Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1564: Fleeing in embarrassment

When the sky is no longer attacked, there are still demons that have survived in the burning Silil Forest, everywhere in the streets.

They are not afraid of flames, but prefer an environment where flames are burning.

The previous battle with the First Legion made part of the demon's ground troops out of the city, which effectively reduced the demon's loss. Although the city of Sriellin was destroyed, the demon's ground loss was not large.

The number is still objective, but the exact number is still unknown.

Looking out of the city, the devil's figure was red and countless. Looking inside the city, there are wandering demons everywhere in the envelope of flames. On Alcatraz Island, the scale of the demons is still amazing.

"Evacuate, leave Alcatraz Island immediately."

When the Mozu battle group evacuated, the main fleet of the First Army finally evacuated the people on the island.

Under Natasha's order, the huge fleet began to return.

The transport ships are in front and the combat ships are in the back. At this time, the advance fleet has already returned, and the main fleet is in harmony.

On the sea, the huge fleet is slowly moving away from Alcatraz Island.

At this time, on Alcatraz Island, with the withdrawal of the Mozu battle group, the fighting gradually subsided.

Only the flames that reflected the red half of the sky in the distance made Alcatraz Island appear so conspicuous in the dim world.

The sky is already dark, and night is approaching.

"The Demon Race's space battleship is so fragile that one was destroyed in half an hour. Why is the actual combat effectiveness so inefficient?"

In the command room, the officers discussed the previous battle.

In the orbital bombardment of Silil Forest City, the performance of the Demon Space Battleship was indeed amazing, with very powerful firepower, but in the subsequent battles, it appeared to be so weak.

In the face of the demon's air raid, the three Demon warships retreated steadily, and finally fled the battlefield at the cost of losing one warship. This performance made the First Army very disappointed.

That is a space battleship, such a huge battleship, it is so weak.

"The advantage of demons lies in their numbers. They rush towards the demon warships like a swarm. Facing these smaller targets, they often don't have better coping methods. The demon warships should not be good at dealing with these smaller targets. The defensive firepower is weak, and failure is normal."

"What should we do now? The appearance of the devil completely disrupted the deployment of our army. Judging from the current situation, the situation we are going to face is even worse. Not only must we deal with the devil, we must also be alert to the demons. The ability to fight on both sides without the strength."

"No, the devil is our enemy, but in the previous battles, it is not difficult to see that the demon is also the enemy of the demon. Like our first legion, the demon is doing its best in the battle with the devil. Before the eradication, the demons should not cause us trouble."

In other words, the devil became the common enemy of the First Legion and the demons?

In the command room, the officers were lost in thought.

The situation is very clear right now. The demons that appeared on Alcatraz Island this time are different from the demons encountered by humans in the past. They are organized, they also have order, can think, and can change the way of fighting flexibly.

In terms of scale, it is also larger than the demons that have appeared in the human world in the past.

On the Austrian continent, although the First Legion had encountered a large-scale demon army, it was completely different from the current demon army. The demon army on the Austrian continent passed Called by sacrifice, the individual's strength is weak.

As the officers were discussing, a red alarm flashed in the command room.

"It... they are here, General, the devil is attacking the fleet."

The warning from the battlefield guard changed the faces of everyone in the command room.

The sunset has set, and the sky is dim.

The evacuation of the demons made the demons lose their targets, and the fleet that evacuated to the northwest became the new targets of the demons.

In the sky above Alcatraz, the number of flying demons still overwhelmed the fleet like a tide.

The demon struck, causing chaos in the command room of the flagship.

Everyone in the command room originally thought that the devil would not pursue it, because the sky was already dark, but unexpectedly the devil had plans to continue fighting with the First Legion.

Don’t you want the fleet of the First Army to return?

Indeed, the fleet is no better than the air battle group of the demons, and it is not possible to evacuate if you want to evacuate.

"We need cover and the support of the Air Force."

"No, it's too late. Even if the fighter planes take off in an emergency, it will take half an hour. Even if the fleet arrives, it will be difficult for them to get close to the battlefield. In this dark night, the firepower net of the fleet can easily injure allies. Our fleet pays attention to Air defense and battleships are also a good firepower platform. It is not necessarily without the ability to fight the battle. Now only a fight against the water is the only way to let the demons know that we are not easy to bully. Only in this way can the demons be scrupulous and let them retreat by themselves. "

Will the demons retreat?

This possibility is too small...

Everyone in the command room understood that this probability was too small.

"Yes, I have specially observed the attack methods of flying demons. Although they can release a powerful fireball, the power of this fireball cannot cause a one-shot kill on a warship with heavy armor. This battle , We don’t need to back down."

Opinions are not uniform, and time does not allow Natasha to hesitate any longer.

Just when Natasha was about to say something, Li Meng's figure gradually appeared in the main position.

Seeing the commander who suddenly appeared on the main position, everyone was taken aback.


Raising their heads and saluting, everyone shouted in unison.

Everyone in the command room knew where the commander went.

Although the figure of the commander did not appear on the live video, there was a figure of the commander in the internal picture.

With a wave of his hand, Li Meng said calmly: "Wing Demon, Magic Demon, Blade Demon, Demon King, this is the type of demon on Alcatraz Island, continue to evacuate, immediately after launching the nuclear bomb palace, do not let the Wing Demon group approach the fleet."

Although Li Meng chose the name at will, it undoubtedly fits the image of the devil on Alcatraz Island.

With a nuclear bomb?

good idea……

At the moment, if you want the devil to retreat, you can only use a nuclear bomb.

Only the power of a nuclear bomb can kill demons on a large scale.

Without hesitation, Natasha on the side hurriedly said: "Notify the "Thunder" Captain Monvi to immediately launch a nuclear bomb at Alcatraz Island, intercept the chasing wing demons, and use a supersonic cruise missile equipped with a medium-sized nuclear warhead.

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