Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1593: War of gods

Fortunately, the armor on the Dark Iron Warriors protected them well, otherwise, they would be torn apart when they were hit by the shock wave.

What a powerful demon...

Seeing many dark iron fighters return without success, the soldiers on the battlefield were secretly speechless.

"Rakka, Rakka."

Amidst the roars, the position that had been hit by a huge demon quickly collapsed.

The crimson torrent rushed into the position one after another, harvesting the surviving soldiers on the position.

On the far ground, a phantom was rushing over and over a distance of several hundred meters. It was Tan Ya.

"Wait for me, attack together."

In the rear, there is another phantom, she is chasing the front charm at full speed, it is Natasha.

The appearance of the giant demon made the two deeply understand one thing. If the giant demon is not stopped, the entire front will quickly collapse.

Tan Ya slowed down slightly, and Natasha quickly caught up with Tan Ya.

On the battlefield, two phantoms rushed to the ground where the huge demon was.

"You are left, I am right, attack with all your strength and spare no effort."

Natasha responded to Tanya's words with practical actions.

I saw the sword-shaped death mark on Natasha's forehead appeared, and the strong death force gushed out, enveloping Natasha's entire body. In an instant, Natasha's whole body's momentum instantly rose, wherever she passed. , Strong wind disturbance.

Tan Ya was the same, the mark of the demon **** of death appeared, and the powerful force of death poured out from his body.

"Get out!"

Just at Tanya, Natasha was about to make a full leap, and when she attacked the huge demon in the distance, a voice suddenly appeared in the void, echoing in the ears of the two.

the host?

This made the two of them stunned for a moment, and their bodies stopped.

In front of the huge demon, abnormal changes suddenly appeared.

I saw a huge white beam of light roaring out of the void, hitting the ground directly.

The appearance of the white beam of light caused the giant demon's golden pupils to shrink suddenly, staring at the beam of light.

Only for a few seconds, the white beam of light dissipated.

When the beam of light dissipated, a huge black figure suddenly appeared in front of the huge demon.

Its entire body is shrouded in a wide black robe, and the only thing that can be seen is a huge white bone hand extending from the black robe, holding a huge sickle in its hand.

It was five meters tall, and it was huge, and it just stopped floating in the sky not far from the giant body.

what is this?

Seeing the huge figure floating in the sky, the soldiers on the ground were taken aback.

grim Reaper?

The image of its existence makes soldiers have to think so.

Is there really a "god" in this world?

"Rakka, Rakka."

Amid the roar of the devil, the position below was rapidly collapsing.

It seemed that he had noticed the situation on the battlefield below, the death **** in the sky moved, and saw its huge white bones reach out from the black robe, and Ikki downwards.

The black gloom flashed, and a heavy death force bombarded the earth.

There is no explosion, no turbulence of strong wind, the force of death that bombards the earth melts into the earth

I saw a flash of black light on the ground, and the force of death surged away, sweeping away.

"Rakka, Rakka."

A scene that scared the devil appeared, and only a few kilometers below, black tentacles stretched out from the feet of the devil, entwining every devil.

Under the entanglement of the black tentacles, the demons were roaring, and their huge bodies were rapidly shrinking, as if they had been deprived of their vitality.

Within ten seconds, in the bewildered gaze of the soldiers, the demons who had fought with them turned to ashes.

On the ground for several kilometers, a piece of ashes suddenly rose.

This scene caused an uproar among the soldiers on the front, followed by excited cheers.

Whether the appearance of the **** of death is an enemy or a friend is still a question.

But now, the soldiers know that the **** of death is here to help them, it is the friendly army.

Under this blow from the **** of death, the line that had collapsed was immediately stabilized.


When the back-up arrived, more soldiers came up and fought with the demons rushing into the battlefield.

Seeing that Death had killed so many family members in his own eyes, the huge demon was angry.

It opened its big and hideous mouth and let out a huge roar, and the air waves visible to the naked eye swept out.

And this time, its roar is doomed to fail.

The **** of death in the sky stretched out his left hand and opened his fingers.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier in front of the **** of death, and the sweeping waves of air were blocked.

No, it's not just blocking, but rebounding.

The air wave that impacted on the invisible barrier instantly turned back, violently impacting on the giant demon.


Hearing a loud noise, the huge demon was directly pushed out by the air wave amidst the rolling mud and rocks, and his body crossed the sky and fell into the basin under the mountain.

This blow didn't hurt the huge demon, it was just knocked out by its own air wave.

In the basin, among the demons, it stood up, and its golden pupils looked angrily at the death **** on the ground.


With a huge roar, the demons in front of it immediately dispersed.

It moved, holding the flame sword in both hands, holding it high, and stabbing it to the ground, half of the huge flame sword sank into the ground.

I saw the flames of the burning flame giant sword soaring, and the ground cracked.

"Kacha, Kacha."

Many huge cracks quickly spread to the mountains, and the flames can be seen from the cracks.

A powerful flame force is advancing underground, once it gets close to the mountain range, the entire mountain range will probably be blown up.

The Reaper above the position moved again, and the huge sickle in his hand suddenly waved.

A huge crescent-shaped black glow shot out, instantly leaping across the sky and falling into the ground below the mountain.

There was no explosion, no strong wind disturbance, and the black glow that touched the earth turned into a black gloom.


The earth was shaking, and amid the "rumbling" vibrations, several huge bone walls rose from the ground, one after another blocking the path of the flame crack.

There are three ways.

The spreading flame cracks touched the first bone wall.

Hearing only the sound of an earth-shaking explosion, the bone wall exploded, and a huge flame emerged from the ground.

In the sound of the explosion, the flame cracks in the ground continued to move forward, and then hit the second bone wall.


A huge explosion sounded again, the second bone wall collapsed, countless bones were hit by flames rising from the ground, and the sky suddenly rained on bones.

The fiery cracks on the ground flashed past, and it slammed into the third bone wall unabated.

This time, the explosion did not sound, and the ground shook suddenly, and the ground in front of the bone wall was raised high, as if something was about to break through the earthquake, but in the end it was still crushed and the ground was also The leveling is restored.

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