Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1550: Temple change


Blair will not give them a chance to breathe. This landing battle is to fully control Alcatraz Island. No enemies can appear on this island. The enemies must be eliminated.

Chasing all the way, Blair led a team to sweep the "Alcatraz".

Without the support of air force units, the human soldiers of the Demon Race are not opponents of the First Army at all. Although the First Army only has light vehicles such as the Sickle Mecha this time on the island, it is also an armored unit and is an anti-infantry weapon.

As for the demons, there are no ground armored units, only infantry.

Although their weapons are very strong and can cause some damage to the Sickle Mecha, their efficiency is extremely poor.

When concentrated firepower to destroy a Sickle Mecha, they often cost dozens of casualties.

The demon air unit has been evacuated, and the dog-head soldiers on the island are undoubtedly abandoned by the demon.

No matter how tenacious they are and how firm their beliefs are, failure and death are doomed.

"The situation on Alcatraz has stabilized. Although the fighting is still going on, the situation is in our hands. Under the leadership of Captain Blair, the army on the ground of the demons has been driven to the southern forest."

In the flagship of the main rear fleet, the command room has been paying attention to the battle on the front line.

Three hours have passed since Blair fell to the island.

The victory of the air battle has ensured the battle on the ground, and the plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Looking at the big map on the podium intently, Li Meng asked, "How is the situation in the base camp of the demons?"

A high-level staff officer replied: "It has now been confirmed that there is a magnetic field over the southern continent that can interfere with the work of reconnaissance satellites. Everything we see is distorted. It is not clear what the demons are doing now, in order to be accurate. To know the movement of the demons, four high-precision reconnaissance satellites are aimed at the Aegean Sea over Asia. Once the demons move, we will be able to discover them in time."

This is the advantage of having advanced technology, being able to preemptively and always keep an eye on the enemy.

The distance between Yunan Continent and Alcatraz Island is much longer than that of Ogeria. Once the Demon Race’s support force enters the Aegean Sea, time is too late, and the First Army has enough time to respond.

Li Meng asked again: "Can the Demon Space Battleship be moving?"

Surveillance in outer space is no more difficult than on the ground, and the difficulty is beyond imagination.

If the Mozu is willing to let the space battleship join the battle, there are multiple ways to let the space battleship enter the battlefield silently.

"We haven't noticed yet. We have been monitoring the movement of the moon's orbit. If the demon warship would appear from the back of the moon as usual, it would be impossible to escape our surveillance.

I don’t know what is on the back of the moon...

None of the large warships that the Mozu lifted off did not stop on the earth or drift in orbit on the earth, but went to the back of the moon.

The first legion attacked Alcatraz, the timing of the choice can be said to be impeccable.

The reason why it can be carried out perfectly according to the plan, the cause and effect of all lies in Li Meng's previous actions on the southern continent.

Most of today's demons are dormant, and the demons who lost their heads are completely passive in the battle with the first legion.

Although the commanders under the demon lord have commanding talents, the commanders are battlefield commanders and lack a certain overall view and cannot effectively use the powerful military capabilities of the demon.

In this case, the victory of the First Army is inevitable.

But this kind of victory won't last long. Even if the lords of the Demon Race are dormant, the monster of the Demon Race cannot be shaken by the First Legion.

The first legion attacked Alcatraz Island, and the news soon spread to the entire demons.

Yunan Continent, Temple of Isis.

In the inner sanctuary on the top floor, on the soft sofa, two slender figures lay lazily on their sides.

Gorgeous costumes and golden colors make them look very expensive.

Every move is elegant and noble.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Isis on the opposite side, and the corners of Hattor's mouth were slightly raised, and he said softly: "You should have also received the news, the first army attacked Alcatraz Island, and the defenders on the island were completely destroyed. What they will do next It should be to destroy this island and prevent us from continuing to obtain "Sikkim."

Speaking of this, Harto tentatively asked: "This is how we watch the First Army destroy Alcatraz?"

At what Hartuo'er said, Isis turned his eyes slightly and looked at Hartuo'er calmly, just watching.

Seeing Isis staring at him so quietly, Harto's felt uncomfortable.

With a smirk, Hattor surrendered and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I just said that, and I didn't plan to do anything. I really don't know what that guy gave you to make you do like this. Heartbroken."

Seeing Hatuo's weakness, Isis withdrew his gaze, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Is it really okay for her to do this?

Isis was not sure about this, and she had hesitated in her heart, but between the race and him, the steelyard in her heart was always leaning toward him, which made her hesitate while her heart was firm.

"Is this okay? If mankind wins, where should you and me go? Should we leave the earth or be under the fence? The characteristic of our race is tolerance, but this tolerance is a disaster for other races. We are outsiders. This One thing is an unchangeable fact, Isis, do you really think we can live in peace with humans?" A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Isis, and Hattor whispered.

Yes, can humans really live in peace with the demons?

Isis is upset, they can, but can humans?

In the tens of thousands of years on Earth, they have learned enough about humans and the complexity of the human race...

As if aware of the hesitation on Isis’s face, Harto’s smiled slightly and languidly got up and came to Isis’s body. She half-kneeled on the ground, like a knight serving the queen, looking at Isis with pity, her mouth light Said: "You don't want to do anything, just leave everything to me."

"You... what are you going to do?" Isis looked at Hattor with a wary face.

Although Isis hesitated in his heart, Isis would not do something to apologize to "him."

This has nothing to do with race righteousness, it is her promise. She has promised Li Meng and will not betray him at this time in any case.

doing what?

Harto smiled faintly and stood up.

Looking down at Isis on the sofa, Hattor said softly: "Isis, this is for you and my future. You don't need to do anything. In this case, you don't need to be sorry for him."

As soon as the voice fell, Harto'er smiled slightly, turned and walked outside the inner hall.

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