it once.

"Hurry up, those guys are here again."

Just as Li Meng was chatting with the stall owner, you and me, the alley suddenly became riot.

The passers-by who were looking for food on the street hurriedly walked outside, their feet hurried, and their expressions became very ugly.

The commotion on the street also caused the busy stall owner to be taken aback, and hurriedly said to Li Meng outside the stall: "Guest, hurry up, don't stand outside, come inside."

With that said, the stall owner left what was in his hands and pulled Li Meng into the stall.

"what's happenin?"

Seeing the hurried passers-by on the street, Li Meng asked the stall owner in confusion.

Looking at Li Meng in surprise, he seemed to realize something. The stall owner suddenly realized: "Guests shouldn't come here often."

To the stall owner, Li Meng nodded and said: "This is my first time here."

"No wonder..."

With a murmur, the stall owner looked at the street where the crowds were sparse outside, and said, "It's nothing, these days the Brotherhood and the Black Dragon are fighting for control of this food street, and they have to fight every few days. , The guests should not go out for a while to avoid being affected."

fraternity? Black Dragon Club?

With a thoughtful expression, while eating fried tofu, Li Meng asked, "Does the government care?"

Obviously, the so-called Brotherhood and the Black Dragon are just underworld organizations.

Li Meng had never imagined that Nanlin Island, as the headquarters of the First Army Corps, would have underworld.

This is simply a satire, a satire of the First Legion.


The stall owner shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice, "It's useless. They ran away as soon as the police arrived. Although many people were arrested each time, they would be released after being locked in for a few days as long as they did not kill them. "

Speaking of this, the stall owner whispered: "I heard that those triads are from pirates and are fierce. In fact, it allows us to do business with peace of mind. It is okay to charge some protection fees, but they can't stand it every day. , Business can't be done."

At this time, the streets in the alleys have become empty.

At least this section of the street where Li Meng is located is like this. Looking to the left and right, no one on the street can see it.

Only a few vendors stayed in their stalls, waiting for the riot to end.

"Quickly, come with me, they are right in front."

At this time, from a certain intersection, a sudden noise appeared.

In Li Meng's eyes, a large group of people poured into the food court from a trail.

They are in groups, holding sticks, colorful, and there are dozens of people, to be less.

I have to say that they really have some momentum on the street.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

If you like the Era of the Red Police Disaster, please collect it: ( The literature of the Era of the Red Police Disaster is the fastest to update.

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