Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1548: Reluctant victory

At this time, Wang Yanmei realized why the First Army had broadcast live battles on the front line. The main purpose was probably to make the nations of mankind have more knowledge of the demons, and secondly, it was a sense of urgency.

China, in the interior of humanity, has some sense of urgency, not to mention other human countries closer to the southern continent.

In terms of urgency, the American Federation is undoubtedly the most nervous.

At this time, in the presidential palace of the American Federation, a group of lords of Congress are gathering together.

Originally, these congressmen only accepted the President’s invitation to watch the live broadcast of the First Army’s frontline battles just out of curiosity, but after watching, when they saw the flying weapons of the demons and the fierce suicidal air combat of the First Army, The mentality of members of Congress has slightly changed.

As for the reaction of the various parliamentarians on the seats, this is what President Bamaao would like to see.

Some people can’t help it anymore, and a congressman immediately said loudly: “No, the southern territory of our country is very close to the southern continent. Once there is a war with the demons, we will not be able to match it with our existing strength and we will lose. We will definitely lose. We need to increase our strength and maximize our military strength to deal with the threat of the demons."

As soon as this was said, the MPs in the seats responded.

"Yes, to increase the military budget to the greatest extent. The threat of these monsters is too great. We must be fully prepared."

"To let all factories produce weapons with all their strength, we must fully arm ourselves, and at the same time buy more fighters and more practical weapons from the First Army."

Looking at the members of Congress who have advocated increasing military spending, Bamaao felt a little bit in his heart.

A few months ago, these big masters were stingy one by one.

In order to buy more weapons from the First Army, he had to lobby the congressmen one by one.

Today, due to the live broadcast of the frontline situation of the First Army, these big masters finally know that they are anxious.

Is it late?

No, it's not too late, this battle is destined to be long, and now it's just beginning.

Excited that the military budget could finally be increased, Bamao also thought of the First Army in his heart.

Why did the First Army do this, broadcasting the frontline battles to all countries?

I am afraid that I have also seen the indifference of human countries.

Although the First Army has already informed all countries about the news of the Demon Race, and countries have also bought some weapons in the hands of the First Army, the countries buying these weapons are not to deal with the Demon Race, but to arm their own forces.

After all, these weapons sold by the First Army have research value for any country.

How can human nations give up this opportunity to increase their own armaments?

For the demons, they would rather believe that they have the untrustworthy mentality. In this mentality, they agreed to the first legion’s plan for the global deployment of electromagnetic railguns. At that time, humans did not understand the demons. Although he admits it is a threat, he does not have the slightest knowledge of the degree of the threat, nor does he believe that human beings have no resistance.

But now, through the live video of the frontline battle of the First Army, this mentality of mankind has been completely changed.

Thinking of this, in my heart, Bamaao deeply felt the power of the First Army and knew the human heart very well. He knew that human beings now need a more real threat, and live video is the channel through which all nations of mankind recognize the threat of the demons.

One can imagine what changes will happen to the human world from now on.

Leaving aside the reactions of various human countries, the situation has become clear on Alcatraz Island.

The air battle has been going on for two hours, and when the fuel of the Sky Knight unmanned combat aircraft is about to run out, the victorious Libra finally appears.

The advance fleet has been paying attention to the battle in the sky.

When it was discovered that the situation had reversed and the demons' fleet was being destroyed, Mengwei assuredly issued the order to land on the island.

"Notify Captain Blair that he can go."


With an order, outside, the two tank landing ships of the advance team responded.

Amidst the harsh sirens and the sound of machinery, the rear doors of the two amphibious landing ships slowly opened.

The "rumbling" engine roar immediately sounded, and the huge Thunder vehicles drove out of the hatch one after another.

A total of four Thunder vehicles carrying a large number of soldiers and sickle mechas left the fleet and galloped on the sea, approaching the distant Alcatraz Island.

At this time, in the distant sky, the air battle has ended.

From a distance, there are only a few figures in the sky still fighting, and fireballs fall from time to time.

The number of the two sides is already very small, and the total number is only more than one hundred.


In the harsh engine afterburner, a Sky Knight unmanned fighter jet rammed the last Demon Archer bomber at a good angle.

Flame Pengby, a huge explosion followed, and the huge Mozu archer was immediately enveloped in flames.

But the Demon Archer is a Demon aircraft that is one size larger than the Sentry. It is structurally stronger and has a stronger anti-strike ability.

When the flames dissipated, the strong explosion tore through several layers of armor of the Demon Archer, but it did not fall. The barrel extending from it still attacked the surrounding sky knight unmanned fighter jets, and blue rays formed After a burst of flames, the flight route of the Sky Knight drone was accurately predicted, and the two Sky Knight drones were immediately hit.

One of the torn wings fell toward the sea, while the other was billowing thick smoke. In the final hiss of the engine, one end hit the body of the Demon Archer.

The violent explosion sounded again, and this time, the Demon Archer had no good luck before.

In the surging flames of the explosion, the Demon Archer fell from the sky and plunged into the sea together with the remains of the Sky Knight Unmanned Fighter.

This is the last demon flying machine, looking to the sky, there is no demon flying machine in the sky.

And the UAV group of the First Army was almost completely lost. There were only less than a hundred UAV groups that hovered in the sky for a few times, and then turned back to the direction of the time when they came. The speed was very fast, and they disappeared after a while. Without a trace.

At this time, four Thunder vehicles have landed ashore.

The Thunder vehicle uses a suspension system that can easily board the beach.

The hatch has opened, and a large number of soldiers and sickle mechas are pouring into the beach one after another.

The Thunder Vehicle is a large landing craft that can carry hundreds of soldiers and twelve Sickle Mechas at one time.

"One company is in charge of the right wing, the second company is in charge of the left wing, and the third company is following me. Remember, our task is to clear out the enemies on the ground and rescue more than 300,000 civilians trapped on Alcatraz Island. We only need less than ten hours. The civilians must be evacuated to designated locations before dark."

Time is running out, without any hesitation, Blair immediately issued an order for action.

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