Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 155: Attack on Hydralisk 1

"Ready to fight!"

Seeing this scene, Yu Dongjian quickly shouted.

In this short period of time, the Hydralisk group that emerged from the ruins has washed up on the moat bridge, and multiple tributaries converged on the bridge deck and rushed straight toward the city wall.

"Mortar! Target bridge deck! Release!"

Four mortars were placed on the city wall. When the First Army captured Slave City, the few mortars in Slave City were also captured by the First Army. When they left, the First Army did not take them away. It was left to the rebels.

These four small-caliber mortars were the only heavy firepower of the Resistance.

"Humm! Humm!"

With an order, several weird sounds, four shells flew into the sky one after another.

The sky suddenly sounded, and the shells screamed through the air.

In the next instant, the group of Hydralisks surging from the bridge facing the city wall suddenly exploded violently.

The dazzling light flashed fiercely, and the deafening explosion sounded at the same time. The flame was accompanied by thick smoke and snakes, and the powerful shock wave tore everything around the explosion point.

Many Hydralisks were blasted to pieces, and the fragments of their limbs were flying around with green blood.

The powerful shock wave also made the Hydralisk around the explosion point sway, and the surging group of snakes was blank.

But the blank place was soon filled with more Hydralisks, and the explosion only slightly hindered the snakes' pace.

They are pupae coming towards the city wall.


When the snakes were about to gush out of the bridge, Yu Dongjian issued the order to attack.

Already holding a gun, the muzzle was eager to pull the trigger at the resistance outside.

"Bang! Bang!"

The flame sprayed, the gunfire rumbling, and the dense gunfire sounded immediately.

Countless bullets poured down from the wall to the bridge not far away.

Intensive bullet rain baptizes everything ahead.

"Ding, Ding!"

The bullet hit the bridge, hitting the metal material, and suddenly made a crisp sound, the bullet was bounced back, and the stray bullet flew to nowhere.

But more bullets hit the Hydralisk group of bee chrysalis. The Hydralisk at the front of the group of snakes had countless blood blooms on its hideous body, and the bullets pierced the scales of the Hydralisk.

But there are very few Hydralisks that fall. Except for hitting deadly places, the tenacious life of Hydralisk will not be stopped by a few bullets.

Bullets, howling, bullet marks fluttering, and the swarm of bee chrysalis hydrangeas rushed toward the city wall in response to the bullet rain.

Numerous Hydralisks fell, but more Hydralisks came from behind, stepping on the bodies of their companions and moving on.

In the sound of gunfire, in the bombing of mortar shells, their footsteps never stopped.

In the end, they rushed out of the bridge.

The tall city wall was completely exposed to them.

"Ammunition! I need ammunition!"

The muzzle has long turned red, and the continuous rapid shooting consumes the life of the barrel, and the ammunition on the body is also disappearing.

It only took a few minutes. For most soldiers of the Resistance Army, they had run out of several magazines.

The space on the wall is limited, and only the front row can be shot.

At this time, hearing the demand for ammunition, the soldiers behind began to move.

They handed their magazines to the front row of combat companions, and then went to the ammunition storage point on the city wall to load the bulk bullets into the empty magazines.

No one was idle. In the fierce battle, the city wall was busy.

At this moment, in addition to Qicheng, the other three cities also sounded intensive gunfire.

The sound of gunfire was faintly heard dull shelling and violent explosions.

It was the two 65mm caliber cannons in the North City that were raging. The power of the cannons was not comparable to that of the mortars. They were stronger and more powerful.

The Hydralisk was roaring and neighing, and his twisting body kept getting closer to the wall.

The dense bullets roared in the air, but still could not stop the approach of the Hydralisk group.

They are pressing harder and harder, approaching the wall little by little.

The bullets shot into the Hydralisk group, like a drop of water falling into the sea, silently, there are too many of them.

But at this moment, a situation happened, causing Qicheng to fall into a greater crisis.

For the large number of Hydralisks, the bridge space is too small, and they begin to dive into the water.

A Hydralisk took the lead and jumped into the river. The huge group of Hydralisks seemed to have found a catharsis. Countless figures rushed into the river. The figure of the bee chrysalis formed a black wave on the river surface, towards the wall opposite the river. Rushed.

They are very good in water, they are extremely fast in the water, like swords in the water.

When they landed, Qicheng faced even greater pressure.

When the firepower on the city wall was not concentrated in one place, the pressure on the Hydralisk group suddenly reduced, and the pace of advancement accelerated in vain.

Intensive bullet rain can no longer stop them.

The silhouette of the bee chrysalis was like a black wave hitting the cliff, and the tall city wall made them castrate.

They can't shake a tall city wall with their power, but they don't need to shake the city wall, they just need to go over it.

The Hydralisk in front was blocked by the city wall, but the Hydralisk at the back was still rushing forward, and the Hydralisk at the back pressed the Hydralisk in front underneath the body, looping and stacking layers, and the Hydralisk was facing the wall little by little. near.

This made the resistance on the wall very nervous.

Leaning out his body frantically, he shot the Hydralisk against the wall.

Countless bullets poured down on the Hydralisk under the wall.

But it was useless. The extinguished Hydralisk became the footsteps of the Hydralisk coming up behind.

Layers of Hydralisk are approaching the city wall.

With gunshots rumbling in his ears, Yu Dongjian came to the tower.

This is the highest point of the city wall.

Looking outside, you can see that the swarm of bee chrysalis is crushed in black, and you can't see the end at a glance.

The Hydralisk had already attacked the city wall, but in the ruins on the other side of the moat, the ferocious silhouette of the Hydralisk continued to emerge from the ruins.

Yu Dongjian's expression changed, his face solemn.

The Hydralisk's offensive is too strong, too violent, with such a large number, who can stop them?

How long can the walls of Qicheng stop them?

Looking to the side, the rebels on the wall are fighting hard.

Although there are many soldiers on the city wall, the same dense area can be seen at a glance. The original wide city wall is now occupied by more than 3,000 soldiers.

However, the number of people on the city wall was compared with that of the Hydralisk group outside, which was completely insignificant, and there was no contrast between the two sides.

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