Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1566: Joint meeting

The news comes from the captain of the Thunder, Mengwei, in the church in Slierlin City, the company performing the mission did find something unusual, but when it returned home, it was attacked by a wing demon and was found unidentified. Fell into the sea.

The soldiers couldn't tell exactly what was found. They could only vaguely indicate that it was just a religious object, which looked very special.

Li Meng didn’t care. He sent a team to search for the church, just to understand that the Order Empire was so concerned about the city of Slierlin. The reason Li Meng had learned from the Ambassador of the Order Empire Selman was that there was one ruin, one Regarding the remains of the angels, Li Meng was very curious, and he was intrigued.

There are demons in this world, maybe there are angels.

And angels exist in Adras, but Li Meng didn't see it with his own eyes.

If there are angels in Adras, there may be traces left by angels on the earth.

The thoughts in his heart were put away, and the tense atmosphere in the command room let Li Meng know that he must be calm enough at this time and must have the confidence to defeat the devil. Only in this way can the officers be given the courage and confidence to fight the devil. .

Thinking of this, Li Meng said solemnly: "Demons are the enemy of mankind. There is no doubt about this. They are more dangerous and terrifying than the demons. For the self-defense ability of the vassal country and the battle with the devil, we can only win by scale, and the ground battle is particularly important."

"Also, orbiting satellites carry out reconnaissance on Alcatraz Island around the clock, monitoring every move of the devil, and where they will go next, we all need to know in time."

What is the red alert?

That represented a total war, a cruel and **** war.

In this war with the devil, no country can stay aside, and the same is true for the dependent countries of the First Army.

It was late at night and time passed by little by little.

Before dawn, the main fleet returned to Port Kenlin.

With the return of the main fleet, the port became turbulent, and it gradually calmed down when the morning sun rose into the east.

But the arrival of a new day made this quiet not last long. Soon after, the fishermen going out to sea made the port lively again.

And today, the fishermen also discovered the return of the fleet.

On the military wharf, a large number of warships lined up and docked, and the densely packed area was so spectacular.

I don't know what the First Army did. The warships in the harbor disappeared without a trace yesterday morning, and they all returned in just one day, more than the warships seen in the harbor a few days ago.

After returning to Kenlin Harbor, Li Meng started to move non-stop.

The first thing is to return to the office building of the port base, use large-scale communication equipment to communicate with the countries under its umbrella, an online joint meeting.

The communications network of the subordinate countries has always been the top priority of the First Corps, and the governing bodies of all countries have the ability to instantly communicate with the First Corps.

Dressed in black and wearing a skull mask, this is Li Meng's posture standing on the communication platform.

In front of Li Meng is a huge screen with three half-length portraits in the screen.

The three people are "Filid Lasage", the president of the Bentley State, "Gunya Aredil", the queen of the Kingdom of Austria, and "Catherine Regodas", the queen of the Danlan Kingdom.

This is the first time that the First Corps has convened a joint meeting of its subordinate countries. For the leaders of the three countries, they also saw the leaders of the other subordinate countries of the First Corps for the first time. However, what they care more about now is Li in the screen. Meng, a black armor with blood markings and a skull mask on his face, they had never seen this image of Li Meng.

And this is exactly what Li Meng wants to see.

There is only one Li Meng, and only Li Meng will enter the eyes of the world, and the highest commander of the First Legion will only be a permanent secret, a secret that no one knows except the insiders of the First Legion.

"I am the supreme commander of the First Army. The information has been sent. The reasons, reasons, and what you have to do are all in it. From now on, do your best to form the joint defense forces of your countries, and the First Army will assist You, provide corresponding weapons and equipment for free."

Countries cannot understand this sudden request.

Especially the Danlan Kingdom. Recently, the Danlan Kingdom is making all-out efforts to disarm and is preparing to do a lot of work to develop its own economy in order to reduce financial pressure.

This sudden request from the First Army undoubtedly disrupted the Danlan Kingdom's plan.

But Li Meng did not give countries a chance to speak.

Although among the three, Gunia and Catherine both knew him and had a relatively close relationship, especially Gunia, but Li Meng's current status is the highest commander of the First Army, and he must be tough.

Li Meng's gaze turned to Gunya and Catherine.

"Queen Gunia of the Kingdom of Austria, in the future, the continent of Austria is likely to become a major war zone. You must be prepared to evacuate the residents of the south, and the Kingdom of Danlan, the entire outer continent The southern part may become a battlefield. If you care about your own people, be ready to evacuate at any time. This war will be long and cruel. No one can stay out of it. The First Army cannot, and neither can you, other human nations. also can not."

What happened?

The information has just been received, and the Three Kingdoms do not know what happened on Alcatraz Island.

Just in their doubts, the picture in the video disappeared, leaving behind the heads of countries meditating in front of the screen.

Kingdom of Austria, Darwin City, Royal Palace.

"Wang Hao, what do you think of this matter?"

With a confused mood, Gu Niya, who was wearing a gorgeous dress and a crown, left the communication room, and walked towards the inner palace with Oriana, surrounded by a group of maids.

What do you think?

Oriana shook her head and guessed: "It should be something happened, and this matter makes the First Army quite tricky, otherwise, the First Army will not require its subordinate countries to form a joint defense army."

"What happened, I am afraid that only by reading the information can we know. Let's go back. There should be something we want to know in the information."


Thinking of this, the pace of the two accelerated slightly.

Back in the inner court, in the study, using the laptop provided by the First Army, Oriana and Gunia obtained the information in the materials.

It was a demon...

With a thoughtful expression, Oriana said in deep thought: "It seems that some major events that we don't know have happened on Alcatraz island these days. Three, but this third one is more threatening than the demons. If the information in the data is true, just as the highest commander of the First Army said, Ogeria will become a battlefield. War will be extremely cruel."

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