Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 153: Hu Jing before the storm

"Instructor Li! Do you think they would choose to join the Resistance?"

Looking at Li Lanxin who has been sitting still, Zhou Leopard said.

Looking back at Monday Leopard, Li Lanxin said calmly: "They are all smart people. Although there are many people living in the ruins of the swamp, in the eyes of the group of people in the House of Representatives, the people living in the ruins of the swamp are refugees and mobs. Of any value!"

"Although the Acropolis military has dealt with the four major forces, the three city owners must have seen their faces. Although they are hesitating how to choose, I believe they will be more inclined to the resistance army!"

After a slight pause, Li Lanxin said confidently: "Because we can give them dignity and give them rights!"

However, Yu Dongjian, who is relatively conservative, has a different view. He said: "Before the results come out, we can't take it for granted. We should consider the worst results and prepare for it early!"

At this time, Yu Dongdong said: "This is not necessary. Even if they desperately want to follow the House of Representatives and report some unfavorable news to the Acropolis military, they will not be able to do anything in a short time. Don't forget. The battle is about to come, we don’t need to worry too much before it ends! As for the next thing..., I believe Instructor Li has planned!"

Li Lanxin nodded gently.

Said: "We will face the Acropolis sooner or later. However, we are still unable to be their opponents. If the result is not conducive to the resistance, then we will have only one way to go!"

Li Lanxin’s words became heavy, saying: “Either launch a war against the three cities and control the marsh ruins before the Acropolis military moves. In this way, although we are still not opponents of the Acropolis military, we have at least let go of it. Strength, even if the Acropolis military takes down the ruins, it will suffer heavy losses. This is something that the Acropolis military does not want to see, so this is our opportunity!"


Li Lanxin looked around at everyone.

Calmly said: "Abandon the ruins of the swamp, leave here, and find another place to develop, or break it into pieces, mix into the cities of David, and develop the strength of the resistance within the enemy!"

Everyone is silent, whether it is attacking the three cities or developing within the enemy, it can be said that it is not a very good way.

Now, they can only hope that the three city masters can take advantage of the trend.

"The only thing you have to do now is to do your job well. Now that the size of the team is large, you have to master some things well!"

Finally Li Lanxin exhorted.

Meng Haijun said: "Don't worry! Instructor Li! Qicheng can still handle this matter with our ability. Now everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, everything is normal!"


Li Lanxin answered aloud.

Immediately, Li Lanxin looked at the few people present and said, "In this case, let's all leave! Shu Dongdong! Yu Dongjian! Regarding the city defense, you must pay close attention to the safety of the tens of thousands of residents in Qicheng. Here you are!"


Several people responded in unison.

As several people leave the meeting room, a meeting is over.

This is of great significance to Qicheng and to the Resistance Army. Perhaps after this time, the best time will come. By then, the Resistance Army will completely change.

The ruins of the swamp shrouded by the rain curtain changed a little quietly.

Although this change will not change anything for the time being, in the future, no one knows what will change as a result, which will trigger some things.

Fate is impermanent, this is unpredictable.

The rain is still falling, the gloomy, gray sky is constantly floating with sparse raindrops, and the dark clouds in the sky are gradually fading.

What should come is coming.

After all, the rain stopped.

At this moment, the whole world is silent, the dark clouds in the sky have disappeared and replaced by white clouds.

The golden sunlight shines through the cracks in the clouds and shines on the earth.

Above the forest sea, against the backdrop of that golden brilliance, is a beautiful scene.

However, this beauty is a cruel beauty.

Since the rain stopped, the marsh ruins have been under total martial law, and countless soldiers rushed up the walls. At this moment, the walls of the four cities were already full of combatants.

They watched outside the city, listening vigilantly to any movement in the ruins outside the city.

The polluting beast is coming!

Fighting cannot be avoided.

But in the forest sea beyond the ruins, there was silence, a little unusually quiet.

This is the tranquility before the storm.

On the "Emperor", when the dark clouds cleared and the last few drops of rain fell from the sky, the Emperor also entered martial law.

On the deck outside the ship, heavily armed mobilizers stood on the side of the ship, with their guns facing the outside, as if they were ready to "shoot" at any time.

Jevrich also came to the deck outside.

Standing on the bow of the ship, he was observing the forests on both sides with the "shrinking sight distance" that comes with the helmet.

"Watch Lin Hai's movements carefully, don't let go of any abnormal phenomena!"

Javrich used the communicator that came with the helmet to use the entire channel to give orders to all the mobilized soldiers.

"Lin Hai on the right is normal, and nothing has been discovered yet!"

"Lin Hai on the left is normal, and nothing has been discovered yet!"

The voice of the mobilizers reporting the situation came from the communicator.

Yevrich said: "Keep watching!"


Looking at the ruins in the distance, then at the forest on one side of the river bank, and then staring at the water again, Jevrich looked thinking.

Jevrich is not worried about polluting beasts from land.

The only thing Jevrich worried about was an underwater attack.

Although the bottom of the ship is the thickest part of the ship, the attacks of the polluting beasts are so strange that they may have the ability to destroy the bottom of the ship.

No way!

But how to defend against underwater attacks, Jevrich couldn't think of a good way.

Javrich felt that he should ask the commander for advice.

"I will pay attention to it underwater. Just focus on the polluting beast from the land!"

Getting a clear answer from the commander gave Javrich a lot of peace of mind.


Yevrich responded.

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