Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1525: Keside

This was just an episode. After leaving the district government office building, Li Meng continued to his previous destination.

In a villa complex in the city, in front of a villa, Li Meng's car stopped.

Now that both the spirit and the body are on Nanlin Island, Li Meng will naturally only act in the body.

At this moment, the spirit body is on top of Li Meng's head, in a state of energetic dormancy, and others cannot see it.

After getting off the car, Li Meng walked through the grass in front of the villa, came to the gate, and rang the doorbell.

"Ding dong, ding dong."

The crisp doorbell immediately echoed in the villa.

Soon, with the sound of footsteps in the house, the door opened.

"Li Meng?"

Behind the door, seeing that the person was Li Meng, Wang Weiwei was surprised, and then she was delighted.

With a slight smile, Li Meng naturally entered the room.

"Why? I am not welcome."

Li Meng who entered the hall teased Wang Weiwei.

Closing the door, Wang Weiwei looked at Li Meng bitterly, and whispered: "You are a busy person. I won't be surprised if you don't come to see me for months or years."

Li Meng could only smile at Wang Weiwei's sorrowful gaze, walked through the hall and entered the side room.

When he came to the cradle, Li Meng saw a pair of little guys with big eyes squirming in the cradle.

As if aware of his arrival, he looked at Li Meng with his big eyes, waved his two small hands, and yelled, "Oh oh oh.

With a slight smile, Li Meng picked up the little guy from the cradle, and the little guy's giggling laugh suddenly echoed in the room.

Leaning in front of the room, Wang Weiwei looked at Li Meng and her daughter with a gentle expression, and did not bother them.

After a while, Li Meng put down the little guy and put her back in the cradle.

After doing all this, Li Meng turned and walked towards Wang Weiwei.

Seeing Li Meng getting closer and closer, Wang Weiwei seemed to think of something, her beautiful face turned slightly ruddy, and her expression was very charming.

When he arrived in front of Wang Weiwei, Li Meng was not restrained. He grabbed Wang Weiwei's little hand, took Wang Weiwei into the hall, and sat down on the sofa.

Li Meng was not polite, and directly pulled Wang Weiwei into his arms, gently hugging the soft waist.

Because I have had close contact with Li Meng several times, although her face is slightly ruddy, but Wang Weiwei is not too shy, quietly nestling in Li Meng's arms, she looks very cute.

"How can you think of coming to me today?"

In Li Meng's arms, Wang Weiwei said softly.

Calculating time, it has been a few months since the last time I saw Li Meng.

Over the past few months, she has been staying at home to take care of her daughter. When she is alone, she occasionally thinks of someone in her heart.

Looking down at Wang Weiwei's beautiful face in his arms, Li Meng smiled and said, "I will come if I want to."

Speaking of this, Li Meng's hands began to become dishonest. At some point, his right hand had left Wang Weiwei's soft waist and placed it on his thigh, gently moving and kneading.

The touch on the thigh made Wang Weiwei emotional. She raised her head and looked at Li Meng with a bitter expression. She pressed the restless hand on her thigh and blushed and said shyly: "Today is not suitable, I...I That's coming."

That one?

First of all, he was puzzled, and Li Meng was suddenly surprised.

Counting the time, Meier is almost one year old. Although Wang Weiwei's body is a little weak, there are things that should be back.

The hand placed on Wang Weiwei's thigh shrank back, and Li Meng's right hand was wrapped around the soft waist again.

The reason why Li Meng came here today is not just to stay with Wang Weiwei.

In addition to coming to visit Meier, another purpose is to say goodbye.

For a long time in the future, Li Meng will not meet with Wang Weiwei.

In order to let Wang Weiwei feel at ease, Li Meng wanted to inform Wang Weiwei.

Thinking of this, Li Meng lowered his head and said to Wang Weiwei in his arms: "I'm going out a long way. When will I come back is still unknown. It may take months or even years."

several years?

Wang Weiwei was silent, she always understood that the man in front of her did not belong to her.

Li Meng hasn't stayed in Wang Weiwei's house for long, and today's trip was originally short.

Before it got dark, Li Meng left Wang Weiwei's home and returned to the temple.

Time flies quickly. Under the threat of the demons, all nations of mankind are cherishing every minute and every second of their time.

Naturally, the First Army is no exception.

In Li Meng's expectation, the "Electromagnetic Railgun", the most powerful weapon of the First Army, was finally successfully developed and entered the high-end weapon armament of the First Army.

Nanlin Island, an experimental platform in the southern forest.

Early this morning, a certain experimental area in the south became lively.

A large number of transport vehicles and engineering vehicles drove into this uninhabited pilot area.

From time to time, there are huge Century transport planes landing in the sky. The huge body and the roaring engine roar are so shocking.

Not long after, the originally empty experimental area was flooded with figures of over a thousand people.

A large number of parts were unloaded from the transport vehicle. Under the command of some people wearing white protective clothing, the parts were assembled around a metal platform. After a short while, a huge base gradually took shape.

When the test area is busy, there are a large number of soldiers guarding the periphery of the test area to prevent polluting beasts and non-related persons from approaching.

Seven hours later, a big guy with a height of nearly 100 meters and covering an area of ​​half the size of a football field stood in the test area.

It has a huge base, the height of the base is no less than 20 meters, above the base is a huge turret, from the turret extends a huge oval and flat barrel.

The barrel is large and long, no less than 70 meters in length, like an Optimus pillar, facing the sky.

This is the ground defense platform "electromagnetic railgun".

Before dark, a convoy emerged from the road outside the test area and drove into the test area unimpeded.

The deployment of the first electromagnetic railgun is of great significance, and Li Meng will naturally not be absent.

When the convoy stopped, Li Meng and Sakiya both got out of a black car.

At this time, the person in charge of the scene who learned that the commander was coming to inspect was already waiting.

When Li Meng and Sakiya appeared, he quickly greeted him and saluted the army: "Commander, General Sakiya, welcome your arrival. I am "Kesed", the dean of the research institute, and I am also responsible here. people."

He was dressed in a white protective suit, and his voice came through the microphone, and his entire body was enveloped in the protective suit, making it impossible to see his face.

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