Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1601: Cognitive change

Although this is annoying, the ambassadors of various countries have to admit that this is what they want to know.

Xiao Nan chose to ignore Kenan's endless entanglement. This is the meeting place. Any questions can be raised. No matter how strong the First Army is, it will not let them shut up.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked around the crowd, Xiao Nan said calmly: "You really want to know? This is not a good thing for you, this may happen some changes that you cannot accept."

To Xiao Nan's words, everyone remained silent, only showing their determination with firm eyes.

With a helpless sigh in his heart, Xiao Nan compromised.

Without saying much, Xiao Nan took out a small metal disc from his pocket.

With a quick throw, the small metal disc flew out and landed in the middle of the round table.

With the blue light flickering, a picture appeared above the round table.

Holographic projection technology is no longer unfamiliar to Asian countries, because the First Army has shown it several times. Although every time I see it, I am surprised and novel, but it is not as shocking as the first time.

But to William Adren, all of this is so incredible. At this time, he finally knows why countries have so easily recognized the fact that the First Army is strong. How can such technological strength not be allowed? People agree?

However, for the ambassadors of various countries, as the picture appeared, a perception that they could not accept appeared.

The picture is a battlefield, and the crimson torrent is hitting a tall mountain.

On the position in the mountains, soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms are fighting the devil. Among them, there are some warriors wearing black armor and holding large swords. They are invincible and madly beheading those who rushed into the position. demon.

There were bursts of gunfire, bombing, and the roar of demons in the entire conference room. Everyone felt the intensity of the battlefield.

On the other side, a battle that everyone can't imagine is happening.

The huge demon shown by William Adron is at war with a strange figure.

It is suspended in the air, wearing a black robe, holding a sickle, and the bone frame of the sickle handle is clearly visible. This is enough to prove that it is not a living thing. It is more than five meters in height. Although smaller than the giant demon, it is also a big guy.

The earth cracked, and the burning cracks spread to the mountains. The entire video was shaking, indicating that the ground at the scene was shaking. In front of the burning cracks, huge walls of bones rose from the ground out of thin air, preventing them. The spread of huge cracks.

The video also ends here, the blue light disappeared and retracted into the metal disc.

The right **** on the round table lightly clicked, and the metal disk placed in the middle of the round table suddenly jumped up and fell into Xiao Nan's hand.

This hand surprised everyone who was in shock, especially Wang Yanmei, who was sitting quietly on the round table, and her beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Nan unexpectedly.

After putting away the metal disc, Xiao Nan looked at the strangely silent people on the round table, Xiao Nan said calmly: "I don't know what kind of existence "God" is in your eyes, but in the eyes of the First Army, he is just our leader. We call him the **** of death, he gave us "power", so we believe in "him."


Everyone remembered the unstoppable black armored fighters in the video. Could it be that the power of those fighters was bestowed by the "Reaper"?

This is incredible...

Does God or something really exist?

At this moment, everyone was puzzled and shocked. Although they didn't believe it, seeing was believing. The previous cognitive collapse made everyone feel very uncomfortable and fell into a state of confusion.

"Is the power of Lord Li Meng bestowed by death?"

In the collapse of cognition, Kaios thought of Li Meng.

Compared with martial artists, compared with any ability, Li Meng's ability is also incredible.

Xiao Nan shook his head, his indifferent gaze revealed a softness, and said, "No, if death is the dark side of the First Army, then Lord... Lord Li Meng is the bright side of the First Army, the power of adults. Not only what you know, you will know it one day."

As a woman, Wang Yanmei is naturally sensitive, and she can see the changes in Xiao Nan's expression.

When the two words Li Meng were uttered, she was obviously softer. Although ordinary people could not see it, Wang Yanmei could see it.

While sighing Li Meng's romance in her heart, Wang Yanmei also remembered the bright side that Xiao Nan had said.

This reminded Wang Yanmei of the peculiar power Li Meng used to heal her. That power was full of light and softness, and her wounds healed instantly.

At this point in the meeting, the situation has fallen into a strange situation.

Even William Adren was in a daze. He didn't expect Kyoto and his party to let him know such an incredible thing.

"It's great, it's great, I know that "God" is not an imaginary existence, it is real, no, God is not of your First Legion, but the God of all people with faith, you He must not be concealed, he must be shown in the eyes of the world, so that the world knows that God protects mankind."

As for everyone here, the existence of the **** of death has the greatest impact on whom is undoubtedly the Selman of the Order Empire.

As a believer of God, as a religious person who has always believed in the existence of God, Selman is undoubtedly excited about the true existence of God of Death.

He seemed mad, he stood up immediately, and questioned Xiao Nan unceremoniously.

Xiao Nan felt helpless in his bloodshot and excited gaze at Sman.

As a ghoul, she couldn't imagine the excitement of Osman. For her master, she only had the supreme reverence and admiration. She simply couldn't understand what she believed in.

However, Xiao Nan also has the means to deal with such crazy religious people.

She immediately said: "He is a **** of death, an existence beyond human beings, and will not be bound by anyone. If you are sincere enough, I think he will respond to you."

Osman readily accepted Xiao Nan's answer.

It was like a child, with a look of excitement and said: "Yes, yes, only if our faith is strong enough, he will definitely respond to us, he will definitely."

As if thinking of something, Osman put away his excitement and said sincerely to Xiang Xiaonan: "Master Xiaonan, can I use the information in this video? Believers need to pay homage to the gesture of death. Only in this way can our faith be more Firmness."

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