Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1539: Shayue in the morning

Leaving from the desk, Li Meng came to the window.

The scenery outside the window is dark and bright, the dark is the background, and the bright is the naval base.

Looking at the night sky outside the window, Li Meng sighed: "I don't know how long this war will last, and what the face of the earth will be after the war. Whether it is the victory of mankind or the victory of the demons, many things will change and change. ."

There is no doubt that whether it is the victory of the demons or the victory of mankind, the victorious party will step out of the earth and enter the real space age.

Even if both lose and lose without a winner, this result will still not change.

In the slight sound of footsteps, Natasha came to Li Meng's side.

Looking at the owner next to her, she whispered: "The First Army is never afraid of war. Whether it is now or in the future, war will always accompany us. If the earth humans fail, there will be nothing, but the First Army is different. , Even if we fail, we still have a way to go. Even so, we don’t need to worry about the consequences of failure, and we just need to move towards victory."

This is also...

With a slight smile, Li Meng took Natasha's waist and put her upstairs in his arms.

Hugging her from behind, with their heads on her shoulders, the two cuddling quietly in front of the window.

It is not that Li Meng does not understand this. Just as Natasha said, the First Army has a way to go, but compared to Natasha’s indifferent, Li Meng is a bit concerned about what he has on earth. .

It is not just the territory that cares about, there are also some people who deserve Li Meng's attention.

After a long time, Li Meng let go of Natasha and turned her body to face herself.

Looking at Natasha's beautiful and determined face, Li Meng whispered, "It's over."

"Yeah." Natasha responded softly.

After getting Natasha's answer, Li Meng took Natasha's little hand and walked towards the back room.

As he walked, he said, "Then go to sleep together."

The back room is a resting place, a bedroom.

Faced with this sudden invitation from the master, Natasha's expression was very indifferent, and she obediently walked towards the bedroom with the force in her hand.

A bed, a wardrobe, this is everything in the bedroom.

Although the conditions are limited, Li Meng is not so delicate.

When entering the bedroom, the armor on Natasha disappeared and she changed into the black dress.

After the armor disappeared, Natasha's whole body became much more beautiful, the perfect figure was revealed, the curve was graceful, beautiful and moving.

Seeing such a beautiful and moving Natasha, Li Meng couldn't bear it, grabbed Natasha and sat on the edge of the bed with him.

In Natasha's ear, Li Meng whispered: "Calculating time, it's been a long time since you and I were alone."

Although in Nanlin Island, the three generals all returned to Li Meng's side.

However, due to the rush of time, Li Meng did not have time to "chat" with the generals.

Of course, Sakuya is an exception. After returning to Nanlin Island from his body, Sakuya has been with Li Meng and has never left.

Speaking slightly, Natasha said softly: "387 days."

This number made Li Meng stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

Li Meng didn't expect Natasha to remember so clearly. Does she count her days every day?

He lifted Natasha's chin with pity, and Li Meng kissed Natasha's tender eyes.

With a gentle kiss, the two cuddling by the bed fell down and overlapped.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about what will happen next.

For any couple, the life of rolling the bed is essential, this is the additive of "love".

It's late at night, and there is nothing to say...

Nanlin Island, Qingcheng, Temple.

To talk about the benefits of the two bodies, it's probably a matter of one mind and two purposes.

Of course, in a sense, the human body is where Li Meng's main consciousness lies.

The spirit body is the secondary consciousness that Li Meng uses with one heart and two purposes.

Regardless of whether it is the main consciousness or the sub-consciousness, it is Li Meng, which is equivalent to a host having two monitors. Li Meng's consciousness is the host, while the human body and the spiritual body are the monitors.

It was early in the morning, in the dark bedroom, on a big bed, two figures were still asleep.

The black blanket was kicked aside, replaced by a shaggy tail.

The tail was huge, and the fluffy hair almost covered most of Li Meng's body.

Moving his eyes upward, he could see a small figure snuggling in Li Meng's arms.

She nestled in Li Meng's arms, her dress was very messy, her dress fell to her waist, and her white and smooth back was exposed to the air.

Eyelids moved slightly, and Li Meng, who was sleeping, opened his eyes.

The color of confusion in his eyes passed quickly, and his qingming was restored.

Looking at the empty bedroom, Li Meng set his eyes on the soft thing in his arms.

With a small and exquisite body, a small beautiful face, long, pointed, hairy ears, and that white hairy tail, the owner is self-evident, Shayue.

With a slight smile, Li Meng stretched out his right hand and rubbed Shayue's lovely ears.

The craziness of last night is vivid, and the feeling that makes a man so happy can only be felt in Shayue.

The rubbing of her ears woke her up.

Sha Yue opened her eyes in confusion, and sat up with a confused look on Li Meng's chest.

Shayue, who was in a daze, had her black dress half exposed and her chest, which looked very attractive. Seeing this scene, Li Meng immediately became interested.

Early morning is a very special time, and a new day is also the most impulsive moment for male creatures.

As if feeling strange, Shayue was taken aback for a while, the confusion in her eyes was not there.

When she lowered her head and saw the face of the master, she remembered the madness of last night.

"the host……"

She opened her mouth slightly, looked at her master softly, and her sweet voice rang.

At this whisper, Li Meng smiled slightly, and fieryly looked at Sha Yue who was sitting on top of him and looked very attractive.

Without much hesitation or hesitation, Li Meng moved as he pleased, stretched out his hands, and grabbed Sha Yue's soft waist.

Just listening to a light "hum" makes people blush, and an ambiguous scene happened in the sleeping hall.

The sound of infinite reverie makes people feel a tingling feeling just by listening.

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