Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1554: The devil strikes (seeking monthly ticket)

"Retreat, return to the church, prepare for battle."

Although I don't know what it is, the sense of crisis in his heart gives Darvi a choice.

The new situation that has appeared on Alcatraz Island naturally cannot hide the main force behind it.

In the bridge command room, looking at the weird red vortex on the screen and the fireballs falling from the sky, everyone looked at each other, wondering what the situation was.

It was too weird, it was beyond their cognition.

In the command room, only Li Meng's face changed and he stood up abruptly.

Looking at the picture on the screen, Li Meng waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "The fleet advances at full speed and arrives at Alcatraz Island at the fastest speed. It immediately organizes airborne operations and uses the Century Transport Plane to send soldiers to Sylinder With heavy equipment, the live broadcast gave me a good stare at Sri Erlin, let them take a good look at what the future of mankind is like."

"Master, you are..."

This was the first time Natasha saw the master so gaffe with such a solemn expression on her face, which made Natasha very puzzled.

With a slight sigh, Li Meng looked around the people in the command room and said in a deep voice: "For you, this may be a bit early, but you have the right to know that this is a subspace crack. This time we will encounter a real demon. , This is not only the enemy of human beings on earth, in the future, your world will also encounter them."

Li Meng never imagined that demons would invade the earth on a large scale at this time.

The invasion intensity of such a scale of subspace crack is absolutely amazing.

How can a small Alcatraz island trigger a large-scale invasion of demons?

Don't understand, Li Meng can't understand the reason at all.

Is it a coincidence?

But this coincidence is too dramatic.

When he got up, Li Meng stood up from the main seat, and said to Natasha and Tanya beside him: "Natasha, Tanya, this is yours. The evacuation of civilians is the priority, and everything can be abandoned if necessary. ."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Meng's figure turned into a black death force and disappeared without a trace in everyone's eyes.

Although knowing that the commander has a very powerful ability, such a big living person disappeared from his eyes. For most people, this is the first time they have seen it with their own eyes.

In the eyes of some people, the commander is even more incredible than the devil.

In Alcatraz Island, in Sri Erlin, in the eyes of everyone, the fireball in the sky fell.

In Sirillin City, as the fireball fell to the ground, a rumble explosion sounded, and flames soaring into the sky suddenly appeared everywhere in the city.

In the impact, countless buildings collapsed, and this abandoned city is undergoing a second destruction.

The ground was shaking, and each shaking represented a fireball falling to the ground.

From the broken building remains, from the huge pits smashed by the fireball on the street, some huge red figures appeared.


With an angry roar, a huge red figure jumped out of the smokey pit.

It stands on four feet, has a strong body, the whole body is brownish-red, the scales on the body, the skin is like burning molten slurry, braving little sparks.

It has two huge and hideous dog heads, and its golden pupils are full of bloodthirsty and brutality.

It has a huge stature, close to three meters in height.

After a roar, it jumped up suddenly, jumped onto the more than ten-meter-high roof, and ran dexterously on the roof, very fast.

"Rakka, Rakka."

In the streets of Sirlin City, a group of figures appeared even more.

They are about two meters high, holding a red bladed knife, and their whole body is brownish-red, with a pair of black horns growing on their heads. They are stout and sturdy.

Not only on the ground, but also some red figures flying in the sky. They have a pair of red demon wings, thin and thin, staring at a red unicorn, hovering in groups in the sky.

The fireballs in the sky continue to fall, and every time a fireball falls on the ground, more demons will appear.

At this time, the sky over Alcatraz Island was like a doomsday scene.

It was not only the First Army that was terrified, but also the human nations watching the live broadcast in front of the video.

Today, human beings have seen something that they have not seen before, and these things are enough to change their previous cognition and all outdated concepts.


The earth-shaking thunder suddenly sounded, and during the explosion, a larger fireball appeared in the sky.

Its appearance finally stopped the fireball from falling, the thunderous sound ceased, and the red vortex also dissipated.

For a moment, only dark clouds were still surging in the sky.

And the huge fireball that appeared in the end, like a huge meteorite struck across the sky, and fell on Sirillin City with a "boom".

At the moment of the impact, the air wave rolled and more than a dozen surrounding buildings were instantly destroyed.

Along with the flame, the dust billowed up.

In the rising dust, a huge red figure was looming, and in the disturbance of the dust, a huge foot stepped out of the dust, followed by the body and the head.

When the whole body appeared, a huge and hideous body appeared in the wreckage of the building.

It is close to seven meters high, thick and swollen, and its red skin is burning like magma. It is holding a burning flame giant sword, a huge black horn on top of its head, and a fist-sized pupil is burning with fire.

Standing in the ruins, it looks like the king of the devil, and just looking at it from a distance gives people a feeling of scalp tingling.

"Rakka, Rakka."

The other demons gathered to it, shouting wildly.

Surrounded by the devil, it moved, raised the flame sword in its hand, and let out an earth-shaking roar.

The sound was mighty and mighty, swept across the entire Alcatraz Island, on the contrary, all humans who heard the roar were terrified.

"Rakka, Rakka."

In this huge roar, the demons broke away and swept across the city in groups.

At this moment, Alcatraz Island has become the real Alcatraz Island.

No one understands why the devil appeared, why he chose to appear at this time.

But at this moment, for the First Legion, the first enemy has changed from the demons to demons.

The appearance of the devil also disrupted the plans of the First Legion, and the situation had become blurred. Even Li Meng did not know how the situation would develop in the future.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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