Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1596: No one can do nothing

After killing the commanding guard, the huge demon continued to search in the crater.

Soon, it found it, and it pulled out a cylindrical crystal device from the soil.

This device is one meter high and half a meter wide, and the crystals are red, as if they are burning.


A huge burst of air sounded, and a huge red figure rose into the sky from the crater amidst the rolling air, and turned into a fiery red streamer and disappeared into the sky.

The departure of the huge demon also ended the surrounding air combat.

The wing demons burned the devil's wings one after another, rising up into the sky, turning into streams of light and then followed.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, the process only took less than twenty minutes.

In these twenty minutes, the demons did not react at all. When they reacted, when a large number of demons flying weapons appeared over the battlefield, the demons had already left.

Nanlin Island, Naval Command.

"A high-speed moving object was found on the orbit. It is moving forward... It is crossing the Eurasian continent. The target has penetrated into the atmosphere. According to the flight path prediction, the landing point is in the West Sea, Leo Island..."

Leo Island?

Hearing this place, Jevrich's face changed, and he quickly said: "Report this to the two generals immediately, damn, those monsters will look at this place."

Leo Island is in the West Sea, which is the so-called outer sea, collectively called the Atlantic Ocean.

Leo Island is close to Eurasia, in the sea about 100 kilometers northwest of Eurasia.

Jevrich is no stranger to this place. Because of the special requirements of the commander, I have paid little attention to this place in recent years. Although I don’t know why the commander should pay attention to this small place, this place must be very special to the commander. Meaning.

Atlantic Ocean, Leo Island.

This was once a peaceful place, the island was flooded with green, and only a church stood quietly on the island.

This church is a monastery for the blind, a paradise.

How long has the Blind Monastery existed?

No one knows this. The monastery on the island already existed when mankind left the dark age.

When the faith of the north spread across the northern part of Eurasia, the monastery for the blind was still quietly located on this island. No one knows which country the island belongs to, but the island is protected by the empire.

But today, everything has changed.

A huge roar suddenly sounded over the island, and in the high altitude, a huge fireball was landing.

The huge air-breaking sound "booms and rumbles", and the dazzling fire light shines on the earth.

"Divine punishment, this is divine punishment..."

The strange shape of the sky attracted the attention of the monks on the island, their mouths were muttering, and their faces were full of fear.

In their eyes, the fireball dropped from the sky and disappeared at the end of sight with a tail flame.


A huge impact suddenly sounded, causing a wave of shaking, and a group of flames was slowly rising in the distance.

This is not the end. Soon after the huge impact appeared, a flaming red streamer across the sky struck the monastery with a cracking sound like a cannonball.


The ground was cracked, and a huge red figure fell on the steps of the front courtyard of the monastery.

"The devil, it's the devil, the devil is coming, the devil is coming..."

Seeing the huge red figure on the stairs, there was a mess in the monastery, and the monks let out a cry of horror.

Step by step, its huge figure walked towards the monastery like no one.


The mud and rocks danced wildly, and the wall blocking it was directly crushed by it.

The monks are unarmed. Although they are believers of the gods, faith cannot allow them to defeat the enemy, and even the weakness in their hearts cannot be defeated.


It opened its big hideous mouth and let out a deafening roar.

The air waves visible to the naked eye swept out from the mouth and rushed forward, directly overturning a tall building.

Mud and rocks danced wildly, sawdust flew horizontally, and a tilted disk device suddenly appeared in the wreckage of the building.

If Blair were here, he would find that this disc device was exactly the same as the disc he had found on Alcatraz, and it was also inlaid with gems of various colors.

"Stop, you monster, do you dare to blaspheme things?"

At this moment, a rant suddenly appeared beside the giant demon.

An old blind man was assisted by many monks who looked terrified and came down to the huge demon's side.

Although the monks were afraid, their faith allowed them to overcome the fear in their hearts.

The sound around it attracted the attention of the huge demon, and it lowered its head to look at the weak human being not far away.

It seems to be mocking, mocking what human beings do.

In the angry eyes of the monks, they stretched out their ferocious left hand and grabbed the disc device in their hands.

But at this moment, it was taken aback for a moment, its golden pupils shrank suddenly, and turned to look to the other side, seeming to be very angry, with a suppressed roar in its mouth.


Hearing only a whistling sound that broke through the air, a creamy-white beam of light appeared in the void and hit the ground with one head.

In just two or three seconds, the beam of light disappeared and retracted into the void, and in the air where the beam of light disappeared, a huge black figure suddenly appeared.

It is wearing a black robe and holding a huge sickle. It is more than five meters high. Although smaller than a huge demon, it is also a huge monster in the eyes of humans.

It is Li Meng, the form of death that Li Meng has transformed into his spiritual body.

When it was learned from the Navy Command that a huge demon had descended on Leo Island, Li Meng sent it over without stopping.

Looking at the disk device in the devil's left hand, Li Meng thoughtfully.

Is this what Blair described?

Unexpectedly, Leo Island also has one...

Is it the purpose of landing on Leo Island?

The appearance of Li Meng made the giant demon vigilant, and it let out a suppressed roar.

With a wave of his right hand holding the flame giant sword, a flame suddenly surged, instantly sweeping a group of humans not far away.

In the flames, the monk and the old blind man turned to ashes.

Li Meng did not move to what the devil did.

His presence here today is not here to save people, even if he wants to, he can't save them.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Li Meng really had nothing to do with it.

But in the same way, the giant demon was also very impressed with Li Meng. There may be a gap between the strength of the two sides, but no one can do anything.

Li Meng realized this, and it naturally realized it.

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