Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1556: Fearless fight

Under its bite, the armor of the Sickle Mecha was torn directly like tofu.

"call out!"

A rocket was launched and hit the canine demon on the Sickle Mecha with a scream.


There was a violent explosion, the flames surged, and the shock wave swept everything around.


With an angry roar, the huge body of the canine demon rushed out of the flames.

With a big hideous mouth, a hot flame spurted out.

The four soldiers couldn't avoid being enveloped in flames for an instant, and turned into a pool of molten iron under the fierce flames.

Just a canine demon makes a company's soldiers very difficult.

Its flexibility is too strong, and it rushed into the crowd so that the soldiers could not effectively exert their firepower advantage.

When attacking it, also worry about attacking the companion.

Just when the company's battle was at a disadvantage, a black light suddenly swept from the sky on the left and hit the canine demon with a "clang" blow.

Hearing a painful roar, the flame in the mouth of the canine demon stopped abruptly.

On its back, a **** sword tore its skin and stuck it on its back.

From the roof, three black shadows jumped down, and fell on the street with a "boom", and the street underneath suddenly cracked.

They are dressed in black bloodline armor, holding large swords, and are sturdy, giving people a sense of strength.

They are the Dark Iron Warriors.


The cold voice reverberated in the street and also reached Darvi's ears.

Darvi understood that the Dark Iron Warriors wanted to cover their evacuation.

"Withdraw, let's go."

Although Darvi did not want to leave the Dark Iron Warriors alone to fight, Darvi understood that without them, Dark Iron Warriors would have a higher survival rate.

Within a few minutes of contact, two sickle mechas were destroyed, and about ten soldiers turned into a pool of molten iron.

The horror of canine demons can be imagined...

what is that?

The fabled hellhound?

Amid the messy footsteps, the soldiers hurriedly evacuated, rushing into the alleys one by one.

Seeing his target escaped, the canine demon opened his mouth and wanted to spray flames.

But the dark iron warrior would not give it this opportunity. I saw a dark iron warrior with bare hands, jumping forward, and his figure suddenly flashed, turning into a black shadow and approaching the canine demon, waving his fists fiercely with strong wind Is printed on the head of the canine demon with its mouth wide open.


There was a dull attack, the strong wind disturbed, and the huge power gave the canine demon's body a slight pause, and the attacked head even moved back.

After the blow, the black iron warrior backhand grabbed the big sword on the back of the canine demon, and pulled it hard. The magma-like blood suddenly poured out, and the painful canine demon let out a terrible roar.

The canine demon had a broken spine, and it collapsed on the ground, struggling frantically.

But it can't move, can't get up.

The Black Iron Warrior ended its pain, holding a large sword in both hands, and cut off its head with a single sword.

In the spray of molten blood, two heads rolled on the ground, and its life was over.

"Rakka, Rakka."

At this time, on the street never far away, a group of red figures were rushing towards this side.

The previous battle attracted their attention, and the company's trail was discovered.

In other words, the Dark Iron Warriors must defend here and buy more time for the company's evacuation.

The Dark Iron Warrior will not back down, nor will he feel fear.

They walked with their swords behind them, and stood on the street, forming a line of defense.

"Rakka, Rakka."

The Dark Iron Warriors will not be afraid, and the demons will not be afraid.

What they seek is fighting and killing, and powerful enemies are exactly what they want.

On the street, black and heavy silhouettes are pouring in, they are roaring, seeming to be happy to find a powerful enemy.

"Shoo, hoo!"

At this moment, a scream suddenly sounded in the sky.

In the sky above the street, three cruise missiles passed over the heads of the Black Iron Warriors at low altitude and plunged into the demons not far ahead.

A huge explosion sounded loudly, and a group of tens of meters high flames rose from the demons. The soaring flame swept the surrounding demons, and the powerful shock wave made countless demons fly out.

In the spectacular explosion flames, a large number of demons were annihilated.

"Rakka, Rakka."

But they are fearless. When the flames dissipate, their numbers are still black, and there does not seem to be any reduction at all. If it weren't for the huge craters left by the explosion and a large number of broken limbs on the streets, I'm afraid Can make people doubt the power of cruise missiles.

However, the facts are true. Although the power of cruise missiles is strong, they are not as lethal to the demon as imagined. Except for the demon at the center of the explosion, which is torn apart, neither the shock wave nor the flame can do much to the demon. s damage.

Although many demons were blasted off by the powerful shock wave, after landing, they stood up intact, and their defense and self-healing capabilities were amazing.

On the street, in the roar of "Raqqa, Raqqa", only three of the dark iron fighters appeared to be so single and weak. Although they were not as good as the number, the dark iron fighters were not defeated in terms of momentum. Thousands of demons.

When the two sides were about to make contact, the Dark Iron Warriors rushed out with their swords.

The dark shadow flashed, and the dark iron warriors rushed into the demons like cannonballs.

The battle begins...

The dark iron warrior who rushed into the demons swung the big sword in his hand. Each blow would tear the devil’s skin and cause a lot of damage to the devil. Amid the impact of weapons, the roar of the demon, the red figure surged. During the movement, there was a mess on the street, and the black warriors entangled with the demons.


In the black sword light, a stab, the black iron warrior pierced a demon's neck with a big sword, twisted hard, and a head flew into the sky.


Surrounded by enemies, a demon waved the blade in his hand and slashed at the dark iron warrior.

This attack is inevitable, because all around are demons, all swaying blades.

The black iron warrior did not swing his sword to block, but a blade that rushed into the hands of the devil slammed it down and slammed into the devil's chest.

The tremendous power made the demon fly out and knocked down a piece of demon.

The black iron warriors did not retreat but moved forward. Before the fallen demons got up, they pierced their bodies with the big sword in their hands and wiped their necks. The killing movements were smooth and flowing without any hesitation.

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