Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1598: The problem of Danlan Kingdom

Qingcheng, Crystal Palace, in the upper area.

After two years, the Crystal Palace was finally completed, and Li Meng also moved into the Crystal Palace.

Sitting on the soft sofa in the brilliant room of Jin Bi, Li Meng silently looked at the south through the glass.

"what's happenin?"

Sakuya, who had been watching Li Meng all the time, found the abnormality on His Royal Highness's face, and asked puzzledly.

Withdrawing his sight from a distance, Li Meng shook his head.

Looking back at Sakuya who was sitting quietly beside him, Li Meng took Sakuya's waist and hugged her into his arms in the doubtful eyes of Sakuya.

Holding Sakiya tightly, head against the magnificent mountain peak, smelling the unique fragrance, Li Meng forced his heart to calm down, only at this moment, his heart received a trace of comfort.

Although I don't know what happened, Sakiya didn't think much, she gently hugged Li Meng, and the two quietly cuddled on the sofa.

The demon raided the southern continent of the domain and then raided Leo Island, causing the subspace crack to open again.

The bad situation has changed again. The battlefield is not only limited to Austria. On the other side of the world, starting from Leo Island, the demonic offensive is about to sweep the entire world.

No one can stay out of the battle with the devil, as if responding to Li Meng's words, the Eurasian continent is in danger.

Just as the devil was preparing to attack the Eurasian continent on Leo Island, a new battle began outside Austria.

The outer continent of Austria is vast, and the seven cities are scattered, making the entire outer continent look uninhabited.

On the fifth day after the devil landed on the outer land of Ogeria, the devil found the first city "Gulantan".

The city of Gulantan used to be the capital of the Yasi Kingdom and is located in the south. Its geographical location made this city the first target of the devil's attack.

There is no doubt that the devil has encountered hard bones. Qulantan is an ancient city. It has the largest and thickest city wall on the outside of Ogeria. As a municipality of the First Army, it is stationed in this city. There are five armored divisions in the First Corps. It can be said that all the forces of the First Corps on the outer land of Ogeria are deployed in this city.

Not only that, but 30 divisions of the Joint Defense Force are deployed in the city, which makes the city of Gulantan an indestructible fortress.

Only on the first goal, the demon's offensive was hindered, and the battle lasted for seven days.

After seven days, it seemed that he knew that he could not capture the indestructible fortress in front of him. The demon gave up the offensive and instead wandered outside of Austria.

Danlan Kingdom, Melorka City, King's Hall.

"Since the war in Gulantan ended, the demons have given up attacking major cities and instead wandered around, harassing cities where humans existed from time to time. As far as the situation is concerned, the situation is not bad, but, It’s not a way to continue like this. People are now being moved to major cities, and farms outside the city are not cultivated. If this continues, sooner or later, the food will be exhausted and all kinds of supplies will be in short supply."

"There is no need to worry about material matters. The First Army said before the start of the war that they will provide the materials we need. Our task is to hold on to the city. As long as we can hold on to the wall, it is a victory. The problem is transportation. Among these seven cities, only Melorca and Gulantan are port cities. There is no need to consider transportation problems. However, the other cities are all inland. Now demons are wandering around. Once we leave the city, we will be The demons encircle and annihilate, as for air transportation, it is even more impossible. Now there are winged demons everywhere in the air. The air force of the First Army has suffered heavy losses, and they no longer have the ability to break through the winged magic line."

The ministers sparked controversy due to the situation facing the kingdom right now.

The threat of the devil cannot be underestimated. The Kingdom of Austria is a lesson for the past.

In that war that lasted less than two months, the Danlan Kingdom knew the heavy price paid by the Kingdom of Austria. If you don’t want to follow in the footsteps of the Kingdom of Austria, you can only be cautious and not give A little chance for the devil.

"Then what should we do? We can't watch those inland cities starve to death due to running out of materials, and once there is a problem with the supply of materials, those inland cities will not be able to defend them. Now each city has nearly a thousand Ten thousand people, the fall of any city is a massacre."

Yes, it is precisely for this reason that the kingdom must not discard any city.

Because any city represents nearly ten million people.

How to do?

The ministers' faces all showed embarrassment, this problem is really difficult to solve.

"We must open a passage in the forest to avoid big losses with small losses. Although the Kingdom of Austria has suffered heavy losses, the casualties are controlled within a certain range, passing through the defense line of the Courbet Mountains, and Defying at all costs, the demon was successfully blocked in the area south of the Courbet Mountains, but the Danlan Kingdom did not have this condition. It was necessary to open a transportation channel, even if it would cost a great loss. "

A minister put forward this opinion. He was very determined. Loss is inevitable and some choices need to be made.

"I agree with the proposal to open up the transportation channel, but how do we get through? With our current strength, it is already very reluctant to be able to defend the city, and there is no ability to confront the devil head-on. Once we leave the protection of the city wall, we are outside The prey that the devil can kill at will."

"Yes, the equipment provided by the First Legion is only suitable for positional warfare, not for fighting the devil head-on, and going out of the city will only bring unnecessary losses."

There are many problems, and the debate among ministers has never stopped.

On the throne, Catherine quietly listened to the dispute in the hall. In this matter, she could only listen to the opinions of the ministers, and then came up with a compromise.

"Prime Minister Harandi has been silent, but what good idea did he think of?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were undoubtedly focused on Harandi who had been silent.

Seeing all his colleagues looked at him, Harandi shook his head.

"No, I don’t have a good solution. The power of the devil is obvious to all. In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy is useless. If you want to open the transportation route, you must face the devil’s siege. This is a difficult problem that cannot be overcome. At least for now, we do not have the ability to solve this problem."

is not that right……

Harandi's words undoubtedly touched everyone's hearts.

In any case, fighting the devil head-on is inevitable, and fighting the devil head-on is not a wise move.

At this time, Karina, who was next to the throne, bowed her head and said something in Catherine's ear.

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