Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1590: ANT mines

But under the devil's offensive, the front line has gradually shown signs of collapse.

On the 20-kilometer front, the soldiers in the battle have become numb.

They saw too many sacrifices from their companions, and watched those terrifying demons wantonly slaughter their comrades. They resisted and eliminated many demons, but the number of demons continued to flow. One was killed, and more demons rushed. Come up, as if there is no end, the battle will never end.

The front line retreated and then retreated. It was originally on the front line about one mile wide, almost retreating to the edge of the other side of the position.

I don't know how many soldiers died. Many soldiers instinctively wanted to escape the battlefield in panic, but they couldn't.

Because there are more troops behind them, if they leave before battle, they will be ridiculed and condemned throughout their lives.

The big sword was swung, the black glow flickered, a jumping stab, a demon was cut off by Natasha.

The demon who lost his head, his huge body fell to the ground.

A demon was wiped out, but there were more demons around. They wanted to surround themselves, but they were stopped by the Dark Iron Warriors.

"Natasha, you can leave now."

During the short battle, Tan Ya's voice rang from the communicator in his ear.

Looking towards the front line, the red demon is gradually occupying the entire position, and the entire front line is on the verge of collapse.

"Withdraw! So the coalition forces withdrew immediately, and the Dark Iron Warriors took cover."

Without hesitation, Natasha gave the order to retreat.

With an order, the gradually collapsing front was completely collapsed.

"Withdraw, withdraw immediately."

In the rebuke of the officers, on the 20-kilometer-long front, the soldiers who had fought with the devil gave up the enemy in front of them, left the position in panic, and ran down the mountain.

For a time, the evacuation of more than 100,000 people left the entire mountain range full of soldiers fleeing the battlefield. They were in groups, rushing towards the basin below the mountain.

Facing the enemy's withdrawal, the demon chased after him.

However, the presence of the Dark Iron Warriors on the front line prevented the demon from pursuing them and bought some time for the withdrawal of the coalition defense forces.


There is no need to cover for long, just give the coalition defense a chance to stay away from the devil.

Under Natasha's order, the dark iron warrior who had been entangled with the demon escaped from the battle, and the figures jumped up and turned into a sharp arrow to fall into the mountain basin.

"Boom, boom!"

When it hit the ground, the ground under his feet cracked and mud and rocks flew across.

"Rakka, Rakka!"

The departure of the Black Iron Warrior from the battlefield caused the front line to fall completely.

The crimson torrent crossed the front line, like a crimson wave sweeping towards the basin below the mountain.

They are all over the mountain.

In the basin, the soldiers evacuated from their positions are running wildly, and their figures are also densely packed.

The withdrawal of the soldiers gave Wing Demon a good opportunity to attack.

They flew across the sky and fired fireballs one after another at the soldiers fleeing from the ground.

There was an explosion in the team that the coalition forces fled. In the surging flames, countless soldiers were swallowed.

Fortunately, the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles of the two armored divisions of the First Corps were evacuated together with the joint defense forces, which gave the evacuated troops some ability to fight back.


When the crimson torrent poured into the basin, only a sound of earth-shaking explosion sounded. At the edge of the basin, a violent explosion occurred.

A group of hundreds of meters high flame mushroom cloud rose slowly, raising the earth soaring, and a powerful shock wave swept everything around. The devil with a radius of 100 meters was torn apart, countless demons flew into the sky, and the earth was there. Shaking.

The ANT mine buried in the basin exploded.


A violent explosion occurred again, and another ANT mine exploded in the skyrocketing flames.

A huge mushroom cloud slowly rose, swept everything around, and a large number of demons were wiped out.

The power of ANT landmines is great. Although they are not nuclear bombs, their power is comparable to small nuclear bombs.

In the skyrocketing flames, the demons who rushed into the basin were immediately baptized.

The explosion of the ANT mine behind him was so powerful that even the soldiers who had escaped a kilometer away could personally feel the shock wave hitting their bodies. The strong wind almost knocked down their running bodies.

The existence of ANT mines caused a lot of casualties to the demons, and the distance between them and the fugitive soldiers was getting farther and farther. Their charging pace was forcibly stopped by the devastating explosion, which gave the soldiers enough time to evacuate.

On the other side of the basin, at the foot of the northern outer mountain, the five armored divisions of the First Corps were waiting. A large number of Guardian tanks formed a line of steel under the mountain.

The defense line of the northern outer mountains is denser than the first defense line, and the front line has spread to the bottom of the mountain behind the steel front.

Trenches were scattered throughout the mountain range, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers were waiting in their positions.

On the other side of the mountain line of defense, the artillery positions also began to shrink their firing range.

Amid the "rumbling" shelling, a violent explosion suddenly occurred on the first line of defense.

The artillery fire continued to the sky, one piece after another, and it was unknown how many demons were eliminated.

Under the double blow, the demon suffered a lot of casualties.

In the basin, the pace of the demon's advancement can be described as difficult. Every step forward, a large number of casualties will occur. When the evacuated soldiers retreated to the outer mountain position, the pace of the demon's charge reached the middle of the basin.

In the earth-shaking explosion, the entire basin was shaken by the earth, and the surging flames almost enveloped the sky.

The ground demon was blocked, and the wing demon in the sky became agitated for some reason.

"Rakka, Rakka."

With an angry roar, the Wing Demon began to rush towards the last line of defense regardless of casualties.

A large number of red figures came from afar, and countless fireballs fell from the sky and fell into the position.

In the flickering of the fire, explosions occurred everywhere in the position, and huge flames rose.

The approach of the Wing Demon caused the front line to exchange fire with the enemy in advance, and the intensive gunfire suddenly sounded.

In the basin, although the power of ANT mines is strong, the number is limited after all. The basin is so big. The greater the power, the more the mines buried in the ground will be scattered. Soon, the devil braved the gunfire and approached the front line.

A new battle begins...

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